Chapter Three: Who the hell is Chris?

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However, it was too late to leave.
You saw 5 men entering the restaurant, all of them holding guns. Your legs turned into jelly, and your heart dropped. You thought that they wanted wanted to rob the place but you started doubting it the moment all of them started walking towards both of you.

" EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE OR ALL OF YOU WILL BE DEAD" one of them shouted and everybody left the place running for their lives. But Chan was standing there, you wanted to drag him out, you were too scared but he seemed like he has no intention to leave.
Chan pulled you behind hi, you were terrified, these men could kill both of you at any moment. You held Chan's waist and stood next to him. You refused to hide behind his back, he's protecting you and you want to protect him too. If he's going to die, then you'll die too, even tho you were confused about him refusing to leave.

"Oh look who's here, Christopher. You've been hiding like a coward huh? and hiding this doll? " said one of them looking at Chan then at you.
Even tho you were scared and your mind can't function properly but the man infront of you must mistaken , who the hell is Christopher? and you looked at Chan who was glaring at the guy.
"ANSWER ME CHRIS" he shouted
"Chris?" you asked "S-sir I'm sorry, but you're mistaken , h-his name is not Chris!" you exclaimed
Chan looked at you his eyes softened when they met yours but they held much guilt.

The men started laughing really hard " You didn't tell her *laughs again* you're really a coward Chris"
"tell me what?" now you're dead serious especially Chan staying silent made you suspect the whole situation "Chan?" you added
"Oh poor girl, calling him Chan? He's Christopher Bang, so you tricked this girl to get away with your deeds and look like a normal college boy? But we're so honored to meet her" said one of them approaching you, but Chan stopped him " If you dare and touch her San, I swear I'll--"
"what? kill me? I bet you didn't even bring your gun to this romantic dinner haha" 
Your eyes widened, what the hell is he talking about? what gun?   your throat burning with questions but you couldn't talk.
"I think you should surrender this time Chris, it's over , Ov-"

*Gunshot* Chan pushed you "hide under the table and dont move"
The gunshots were getting louder you covered your ears tears streaming down your cheeks, you couldn't think straight. What if something happen to Chan? Who are these men? Why the hell are they calling him Chris? and how do they know each other? what does he mean by tricking you?

A few moments later the gunshots stopped , Chan kneeled down and looked at you. You flinched away and quickly stood up. You looked at him and then the 7 men standing there. Chan trued to approach you but you took a step back
"W-who the hell are you?"
he didn't answer you so you yelled at him " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CHAN?"
"I-i'm Chris, the boss of the SKZ Mafia"


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