Chapter Twenty

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Karma's POV

I got Lilly's room perfect by the time a knock comes at the door. I let Ronnie in and show him around. He likes the place and insists I take a break and drink some coffee while he moves some boxes for me. I go bring us both coffee, he sets it down, and I follow him around, telling him what to do.

"This is like when you and Jake moved into that apartment in Vegas." He chuckles. "When you got mad at me for everything."

"To be fair, you got me very drunk the night before. I had a bad hangover."

"I know." He nods. "I thought if you were hungover, we could put it off for a day. Nope. You pushed on and made every one of us bring up furniture and unpack boxes."

"I had my own place and plenty of money to blow." I laughed. "Remember how I was helping that drug dealer get backstage to all of these shows." I used to be friends with a drug dealer named Sweets that made a lot of money. He couldn't get back stage to big, big shows like I could. I worked at venues when I needed money, so I knew a lot of people. Sweets paid me a lot of cash to meet rock stars, and also gave me some extra if he sold drugs to the said rock stars. "We were wild back then."

"Still are."

"In different ways." I laugh. "Now I'm a single mom, you are a new dad, and the only thing that separates us from other people is the fact that we make music and occasionally party hard."

"True, very true." He nods.

Then we heard a car pull into the drive way. We both jump to the window. I see a taxi, and I know that it is mom and Lilly. I took off to the front door, ripped it open, and ran to Lilly. I picked her up and gave her a big hug. I told her over and over how much I missed her. Mom gave me a stiff smile and told me about how I need to get her to a doctor to check on her arm sometime soon. Ronnie came out and took Lilly from me, giving her a big hug and bringing her inside to show her what mommy set up for her room. Mom gave me an awkward smile, Lilly's suitcase, and a awkward hug.

"I'm going to Europe for a couple months. I'll try to email, but send me photos of Lilly, if you could." She said crisply.

"I will, mom." I say with a small smile.

And she left. Nothing has been right between us for a long time, but now it is out in the open. I walk back inside to find Lilly setting up a tea party for Ronnie and her. I giggled and looked at Ronnie sitting in one of those little chairs with a small ass tea cup in his hand.

Lilly gave me a small cup and sat me down next to Ronnie. And so, over fake tea and fake cake, we explained to Lilly that Ronnie was her daddy and that he didn't know, but now he does. She shrugged it off, gave Ronnie a hug, then demanded to go play outside with her imaginary friends. Ronnie watched her while I continued unpacking the boxes and set up the house.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now