Chapter ten.

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Karma's POV

I feel alive. I have spent the last day in my bed watching movies with Lilly while Ronnie has been stopping by as much as he can. I have a show tonight, and I can't wait to go on.

"Kat?" I heard someone knock on the door. Lilly's sleeping in a sleeping Ronnie's arms.

I walk over to the door. Oliver is looking at me.

"Oliver? Hey." I step out and close the door behind me.

"So, um... You and Ronnie...?" He smiles.

"It is complicated." I say also smiling.

"You know, Ronnie and Lilly look a lot alike." 

"Weird, right?"

"Jake has always known, ya know? He told me he's a proud brother that you are thinking about getting back with your baby daddy."

"Shh!" I give him a look. "Its complicated, okay? Let's not assume anything. And keep this on the down low, alright?"

He agrees and leaves me alone.

I return to the room and find that Ronnie is awake.

"I'm on your band's schedule now." He says quietly as he carefully moving Lilly without waking her up. "Sleep before a show, up all night."

"Its the best for touring, don't you have more energy for shows?" I also whisper.

"Yes, I do." He nods. "I need to get ready for the show."

"Lilly and my mom are leaving before the show."

"I'll be back in time." He assures me.

I crawl in bed with Lilly again.

Lilly wakes me up about an hour later by shaking me.

"Mommy! Grandma says it is time to go." She frowns and looks at me with her big eyes. "I don't wanna."

"I don't want you to either, baby, but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to." 

"Okay, mom." She says crawling off my bed. I get up and follow her out to my mom who is double checking she has everything ready to go. She gives me a warm smile and hugs me. 

"Next time, we will tell her about her dad." She whispers. 

"Agreed." I say as Ronnie walks on the bus.

It takes awhile, but we all say goodbye with hugs and kisses. Ronnie is sad to see her go, but I'm the saddest. When their car is out of view, I get a feeling a guilt back again.

"Are you okay?" Ronnie asks me as I change into my stage clothes for the night, a black, clingy, and short dress with black knee high socks, and heeled combat boots.

I brush out my hair and shrug. "I never spend enough time with her."

"You'll see her soon. Your mom promised to being her up again soon." 

"I know." I start doing my makeup.

"I'll see you later, okay?" He says giving me a hug.

I just nod and he leaves. I try to get a smile on my face, but it isn't coming easily. I find some whiskey and mix it with coke. I have a drink and a half before we are pulled into the venue. I want to find Ronnie before I go on, but I end up running into Andy from BVB. I've seen the boys, spoke to them a little, but I haven't had a full conversation with any of them yet.

"Hey, Karma." Andy smiles and gives me a hug.

"Hey." I say putting on a smile.

"You okay?" He asks.

I shake my head and drop the smile. "Just a lot of things going on right now."

"Want to talk about it?" 

"Not really."

He just gives me a long hug. "It is going to be okay- whatever it is." He whispers.

I laugh, feel a bit better, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before saying bye and walking off. I find Ronnie watching us.

"Hey." I give him a smile.

"Hey." He says sounding a bit bitter. "What's going on there?"

"Andrew is my friend." I cross my arms.

"Like how you and I are friends?" He scoffs and walks past me.

"Get the stick out of your ass before you want to talk to me again!" I call after him and storm to the green room.

"Sad then pissed off. Has to be boy issues." Tio teased.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"So are you ready to go on?" Charlie asked handing me a shot of whiskey.

I downed it and smirked. "When am I not?"

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now