Chapter five.

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Karma'a POV

The bands spent an hour awkwardly making conversation with each other while Ronnie and I glanced at each other. Everyone is sensing the tension. After that we returned to the bus. Carla stopped at her house and snuck out without getting hit. She reminds me of myself.  

When I was a kid and in my early teens I was beat by my step dad. When I was 16 I ran away with Jake. No sexual relationship. We are like siblings. We started a band when he turned 18. Then we met Escape the Fate and life took off from there.  

Jake's dad, my step dad, ran off years ago, so my mom and I have patched things up. She didn't stand by him beating me, in fact they fought about it all the time. She was beat by him too.

Now we are putting everything away and arguing over stupid shit like always back at the bus. I think I will call mom and see how Lilly is after this.


I woke up at six when we pulled into the first venue. I slowly got up and stretched. I walked out to the living area to see everyone half awake. We all like to sleep before shows. It's a ritual.  

We all slowly ate quietly. By seven we are all getting ready for the show.  

I give Carla an outfit then got myself ready. I got dressed in a black corset dress, over the knee black strap up boots, straight pin point hair, thick foundation, red lipstick, black raccoon eyes, and fake eyelashes.  

I walked out to see everyone waiting.  

Charlie wolf-whistled at me.  

"Damn fine. Damn fine. Can't believe you had a kid." He winks at me.  

"Hush up now. I don't want to think about her before a show. I'll break down on stage. " I smirk slapping his arm.  

"Baby doll, don't tease me." He wines.  

"Lay off momma." Oliver jokes hugging my waist like a little kid.  

"Shh. Baby don't talk to pedophiles." I said kissing his head.  

We laughed like assholes and walked off the bus. We heard some fans call our names. I waved at them and yelled 'I love you all!'. Makes them happy, and when they are happy, I'm happy. We walked into the building. I see FIR laughing and just hanging out. They come on after us.  

"Hey, hey, hey, sexy boys." Tio says in a stereotypical gay man voice to FIR.  

They all wave at us and Charlie sits down the drags me into his lap. I laugh and Ronnie watches us intently. I feel him staring at my legs.  

"Ronnie babe, my eyes are up here." I said smirking.  

"Not like I haven't seen it all before." He smirks back.  

I shake my head and blush.  

We all continue a conversation about everything and nothing. Then my manager, Teala, drags me away.  

"Modeling job in four days." She informs me.  

"Okay. Morning or..?" I ask  

"Yes in the morning. And I love the merch girl, Carla." She comments with a smile.  

"I like her too. Stay by her till after the show. I want her to feel welcome." I smiled and walked back to the band getting up.  

"We are on in five." Oliver informed me.  

"Okay, hun, go get your bass." I wink at him. He's like my son, I swear.  

"Okay mummy." He teases.  

We all line up near the side of the stage. We hear the fans. I love them.  

I am the last one on the stage as we go on. I walk to the microphone.  

"Hello everyone! How the fuck are y'all?" I yell into the mic. "We are Destroy the Weak and we are here to do a set for you all. I hope you love it cause then I don't know what I'm doing up here if you don't." I laugh. 

"Alright, sweet thang. Lets get it going now." Charlie winked. Such a flirt.  

I flipped my hair and the music started.

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now