Chapter one.

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August 2008

I tried to stay. He couldn't-- no wouldn't, listen.

"You are just going to leave me here?" He just looks at me with a pissed off and confused face. "How could you, Karma!?" Ronnie yells at me. The guards inch forward, but I wave them off. He won't hurt me. He's mad, very mad, but I know he won't try to hurt me.

"Settle down, inmate." One of the guards grumbled.

He leaves us alone and I look at Ronnie. "Ronnie... You know that I need to get my life back on track." I said willing him to understand. I'm so desperate for him to understand. "I need this--you need this!" Tears form in my eyes.

"I'm going to be in here for years and your just going to ignore me, our past,everything?!" He stands up. He's mad.

"Radke! Calm it!" The guard says pushing him back in his chair.

Ronnie closes his eyes trying to calm himself.

He's just going to argue. He doesn't know everything. I'm going to have his kid in six months and I just can't tell him. I'm leaving to NYC with my band to live with my mom. After that I have a tour in the UK planned. My mom is going to take care of the baby.

I stand up slowly. "Ronnie, I love you. When you get out don't see me if you don't have your head straight." I walked out. I heard him call after me. I wipe tears and I'm sobbing by the time I get to my car.

I put my hand on my baby bump and try to calm down. "Its okay, hunny. Mommy is going to be okay. She's just making sure we will both be safe and away from everything bad for awhile."

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now