Chapter three.

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I woke up to several knocks on my door. I groaned and got up. I opened it to see Tio. Tio is my drummer.  

"Morning, beautiful." He smirks. "We are at wal-mart for our annual 'getting shit for the tour' tradition. We are meeting FIR after." 

I nodded. "Give me a minute to get dressed." I locked the door and walked to my bag on the floor. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair I dyed jet black with a white peek-a-boo and my skin looked pale. After I left Lilly with mum I started drinking to deal with it. I look terrible now.  

I shook my head at myself and grabbed some clothes.  

Black ripped short-shorts.  

V-neck white shirt with my band name 'destroy the weak' written poorly in sharpie on it.  


Black bra and thong.  

Black pumps.  

A bunch of rubber bracelets.  

I quickly applied my makeup and tied my hair back. I got my phone and my wallet. I stuck them in my pocket and walked out if the bus.  

"Ready, Kat?" Oliver, my bassist, ask with a grin.  He leans over to me and whispers. "You don't look like you could be a mom with that outfit on."

"Yes I'm ready, you cheeky bastard." I wink.  

He slides big black sunglasses on my eyes. Charlie was playing guitar on my black skull acoustic guitar named 'skully'.  

"Charlie put skully down. Now." I commanded.  

"But mummy." He teased. "I want to play with her." 


"Fine." He put her back in the case and stood up.  

I lead them all out of the bus and into the wal-mart parking lot. I skip into the store and grab a cart.  

"So we will get food." Jake says nodding at Charlie and Tio.  

"And Oliver will come with me to get tampons." I joke.  

Oliver laughs. He knows I'm joking. Oliver is like another kid to me. He's seventeen. Last year he joined the band after he got an emancipation from his parents and was looking for work. We as a band took him in. He's my baby on the road. 

"Your loss, dude." Tio laughs.  

We take off in separate directions. Oliver follows like a puppy. We go to the makeup section and I start getting makeup and stuff.  

"Kat can I get this?" Oliver asks like a little kid. He holds up some eyeliner.  

"Yes Oli." I giggle.  

He puts it in the cart. We end up getting tons of stuff in the cart. Thanks to my high paid modeling jobs I've been getting for the last year I am able to keep my shopping habit paid off.  We have makeup, shampoo, conditioner, hair dyes of every color, brushes, and anything else for my vanity to be stocked up on. Next we go to the back and get video games,movies, two cameras, a laptop, and a couple of books for me. Our cart is filled to the max.  

"I want to go and play with my new laptop." Oliver smirks. He's babied, I swear.  

"Alright. Call them and find them. Tell them we are checking out." I say getting in the checkout line. I take a picture and post it on facebook, Instagram, and twitter.  

@destroythekitkat: went a little wild at Walmart. Damn my addiction. #tourday1 

I checked out and waited for the rest of the band while Oliver takes pictures of himself and chats away about something or other.  

"Do we have a merch person?" I ask out of the blue.  

"" Oliver groans.  

"Fuck. Ill find someone soon." I sigh and he continues chatting on and on not even caring if I'm listening.  

A girl that looked very preppy walked over to me.  

"Sorry can you take off your sunglasses?" She asks smiling shyly.  

I was confused, but I took them off. "Ohmigod! I love you." She hugs me. Oh. She's a fan.  

"You a fan of my band?" I laughed. Oliver hasn't even realize that she's has came up. He's still talking about something or other. 

"Yes! You guys are amazing. I've been into your music since you started." 

"You don't look like the girl to listen to our music." I comment with a smile.  

"Yeah my dad won't let me dress like I want." 

"He control you?" I ask with a frown.  

"Yeah." She touches her cheek. I see a faint bruise under a think foundation on her face.  

"Is he beating you?" I asked in disbelief.  

She bites her lip.  

"How old are you?" I asked not waiting for an answer.  

"I turned eighteen last week." She said nervously.  

"You want to be our merch girl?" I asked.  

"What?" She asked surprised.  

"I used to be beat. I know the feeling of escape that's needed." 

"Umm. Are you for real?" 


"Then yes! Of course." She Gus me again.  

"Name?" I asked laughing  


"We'll I guess it's time for you to meet the boys." I spy the rest of the guys walking up. "Boys, since you forgot a merch girl for our shows, I got her. Carla the is Tio, Jake, and Charlie." I said waving over the guys  

"Don't forget me." Frowns Oliver.  

"And little Oliver." I say patting his cheek.  

"Hello Carla. What the fuck did you all buy, Kat?" 

"What the fuck did I all buy? How much food did y'all get?" I said looking at the two shopping carts full of food.  

"We want cookies and shit." Jake shrugged.  

I rolled my eyes.  

"We'll I wanted crap too. Lets go back to the bus and unpack then go back on to the venue." I yawned.  

"We are going to FIR's bus. They are waiting now." Charlie said looking at his phone.  

I resisted groaning.  

"Okay well, lets just get the bags in the bus and get this over with." I said calmly.  

We all pushed the carts out to the bus.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now