Chapter twenty-one: Surgery

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A/N: Hello babygirls. I'll post the next chapter right after this one.
These two chapters are a must read since they'll explain a lot about the past.

You finally arrived to the mansion, you lost a lot of blood , so did Chris.

Changbin hurriedly carried you inside.
while the surgeon and his group carried Chris to start the surgery.

Another surgeon was there for you too.
you were placed on the bed, as the surgeon and another nurse brought out tools necessary for your surgery.

Han ran to you.
"Y/N, sweetheart, you'll be okay I promise...stay strong" he said holding your hand tightly.

Tears gathered in your eyes.
"Han you're alive! I was scared to death."

Changbin also was there, he didn't leave your side.

"Bin, where's Chris?" you asked.

"In the operation room Y/N" he answered calmly not trying to freak you out.

"Changbin please tell them to do everything it takes to save him, please" you cried. Not being able to control your sobs.

And there it started, your panic attack.
You couldn't breathe.
you were already sweating from all the pain and your anxiety worsened it.
You started gasping for air, completely out of breath.

Han and Changbin panicked.

"y/n, y/n!!!!! doctor please do something" said Han crying.

the doctor signaled for the boys to leave the room as he started giving you an injection of anesthesia.

Changbin literally had to drag Han out of the room as he refused to leave you alone.

"Hyung she's scared we can't leave her alone"

"Pull yourself together Han, stay strong for her and for Chris" said Changbin patting his friend's back.

The boys were waiting outside, fear eating them up but none of them wanted to show it, except Han and I.N.

Han literally broke down.

I.N couldn't stop blaming himself.

"Its all because of me hyung" said I.N his voice cracking.

"Shhh .. it's not your fault" said Felix rubbing his back in a comforting way.

"She was trying to protect me, and Hyung was trying to protect us both..only if I didn't fall on the ground then none of this would happen." he added wiping his tears away trying to remain calm in front of his hyungs.

"I.N the only one to blame here is San and his members"

The two operation rooms were next to each other. Separated by a thin wall.

The doctor examined the depth and size of your wound and started disinfecting it. Gathering the necessary supplies to treat it.

Unconscious both you and Chris.

All of it because of San and his gang.

•Time skip•

The surgeon left your room.
All of the boys ran to him bombarding him with questions.

"Doc, is she okay?" said Leeknow

"Is she awake?" asked Felix

"Can we get in and see her?" said Han.

"Relax guys, she's alright!! she's not awake yet!! Let her rest first and then you can see her when she wakes up" said the doc.

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