Chapter Fourteen: Capture

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A/N : Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying this book so far❤️. Your votes and comments help a lot. Please don't forget to vote or comment if you're enjoying this story. ⭐
I'll be posting the next chapter soon🔜

"Hello beautiful, Chris's precious fiancée..all alone and vulnerable." He said pointing his gun with a silencer at you.

Your heart raced as you desperately tried to close the door, hoping to create a barrier between you and this psycho guy.
But before you could close it, his strong hand swiftly intercepted the door, preventing it from shutting completely.

With a smirk he forcefully pushed the door open causing you to stumble backward.

The room seemed to shrink as his figure loomed closer.

You scanned your surroundings for something, anything that could serve as a mean of defense.

As he advanced, you seized a nearby bedstand lamp, with desperation you hurled it towards him.
He snatched the lamp mid-air effortlessly, his eyes never leaving yours.

A sense of helplessness settled upon you as he closed the distance between both of you.
You took a step back and you found yourself trapped between him and the wall.

You finally spoke fearful, but trying to remain composed "You..I saw you"

"Oh yes yes beautiful... shopping for your wedding dress huh? I think it was unnecessary tho, you might change your mind " he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Huh? what do you mean? who the fuck are you? what do you want?"

"Oh you don't need to know my name sweetheart. All you need to know is that I'm here to send a message to your beloved fiance"

"Dont you dare hurt Chris" you said eyes piercing through his soul.

He chuckled coldly raising his eyebrows " He's not the one in danger...You are... We just needed to keep him and his stupid members busy.... busy enough so we can get to you"

"It was a trap?" you said as your eyes widened.

"Kill two birds with one stone, kidnapping you and destroying their under construction hotel"

"Why are you kidnapping me?Am I that important?" you asked.

"Oh sweetheart, you're just a pawn in this dangerous game we play, your fiancé will understand my intentions loud and clear"

"Taking me won't change anything. It will only escalate violence"

"Dont you know is all what I crave is violence... I'll give your beloved fiance a chance to come and rescue you..If he's man enough to face us"

"I wont let you hurt Chris, I won't be used as a pawn. If you're going to kill me , then do it now" you exclaimed looking him dead in the eyes.
You couldn't let this man scare you, if he's going to kill you , then die with pride.

He paused for a moment, then lowered his gun slightly.
"Im impressed... I'll admit it.. you're a fool, but you have fire in you"

He grabbed your wrist dragging you with him.
"I have no intention to kill you sweetheart, someone wants to see you ...ALIVE"

You gave up fighting him back, you knew there's no way to escape. he's holding a gun and his men probably circling the mansion.

"How did he get in, where are the guards" you thought to yourself.

As you walked through the hallway, you saw the maids.
One of them on the ground unconscious and the other one tied to chair..gagged.
."Mrs.Lim , Mrs Park" you said panicking, now trying yo break free from his strong grip.


"Shh.. they'll be okay"

Mrs.Lim started squirming unable to speak.

"See how merciful I am, I've only shown both of them mercy and didn't kill them so they deliver the message to Chris" he said laughing.

"Fuck you" you spat

As you walked through the door, you saw bodies in the ground, blood everywhere. The guards are dead.

Tears gathered in your eyes, your heart pounding.
You only wanted to be in Chris's arms.
You were worried about him, the boys and the maids and now worried about your own life as well.

What kind of danger will you be facing? who wants to meet you?

He came alone. Is he that dangerous to the point that he took down all of these guards by himself.

He pushed you into the car
"Drive" he said coldly.

The whole drive was silent. the smirking expressions turned cold.

After almost two hours you arrived, it was dark, you couldn't se anything.

The car then stopped in the front yard of a big mansion.

Men with weapons spread out everywhere around the mansion

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Men with weapons spread out everywhere around the mansion.

"Move" he said pushing you inside.

"let go of me I can walk alone" you yelled pushing his hand away.

You walked through the long corridor. turning your head around, sadly no way to escape.

You finally stopped infront of a wooden door. As it opened, it revealed a vast dark-painted room. You scanned the place, when your eyes locked with someone.

"Oh wooyoung, you brought our guest...Long time no see Y/N"

Your expressions changed from helpless to shocked real quick.



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