Chapter thirty four: Home

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A/N: Hello babygirls, sorry for this very very late update. I know I disappeared well the thing is Wattpad logged out and obviously I couldn't remember my PW and I had a hard time to get this account back so yeah.. Finally I'm here. Only one chapter left in this story. I hope you enjoy this chap.

You watched from the car as the house burned down.

Chris' eyes locked to the scene, a tear rolling down his cheek.

You didn't know how to comfort him, how to take away his pain so you just started ay him and rubbed his back.

Finally, home.

You're supposed to feel the relief right?
But none of you could, maybe TXT felt the relief but definitely not you, not SKZ.

Felix, Seungmin and I.N went for treatment.

you were supposed to treat your leg too but you ignored it and followed Chris to your bedroom.

"Chris!!" you said softly.

"Go and treat your leg y/n it will get infected" he answered looking down.

"I will but first i need to make sure you're o-"

"I'M FINE y/n can you please leave me alone for a bit we'll talk later" he said on a harsh tone.

you were taken aback by his attitude but you understood, you nodded and left the room.

Chris looked straight at his wall, without a damn expression, he felt everything at the same time to the point that he was unable to express anything.
He was too shocked to react.

"y/n hows Chris holding up?" asked Leeknow.

"clearly not fine but he wants to be left alone"

"but you shouldn't leave him alone at least not now!" said Bin

"he doesn't want me there Changbin he asked me to leave him alone! so i did" you said sadly .

The boys looked at each other.

"Its okay y/n dont be sad" said leeknow as he approached you.

"i'm f-fine rea-" you stuttered as your vision got blurry.

"y/n you alright?"

"hmm" you hummed and then you lost consciousness, luckily Leeknow caught you in his arms and quickly carried you to get treated.

"Doc , doc she passed out i think its because of her injury she lost blood" said Leeknow panicking.

"put her here on this bed and leave the room" said the doc as he started grabbing his tools with the help of his nurse.
"we shouldn't tell Chris,he's dealing with so much, y/n will be fine" said Bin.

all of the boys nodded.
"How's felix Seungmin and i.n by the way?" he added.

"they're completely fine our boys are strong" answered Hyunjin with a proud smile.

As they were chatting the doc and the nurse interrupted them.


All of them stood up

"Doc how's she??"

"Shes completely fine no need to be afraid, but she needs to be extra careful, no stress, no fighting and no action it was a miracle for her!"

"a miracle?"

"y/n is pregnant"

"WHAT?" They said in union.

"yes, congrats, and she's okay she's strong." he added.

"can we see her?"

"she asked to see Chris first she wants to tell him the news herself" said the nurse.

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