Chapter Seven: Ready To Forgive You

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Your friendship with SKZ members became stronger all of them were nice. Especially Han, you spend most of time with him in the training room. You feel like he was the most understanding. But you didn't interact with Chan you don't even see him often.

You were with Han in the training room like always but you felt really tired because Han made you learn some boxing techniques and he didn't stop teaching you for hours. So you excused yourself to go to sleep a bit "I'm going to sleep Han thanks for today's lesson tho you successfully broke my bones"
"oh always here for you, go and rest you better be prepared for tomorrow beautiful" he said winking
As you were walking you felt that someone was following you, you thought it was Chan. Then, all what you can feel is your body slammed against the wall and a random guy trying to kiss you.
you screamed loudly and pushed him away but he was towering you and you couldn't do anything about it.
"Christopher is not here, besides I heard that you don't love him anymore so maybe you can have me as-"
"you asshole" said Leeknow punching the guy making him fall on the ground.
" How dare you come close to her huh"
"I'm s-sorry"
"shut up maybe you should keep these words for Chris"
" please dont tell the boss" he begged only to get knocked out again.
" (y/n) sweetie go to your room, I'm sorry about what happened, he'll get his punishment I promise. Now stand up you piece of shit" said Leeknow and dragged that guy with him.

You were scared so you rushed to your room and closed the door. you wanted to sleep but you couldn't. you needed some comfort, your tried hugging your pillow, the cite bear thay seungmin bought for you, your blanket but nothing seemed to help. You only wanted Chan, you wanted him to hug you and play with your hair so you can fall asleep. You hesitated and fought back your desires but they were too strong, you couldn't take it anymore so you rushed to his office, you knew that he stays up late to work in his office so you were sure that you'll find him there.
You were ready to forgive him, you just wanted to feel his calming touches and his hands somewhere on your body.

Without knocking you opened the door of his office but regretted it instantly.


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