Chapter Eleven

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Karma's POV

I was very drunk by the time we are done with interviews and probably made an ass out of myself at least seven times in those interviews, but the entire band is having fun. We end up going bar hopping and return to the bus late. We parked next to the FIR bus, but I wish we didn't because I saw Ronnie kissing a girl. 

Ronnie and I haven't kissed, but I thought we had something going on. So when I wake up in the morning, pissed and hung over, the last person I wanted to see was Ronnie. I went outside for a quick cigarette before we took off to the next venue.

"Hey." Ronnie said walking up. He looked tired.

"Hey." I said not meeting his gaze. "What's up?"

"I, um, wanted to talk about yesterday."

"Yeah. I've been doing some thinking. I think we shouldn't get involved. I have a lot of on my plate right now."

"Oh..." He drifts off and runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah. I was thinking the same thing." He recovered and sounded tougher. 

"So, I still want you in Lilly's life. I'm going to be skyping with her sometime soon. I'll tell you before I do that."

"Sounds good." He nods and walks off.

Ronnie's POV

My band mates saw I was pissed off still after the show. They took me out for a drink, which turned into several. Then I woke up the next morning with some groupie in my bed and a hangover. I kicked her off the bus and then drank some coffee before heading over to see Karma. She was outside the bus, smoking and looking hungover too, but somehow she still seemed hot. Yesterday I was an ass, I mean Andy and her are just friends.

Then she tells me that she just wants to be friends. I want to explain myself, but I don't. Instead I act fine with it. I get pissed off when I'm back at the bus. I lock myself in my room and grab my phone. I call my ex.

"Ronnie. I didn't think I'd be hearing from you anytime soon." She giggled.

"How have you been, Tina?" I asked.

"Been good. I have tickets to your show tonight."

"So I'll see you tonight? I'll tell the venue I'm expecting you."

"Sounds good. See you later, Ron."

She hangs up and I lay back on the bed. Maybe I can use Tina to get back at Karma for saying we should just be friends. Its petty, but it just might work.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now