Chapter Fifteen

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Karma's POV

We landed in New York and I'm freaking out. I have no clue how Lilly is doing since I had to turn my phone off for the flight. Ronnie is trying to keep me calm, but I can't stay still. We have no bags, just the clothes on our backs and the wallets and phones in our pockets. I call my mom.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" She asks, sounding royally pissed. 

"I just got off a plane, mom." I said through gritted teeth. I am too hungover, tired, and on edge to be made feel like a bad parent. "Where are you?"

"Oh, um, we just got home. She's upset, but watching TV." 

I hung up and pulled Ronnie to the curb. I flagged down a taxi and we got in. I told the driver the address and we pull away. I take a deep breath and rest my hair against Ronnie's shoulder.

"Kids always break their bones, but they bounce back." Ronnie says as he puts his arm around me.

"I wasn't there." I close my eyes. "That's why I'm so guilty."

"You are working to support her."

"I don't want her to grow up with just seeing me once every few weeks or a couple odd months out of the year. You are supposed to have your mom with you all the time if your mom is a single parent."

"I'm here now." He tilts my chin up to face him. "You aren't a single parent anymore."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't. I just blinked and looked out the window. New York City is a busy place and I've had a long love and hate relationship with it. By the time we get to my mom's house, I'm back to being nervous. Ronnie pays the driver as I bolt out and knock on the door. Mom let's us in, but looks disapproving at the fact I obviously was up all night partying and am in a thrown together outfit.

"Lilly?" I walk into the living room. She has a bright pink cast on her left arm and a frown, but that changes when she sees me.

"Mommy!" She bolts over.

I'm careful to give her a big hug and I get tears in my eyes.

"Baby." I pull her back and look at her arm. "You have got to be more careful."

"I was playing." She frowns.

"No frowns." I give her a smile. "Not when Mommy is here."

She agrees and takes my hand and leads me to her room. She shows me to her room to look at her new toys and drawings.


Ronnie's POV

"Ronald." Her mom stops me.

"Karen." I say back.

"We need to have a talk." She glances to the doorway where Karma and Lilly's voice is drifting through. "They need some time."

"Okay." I have a feeling she won't let me go and see Lilly until after this talk. She leads me to the kitchen.



She pours us both cups, gestures for me to sit, and gets settled in.

"Right now you have two options: stay and be Lilly's dad or get out no strings attached." She gets right to the point. "We haven't told her and if you can't be a dad then you shouldn't even be in her life." She takes a sip of her coffee. "I mean, she is your kid. You can't change that, but Karma has told me all about you from your Vegas days."

"I've changed."

"Yes, after you went to jail."

Silence clung to the air.

"Sometimes you need to reach rock bottom before you can get back on your feet and find a way out of it. If I would have known about Lilly earlier, I would have been there since day one. You don't know me." 

Her and I glare at each other before Karma walks in with a Lilly on her hip.

"We are going to a movie." She announced and kissed Lilly's head. 

"I'll stay here and clean up the house. I haven't changed the sheets in your room in awhile." Karen says standing up and smoothing out her shirt.

"We aren't staying overnight, mom." Karma said in a low voice.

"Nonesense, you can't just leave after three hours." She said and gave her a look.

Karma looked at me, nervously. We have contracts with the venues we can't break.

"Go get dressed." Karma said to Lilly. Karen went with her. "So... We can stay overnight here, leave in the morning to go to Miami then take your car to the next venue." 

"It could work, but we have to tell people where the fuck we are at."



Karma's POV

I pull off my boots when I flop back on the bed. Ronnie is on his phone on the other side. People kind of freaked out at us when we went missing. Our managers are both mad at us for just running off, and our bands are mad for not telling them. Its late now. We had a full day with Lilly. Mom made us a big dinner and we watched disney movies till Lilly fell asleep.

"I have some guy clothes." I say walking to my closet. I have a room here since I'm here as much as I can. I find a pair of boxers and a band tee that can fit him. "I bought them for myself, so don't we weirded out."

We both are so tired that we just change there in the room. I change into a pair of yoga shorts and a sports bra. I rub my legs because they feel sore from all the running around. 

"Thanks." He sits down and puts his phone on the nightstand. 

"Ronnie..." I Sit next to him and give him a hug. "Thank you so much for everything."

"It's nothing." He brushes it off and laid down.

I got in bed next to him. "You just flew from Florida to New York for me."

"And Lilly." He smiles. "She's so sweet."

"She is." 

We lay in silence for a bit.

"What is going on after the tour for your band?" He asks.

"No tours planned currently. We are thinking of getting right back in the studio."

He turns to face me. "Move to LA with me."

I'm silent.

"You record out there anyways. Bring Lilly. We can see how things go." He continues.

"You want Lilly and I to move in with you?"

"Yeah." He smiles. "I don't want you guys in New York when I have to be Los Angeles."

"If my band wants to be in LA to do another record, then yes."

He smiles and looks up, seeming happy.

I turn his face back to me and kiss him. It is sweet and simple, but gets deeper when he wraps his arms around me.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now