Chapter Eighteen: The Footage.

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A/N: Hello everyone. Hoping you doing great.
I hope you enjoy this Chapter it's kinda long. I'll post the next chapter tonight right after this one. I wanted to separate the chapters so you dont get bored scrolling down.
⚠️ warnings⚠️: mention of violence / sexual harassment / curse words.


“Don't move” he whispered.

You tried your hardest to push him away but he was on top of you and pressing his body against yours.
Your heart started racing, head going crazy with multiple thoughts, envisioning worst-case scenarios.
what's he up to? is the camera really filming? Is Chris gonna see this?

San grabbed your wrists and put them above your head, his face slowly approached yours, he buried his face in your neck as he started to leave kisses there.
He sucked at your skin, moving to your jaw and cheeks.
Tears gathered in your eyes, you wanted the ground to split in half and swallow you.

He wanted to kiss your lips but you kept turning your face side to side.

“Im not gonna let you” you said angrily but with a cracked voice.

“what? scared kitten? scared that your lovely future husband sees you kissing his rival. Give in to sin it's much more fun Y/N.”

“You can't force me to kiss you San”

“oh yes I can” he said smirking.

Then, with one hand holding your arms up, his other hand forcibly grabbed your face in which he made you look at him.

“How about now?”

“I would rather die” you answered and spit on his face.

you could see his facial expression change.
he's mad.
His jaw tensed. His lips pressing together.
With an intense gaze he wiped his face and said “ You fucked up real bad”

And slapped your face really hard.
Your eyes widened with shock.
He got off of you and pulled you with him.
“You're begging for trouble aren't you bitch?”

“HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME” You yelled.

“From now on you'll get punished, I was going easy on you” he said pushing you inside another room.

“You'll rot in here in our prison” he stated looking deep into your eyes.

“No one can slap me Choi San ”  you whispered and took his by surprise by slapping him back.

At that moment you didn't care if he's gonna kill you, Chris didn't show up to save you yet, your best friend got shot and you don't even know if he's alive or not. You've never felt more alone.

“You never learn” He pushed you against the wall and punched your stomach.

you groaned in pain and crouched down.

“Go to hell” you said coughing.

He smirked at you and then left.

“Yunho come here” said San.

“yes boss?”

“I want you to edit this video here, recorded with my camera”

“yes sure boss”

“we're gonna send it to Chris, that'll leave him seething, cut some scene that will really hit him where it hurts”

“consider it done boss, I'll go through th footage now”

“put it on a USB drive and get one of our men to deliver it, and inform Seoho that one of our men is coming”

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