Chapter Four.

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Ronnie's POV

I sat on the bus while everyone playing the new video game we bought from wal-mart a little bit ago. I swore I saw a girl from my past. Karma. I wanted to go up to her and ask if it was her. That would be weird if it wasn't though. She looked just like her, but paler, black and bleached white hair, and (of course) a few years older than when I saw her last. I wasn't sure it was her though because this girl was wearing sunglasses. I should have asked her name.

"The band should be here soon." I commented checking my phone.

"Have you seen the singer? She's hot." Derek laughed.

I rolled my eyes and watched them play the game.  

A few minutes passed and a knock on the door came. Ryan answered it.

"Hey. We are Destroy the Weak." A guy says walking in.

They all piled on the bus. Four boys and one girl hiding her face a bit.

"I'm Jake, that's Oliver, that's Tio, that's Charlie, and that's Karma."

They each wave and I see her. It is Karma. She seems to realize that she can't hide any longer, so she takes off her sunglasses and avoids looking at me.

"I'm Jacky, that's Ryan, that's Ron, that's Derek, and that's Ronnie." Jacky introduced us all.

I was staring at Karma. I'm shocked.

"Hey Ronnie." Karma manages to say finally looking at me.

"Hey." I said. I bet I sound stupid.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now