Chapter nine.

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Karma's POV

It's been two weeks since then. Turns out that Lilly just had a bug, but it still makes me feel bad that I can't be there for her.

I've been distant and drinking.

Ronnie is with me most of the time, but we don't talk. We just pretend that we don't have this massive conversation hanging over our heads.

It seems like he wants to say stuff, but he doesn't say what he wants to say.

He won't let me drink around him, so I sneak off and drink then come back.

He gets mad.

We argue a little.

We ignore each other.

Then we play video games.

It reminds me of when we were dating.

Everyone thinks we are together, but I don't want to date Ronnie without him knowing that Lilly is his kid. And I don't want him to know that.

"What would you call what we do?" Ronnie says pausing the video game and interrupting my thoughts.

"Immature." I said simply.

"What?" He laughs.

"We are how old? And playing video games? Immature."

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean that I want to take you out on a date."

"I'm not going to date you." I shook my head.

"Why?" He laughs.

"Because there are things that you need to know before we start dating. And I don't want to tell you because you'll hate me after I tell you." I said simply.

"Try me."


"If you go on a date with me then I'll forgive you."

"Not a chance in hell, Ronald." I winked at him.

I heard a commotion out in the front of the bus.

"What do you think that is?" I asked getting up. I walked out to the front of the bus.

I screamed in joy and ran over.

My mom and Lilly are standing there.

"Lilly! Lilly! Lilly! Lilly! Lilly!" I said happily while tears ruined my makeup. I picked her up in a hug.

"Mommy!"she buried her face in my hair.

"Baby, mommy missed you so much." I said crying like a baby.

I saw Jake smiling ear to ear.

"Let uncle Jake see lil Lilly." Jake too her and hugged her then sat on the couch. Oliver and Carla are out at the mall or something. And Charlie and Tio are out getting food at least the bus isn't crowded. Ronnie stands awkwardly at the door.

Mom pulls me into a hug. She looks sad. "Sweetie, have you told Ronnie yet?" She whispers.

I shook my head.

"You have to." She says. Mom and I have this conversation a lot. She's never said it out loud, but she's known it was Ronnie's kid from the very first phone call I made to her. It really just sets in that I need to tell him.

I nodded and looked guiltily at Ronnie. He just looked at me like 'what?'.

"Later though." I sigh and look at Lilly.

"How's my Little Lilly been?" I kissed Lilly's forehead.

"Good. Grandma say that we were going to go for ice cream!" She said excitedly. 

"Why that sounds like a good idea. Why don't you and grandma wait out here while I get dressed." I suggest.

"Okay!" She sits down next to Jake, who starts tickling her.

I grab Ronnie's arm and pull him into my room. 

"I should get going." He says grabbing his shoes.

"And miss out on ice cream?" I give him a weird look. "No way in hell."

He laughs. "You want me to join you guys?" He says sounding surprised.

"Yes." I nod and change into a casual red dress quickly. "Besides, if you want to be with me so badly, you have to accept that my kid is a big part of my life."

Ronnie grabs my hand and stops me. "I would love to go get ice cream with you guys."

"Then its settled." I slip on a pair of black heels, pull my hair into a bun, and walk out. Ronnie follows me. 

We pack my mom's car, who filled me in on everything concerning Lilly from her new friends she's made to how she's been asking for a puppy.

We go to a ice cream shop, order, and sit down. Lilly babbles on and I am very, very happy. I feel a bit of stress coming from the fact I'm going to be telling Ronnie he is the father, but I push that out of my thoughts for the most part.

We return to the bus to find the rest of the band playing video games, and they loose their shit when they see Lilly. So while she is busy talking to the band, I grab Ronnie and drag him to my room for a private moment.

"Alright, so what? You want me to go now? I will." He half smiles.

"No. Umm. Ronnie I have to tell you what I was talking about before from this morning."

"Yea?" He smiles. "I get to know the secret?"

"Yeah. Just don't flip on me."

"I promise I won't."

I sit down and look at him, working up courage to say it.

"Lilly... Lilly is your kid. That's why I left you in prison." I said carefully.

"She...she's mine?" He asks after a few seconds. I can't read his face.

"Yeah. Yes. For sure she's your kid." I nodded.

"I'm a dad?" He says.


He smiles. "I'm a dad." He laughs. "I'm a father. I can't wait till she starts dating and I can kick his ass if he hurts her." He thinks for a second. "I thought she had my eyes."

I laughed. "I haven't told her yet, so we should ease her into it."

"Sounds fair." He nods and laughs. "You know... This is crazy. I feel like I should be mad, but... I'm not."

He pulls me up into a big hug and we go back to find a spot in the crowded living area of the bus.

"He knows." I mouthed to my mom.

My mom smiles and gives me a nod. 

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now