Chapter Sixteen

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Karma's POV

I woke up the next morning early, took a long shower, and made breakfast. My mom got up to make coffee and found me making pancakes and talking on the phone to Jake.

"Tell him I say hello." She said sitting down at the table.

"Mom says hey." I told Jake.

"So you are coming soon?" 

"After I say goodbye to Lilly, Ronnie and I are flying back to Miami to get the car and drive up."

"Alright, text me."

"I will." I hang up and slide into a seat across from mom. "So, um, what would you think about me possibly taking Lilly to be on my own for awhile."

"You mean with Ronnie in LA?" She gives me one of her classic looks of disaproval. "I'm not stupid."

"I never said you were. I just... I need to be a mom."

"And then when it comes tour time, you dump her back here?"

I'm quiet.

"You can't keep having one foot in and one foot out like this anymore. You need to grow up and get out of this music bullshit. And you want to settle down with Ronald? That's not going to last. You need to find someone that is responsible and settled down."

"When this tour is over, I'm taking Lilly. If you want to be in our lives, then you can be." I say walking out of the kitchen. I went to Lilly's room and saw how peaceful she looked when she slept. Arms hooked around my waist and I leaned my head back around Ronnie. "I don't want to wake her up." I whispered.

"We have to go soon." He reminded me softly. "I don't want to either, but in a bit we have a lot of time to catch up."

"True." I quietly laughed. "I can't wait."

The time went by quickly. Breakfast, saying goodbye, the airport, the flight, and the drive to the venue all seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. When we got to the venue, parked outside is three buses. I'm confused, but in need of a fresh change of clothes. Ronnie is thinking the same, so we agree to meet up later and take a break for now.

I walk on the bus and see Craig and Max talking with my band. The third bus makes sense now.

"What's going on?" I say putting up a smile to act fine.

"Escape the Fate is joining u on tour." Jake said casually. 

"What about the fact that Falling In Reverse is also on this tour?" I avoid eye contact with everyone, mostly Craig, but look right at Jake.

"They know, managers have been informed, and they shouldn't cross paths. Craig agrees to not say anything if Ronnie doesn't."

"Like that's going to work out." I sigh and walk to my room. I change into new clothes and wish that this venue had a shower. A knock came on my door and I know it is Craig. "Come in." I say loud enough and he walks in. He sits on my bed and I find my hair products to make it look like my hair isn't nearly as nasty as it is.

"Hey." He says grabbing my hand.

I pull it away and slowly sit down next to him. "Hey." I look away.

"So you and Ronnie?" 

"It... Its more complicated than that."

"Really? Because we hook up, you get a phone call from your niece or someone, he picks you up, and you disappear with him."

"Its more complicated than it seems. I can't tell you why, but trust me when I say it is."

"Answer me one question then."


"Are you with him?"

"Like dating?"


"Kind of."

"God dammit." He stands up, steps a foot or two away, turns to me, and runs his hand through his hair. "I can't get an answer from you."

"I'm sorry. I really am. When we hooked up, Ronnie and I were nothing, but then I had a family emergency. Ronnie picked me up, flew with me to New York, and helped me through it. We have talked about moving in together once this tour is over, so yeah. We are together."

"Your niece, right?" He asked after a quiet second. "That's what the emergency was, right?"


"I asked Jake if you or Jake had any brothers or sisters awhile ago. He said no."

I'm quiet.

"But his phone lock screen is of him holding a kid that looks like the perfect mash up of you and Ronnie." He looks pissed. "And he said it was his niece."

I look away.

"So how about you cut the shit?" He glares at me.

I struggle with words for a minute. "Please leave."

"No." He crosses his arms.

"Get. The. FUCK! Off of my bus!" I stand up and push him.

He steps back, but stands his ground.

"I want some answers, Karma!" He yells back.

"Fuck you!" I open the door and give him a shove. He lets me push him out the door, but turns to face me. "Get the fuck off my bus!"

I slam the door and lock it. I can hear voices.

"Craig, out. Max, you better go too." Jake says.

"What is wrong with her?" Craig says angrily.

"That's my fucking sister, so watch it Craig." Jake says in a warning tone. "She'll settle down soon, but until then you can chill out on your bus." He sounds threatening yet calm.

It was quiet, but I heard the bus door slam.

I sit on my bed and sigh. I'm just sitting, feeling numb, but then Oliver comes in my room.

He lays down, putting his head on my knee, and looks up at me.

"I could really use a haircut and a dye." He says running his hand through his ash blonde hair. "You know, it is my birthday tomorrow."

I smile and sigh. "Call a cab, I'll get ready."

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now