Chapter Thirteen

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Karma's POV

I wake up on the Asking Alexandria bus. I haven't talked to Ronnie, but we have been texting. I've sent him updates on Lilly and photos of her too. Today is Asking's last day on the tour, and we have been partying hardcore every night.

"I need to go to my bus." I tell Danny, who's bunk I was sharing.

"Okay." He says with his eyes closed and his voice thick with sleep. "See you later."

I get out and he rolls over. I find my shoes and put them on. I walk to my bus, but Ronnie is walking up to his bus with his car keys in hand. He got his car to be pulled along behind the bus and has been using it more and more lately.

"Hey." He says stopping me. "Are you with any of the Asking Alexandria guys?"

"What's it to you?" I yawn and run my hand through my hair.

"You are the mother of my child, I should know." He smiles.

The words send a tingle down my spine. I can't help but smile. "I'm just partying, and don't worry, I'll be cutting back on that tonight because they are going." 

"Good, can you arrange to skype with Lilly?" 

"Sure. I need to go in the venue and use their shower. I'll text you when I'm ready." I walk onto the bus.


Ronnie's POV

I watch her walk away. I haven't been messing around with girls after Tina. Ryan kind of opened up my eyes about why Karma called things off. I've been spending my time at the gym or in the bus. I only see Karma in passing. This is the first time I've actually talked to her.

It takes a bit, but about an hour later she sends me a text to come to the bus. I let myself in and walk to her room. She's sitting on the bed in front of her laptop wearing a pair of black yoga shorts and a white shirt while drying her hair with a towel.

"Sit down." She patted the bed next to her. She smiles and for a second I see the girl I met in Vegas. She was so different then. She was a runaway stoner with her step brother to protect her. We met at one of my gigs. She was backstage, chatting with some friends of mine that she just met at the show. I went up and hit on her. We ended up hanging out for a week with Max and her brother at Max and I's apartment. She got really into music and after a month started her own band. The rest is history. Her and I had a messed up relationship. We'd date, break up, I'd see someone else, and she'd be the girl I cheated on them with and the same thing with me to her.

We skyped Lilly, who showed us pictures she drew and she babbled on about everything. It was short, five minutes, but it was crazy. When it ended I just sit there and she's looking at me.

"That's my kid." I say running my hand and smiling at her. "Jesus, Karma... That's my kid. I have a kid." I laugh. "I still can't believe it."

She laughs and gives me a hug. "I know how you feel. When she was born, I was so amazed."

"I wish you would have told me sooner." I look at her. I'm not mad, but I am serious.

"Ronnie..." She struggles with words. "I never thought you'd get off drugs."

"If you would have googled me, you would have known-"

"Ronnie, it is easy to lie to the media and online. Shit, no one knows I have a kid outside a select few." She sighs. "You have to understand that I couldn't just bring my child into that."

"My child too."

"Yeah, but I stopped doing everything when I found out about her. I only started drinking when I was out on tour and missed her too much."

I run a hand over my face and accept it. "I get it." I look her in her eyes. She looks relived.

She gives me a hug. Damn. 


Karma's POV

Ronnie's acting like a proud dad with Lilly even over skype. It makes me wounder what it would have been like with him in Lilly's life before this. When he hugs me... Just... UGH! It makes me mad that he's still acting like such a player because I want him.

A knock at my door pushes us apart. Jake is at the door and gives us a look. "Ronnie, out." He glares at him.

"See you later." He says to me before leaving, but not before exchanging glares with Ronnie. While most of the time they can get along, but Jake sided with ETF when Ronnie went to jail. 

"I know he's the dad to your child, but come on. You don't need to get back together with him because of that." Jake says rolling his eyes and sitting on the bed.

"We skyped with Lilly. We had a talk. A hug was necessary." I rolled my eyes too. 

"So I just got some news that ETF is going to be at our next venue tomorrow. I've set up arrangements to have a big hotel party so Oliver can join us." He changes the subject.

"Do they know Falling In Reverse is with us?"

"No, but they won't know if we don't tell them." He's implying that I shouldn't bring it up.

"I won't." I promise and he leaves me alone.

I lay back in bed, but my phone gets a text.

CRAIG MABBITT: You ready for tonight?

I text him back.

Me: More ready than you! I've been preparing with the Asking Alexandria boys for the past few days now!

CRAIG MABBITT: Well that's going to be nothing compared to tonight.

ME: Doubt that. :* see you tonight!

I rolled over and eventually fell asleep.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now