Chapter twelve: Boxing

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• Meanwhile in the SKZ meeting room•

"Alright boys, we're ruining Ateez's upcoming mission. They're planning a major shipment and we're going to make sure it never reaches its destination " said Chris crossing his arms as he comfortably sat on his big chair.

"It will destroy them, they're dealing with a really strong mafia TXT, destroying their shipment means staring a war between Ateez and TXT" said Leeknow smirking.

"We could set up a blockade, ambush them and take control of their cargo" suggested Hyunjin.

"Yes they won't know what hit them " exclaimed I.N.

"We need to ensure that they suffer a significant set back we don't want them recovering from this too easily " said Chris.

"the mission would be much easier , since their boss San is dead" Said Changbin sipping on his drink.

"what if we leak information about the shipment? we can make them believe there's a change in the delivery route or even the timeline" suggested Seungmin.

"Confusion and misdirection will work to our advantage, but we can't stop there. What if we discreetly tip off law enforcement?" Said I.N as his gaze met Chris's.

"good idea I.N, we can anonymously provide them with details about the mission. When the authorities intervene , it will appear as if they failed to properly secure their operation " added Chris.

"It will weaken their position, but we need to cover our tracks and ensure that our involvement remains hidden" Said Changbin.

Hyunjin nodded and said " spreading rumors and misinformation about the incident then! we used this strategy before and it worked. They can't trace it back to us, but what about the timeline?"

"Their shipment is next month so we do have time. And of course after my wedding . These days all what I wanna think about is (y/n), not letting any gang shit ruin it" Answered Chris.

"Okay boss" they said in union.

Suddenly, Han , Felix and you barged into the meeting room.
"Hey Chris , you won't believe how beautiful is the dress we bought " said Han excitedly.
"What about you shut up and leave that part for (y/n) to talk about, dummy" said Felix lightly hitting Han's head.
"Come on guys, let's give these two lovebirds some alone time" Said LeeKnow winking.

As the boys lefts the meeting room, you jumped on Chris, your legs wrapped around his torso, his hands placed under your hips to balance you.
You softly pecked his lips and then he sat down on his chair, holding you. Now sat on his lap. ( damn)

"Today was amazing Chris"
"Im glad you had fun baby, tell me all about it" he said excitedly.
"I did find the dress of my dreams , and the boys were really supportive and helpful "

You told him everything about your day with passion. Except that creepy part of course. You really didn't want to stress him out over a small incident like that.

"I can't wait to see you in all your bridal glory, you'll be the most beautiful bride "
"Thanks baby, Chris I'm really happy" you said cupping his face
"Im the luckiest girl in the world to have a fiance like you" you added.
"No, (y/n), I'm the lucky one, you accepted me for who I am "
"I love you Chris , but-"
"but what?" he said panicking
"but promise me, no more secrets, please! " you said deeply looking into his dark eyes.

His heart skipped a beat, his muscles tensed as he tried to not meet your gaze.
He hesitantly muttered a small "yeah" then he hugged you letting out a big sigh.
"Go and get changed, I'm sure you need some rest after a long day. I'll be in the training room, after training we'll eat dinner together, okay love? " he said smiling.
"yes sure Chris, I'll go take a shower and sleep a bit, wake me up for dinner okay!" you said blowing him a kiss as you exited the room.

Chris started pacing, too stressed to even think. He then closed the door heading to the training room. Boxing would definitely help him release some stress.

•In the training room•

"Oi Changbin, put those weights aside and hold these pads for me , Imma train for a bit" said Chris as he removed his black shirt , throwing it on the floor and started putting on his boxing gears

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"Oi Changbin, put those weights aside and hold these pads for me , Imma train for a bit" said Chris as he removed his black shirt , throwing it on the floor and started putting on his boxing gears.

Chris and Changbin positioned themselves inside the ring and the training began.

Chris unleashed a barrage of punches, starting with jabs aimed at the center of the pads. His movements were swift and precise, his body rotating with each punch.

The sound of leather meeting padded surface reverberated through the training area as Chris executed strong hooks and crosses. Letting out all of his frustration and stress.

"Damn Chris, your punches have become incredibly strong, I could feel the impact through the gloves" exclaimed Changbin.

Four rounds of boxing and Chris didn't stop yet.
"hey Chris you need a break mate"
But Chris ignored him and kept on throwing punches, the rhythmic sound filled the training room. Sweat poured down his naked upper body. Veins popping.
"Chris you really need to stop, here take some water" Said Changbin placing the pads away and brining two bottles of water for both of them.

Chris breathed heavily, his chest rising up and down really quickly.
"She said no more secrets, Bin"
"(y/n) , she wanted me to promise her to not keep secrets from her anymore" said Chris a blank expression on his face.

"and did you promise her?"
he nodded slowly.
"So you're planning to tell her right?" asked Changbin again
"what!? No ! I can't " said Chris almost yelling.
"Chris , you're marrying her!? she has the right to know! You can't keep this secret"
" I'm not the only one keeping this secret Bin"
"Chris, what if she finds out, at least tell her before anyone else does!"
"No one will, San is dead, even his close members are dead. And you guys won't tell her, I'll wait for the right moment, this is a sensitive topic I can't just tell her that easily "
"you're afraid that she might leave you, right"

Chris remained silent clearly afraid of losing you.
"you did nothing wrong Chris! it wasn't your fault !"
"yeah I know, for now I only wanna focus on our wedding. Her happiness is all what matters to me"
"Everything will be okay boss! Don't think about it, even if you tell her, I know she'll understand, she loves you"
Chris nodded , a sigh left his lips again, chest filled with guilt.

"Go and take a shower Chris , you need to relax and spend the night with her, I'll tell the maids to prepare a romantic dinner for both of you. and don't worry about Han or one of the boys interrupting your cheesy conversation" Said Changbin jokingly.

"Thanks mate" said Chris patting changbin'w shoulder in appreciation.

"Thanks mate" said Chris patting changbin'w shoulder in appreciation

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