Chapter Fifteen : "He's alive"

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New Character: Seoho Yang

•At the construction area •

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•At the construction area •

“ I want answers Seoho, and I want them now. Any leads?” said Chris almost yelling.

“ Boss, I really didn't catch anything” said Seoho

“Stop this shit, you were here as well, guarding the area” said Bin

Seoho gulped and said “ The other boys were here and I went to buy some water and cigarettes to get us through the night and when I arrived it was already destroyed and the boys dead”

Changbin hit him hard on his head and said “You piece of shit, you had only one job and you couldn't do it properly ”

“ They could be Ateez ?” asked Felix

“No, no I suspect NCT, since they have a hotel under construction too, so maybe they did this in order to cause damage so we can't compete with them” suggested Seoho

“We need concrete evidence before we make any move, Chris” said Hyunjin.

“Yes, I want to dig deeper and find out if they have any motive or if there's someone else involved”

“ I volunteer for this task, boss.”
All of them now looked at Seoho as he spoke.
“You know, since I made a huge mistake I'd like to fix it”

“No, I have another mission for you. You better clean this mess up” Said Chris glaring.
“I.N get our security team on high alert and tell them to start investing the moment they get here,  and always stay prepared boys.”

“What about the possibility of an inside job?  someone from our ranks betraying us?” suggested Leeknow.

“ forgive me for speaking out of turn, but, I dont think it's an inside job. We, the team guarding the area have been working with you for years, since your father was the boss” said Seoho in a defensive tone.

“Chill Seoho, we're not attacking you, it's just a possibility ” said Seungmin.

“Yes, Seoho, loyalty has always been the backbone of our organization, but we can't ignore the possibility. We can't let anyone attack us without facing severe consequences, we'll strike back with force, but only when we're sure of who's responsible ” said Chris.

The members nod in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation and ready to carry out the tasks.

Seoho started cleaning the area as a punishment for his mistake
Han checked on the bodies and sadly all of them dead “ Damn, all of them took a bullet straight in their heads..I'll call our men, so they can bury them and do all what's necessary ”

“ don't forget to inform their families, Han. Their paycheck will be given to them directly now each month” Said Chris.

Changbin pulled Chris aside and said
“ Chris I think you should go home,
Y/N is by herself ”
“Oh I forgot to call her” said Chris s he grabbed his phone.
“Three hours have passed she must be worried ”
“Huh! she's not picking up, is she asleep?”
“Try again!!” said Bin.
“No answer” bis heart started pounding, usually you would pick up.
“Maybe you should go now”

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