Chapter Fourteen

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Karma's POV

The show was amazing, after I got a goodnight call from Lilly, then I went to the bus where we all packed in and went to the hotel. Oliver is happy as can be and Charlie got groupies. Carla and I are hiding out in my room while I dress her up a bit. She's wearing a black skater dress with lace too and a pair of my combat boots. I wear black lace up shorts and a sports bra with over the knee boots and a leather jacket over it. I straighten both of our hair, do dark makeup on both of us, and the same bright purple lipstick.

"You look hot." I say with a big smile.

"Really?" She blushes.

"Hell yeah!" I giggle and usher out to the party in the living area. We pull up about thirty seconds later. Jake got us at this sketchy, cheap, and weird hotel with a pool and looked practically abandoned. Escape the Fate meet us as soon as we got off the bus. I jumped on Craig and gave him a hug. Him and I were the closest out of the rest of the band. 

"Drinks!" Max yells and we go into a hotel room. Each guy is holding onto a groupie by now except Craig, who had me. Carla was left out, so I grabbed her hand and smiled at her. She returned the smile. 

We made drinks and caught up with the bands. We swapped tour stories and drink some more. We all eventually make it outside by the pool.

"So how have you been, Kar?" Craig asks me.

"Besides dealing with the fact that my mom named me to be a stripper, I'm fine." I joke.

"You look tired."

"I'm on tour."

"And I know all you do on tour is sleep and party. So that means you have been partying too much."

I shrugged and looked down at my drink. I looked around at my band, all having fun and partying.

"Sometimes I think I missed out on a lot." I take another drink. "I'm missing out on a lot to be here."

"Like what?"

I smile and look at him. "If only I could tell you." I lean forward and kiss his cheek before reaching in his pocket, swiping his phone, and giving him a quick shove in the pool. He was pissed, but playfully pissed.

"You bitch!" He yelled and laughed.

"No fair! No warning!" Max agreed.

I put Craig's phone in my jacket pocket, put my jacket on a chair, shoved Max in, and jumped in after him. At some point in the night, we all ended up in the pool, but around three, things settled down. Oliver and I floated on our backs and watched the sky.

"You happy now?" I ask him, standing up in the water now.

"Yeah." he also stood up. "Tired, but happy." He swayed a bit.

"Go to the hotel room. You need some sleep." I pushed him to the edge.

He nodded and left. Craig sits on the edge and has his feet in the water.

"You ready to get out of the pool?" He asks with a playful smile.

I laugh, pull myself out and sit next to him.

"Miss me?" He asks leaning close to my face.

"Maybe... Yes." I giggle.

He kisses me. Its soft, but I want more. Maybe it is the pot I smoked or the alcohol in my veins, but I really just need someone.

"Come on." I pull away and stand up. "I have my own room." 

And so that was that. We grabbed our things, went to the hotel room, showered together, then went to bed. We didn't end up doing much sleeping, but it was worth it. But when all is said in done, I have Ronnie still in the back of my mind.


Around nine in the morning, I am woken up by my phone ringing. Its my mom's ringtone, so I sit up, pull the sheet on me, and answer it.

"Mom? Its early." I groan.

"Hunny, Lilly fell out of a tree this morning. She broke her arm. We are at the hospital right now, but she's been crying for you." She says quickly.

"Shit." I pull the sheet off the bed, causing Craig to wake up. "Put her on the phone."

"Mommy?" A scared and tearful sounding Lilly said into the phone.

"Lilly, baby? Are you okay?" I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. 

"Mommy, I miss you." She whines.

"Baby... Mama is far away."

"But I miss you!" She starts crying, so mom takes her phone away.

"She's going to be fine. We will skype tonight, okay?" Mom says.

"Okay." I say and mom hangs up. I feel so guilty. Our bus is leaving at midnight tonight. A flight could get me in NYC in just a couple of hours. I could fly up and back by that time if I leave now.

I come out of the bathroom to a confused Craig.

"Who is Lilly?" He asks.

"My niece. She broke her arm." I lie and pull on my clothes from last night. "I need to go."

"You are just leaving."

"I'll make it up to you next time I see you." I promise, kiss him quickly and then took off out of the hotel room. It was about fifteen seconds later that I discovered our bus missing. That means it is at the venue. "FUCK!" I yell and run my hand through my hair. What can I do. I pull out my phone and dial Ronnie's number.

"It is like nine in the morning." He grumbled. We are alike.

"I need you to do me a favor and you can't say no because I will murder you if you refuse. I need a ride from my hotel to my bus then to the air port."

"What hotel?" He sounded more awake.

I told him and waited. He arrived as quick as he could, speeding the whole way.

"Bus. Now. Thanks." I said jumping in and buckling up.

"What's going on?" He asks as he pulls away from the hotel.

I spot Craig watching me get into the car. Shit. Great. More shit I need to deal with.

"Lilly broke her arm." I said taking out my phone and looking up the next flight out to New York City.

"What? Is she okay?" 

"She wants her mom. I'm never there for anything." I say tearing up. "I'm missing everything. I need to go see her."

"You aren't going on your own." He gives me a look.

"I don't care. I'm going to see my baby."

"And so am I." He parks right next to my bus. "Now go get whatever you need while I look up tickets."

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now