Chapter Twelve

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Karma's POV

"Karma!" I heard a voice call out. I turned around to see Ben from Asking Alexandria.

"Ben!" I run up to him and almost tackle him in a hug. I had forgotten they were coming with for a few touring dates. "Where is the rest?"

"Danny is starting the party early and the band is getting ready." He laughed and let go of me.

I checked the time. "I have time for a drink. Invite me in the bus?"

"Come on." He said jerking his head to the bus.

We go on and the rest of Asking Alexandria is happy to see me. I'm really just close to Danny and Ben though, so we all take a round of shots and catch up on life. 

"We are thinking of moving to LA." Danny says pouring me another shot as Ben went off to change.

"Wow, really?" I say, surprised.

"Yeah. You should move there." 

"Nah. My mom's in New York City." I shook my head. "Gotta stay close to family, ya know?"

"I get it." He nods. "So are you joining us tonight?"


"Most likely bar hopping."

"I'm in."

He smiles and we down the last shot before I take off into the venue.

I do a pretty kick ass show with me just having fun and entertaining the crowd. After, Asking Alexandria plays, so I go to search for Ronnie. I was going to tell him that I'm skype calling Lilly tomorrow morning, but instead I find him with another girl. Ronnie spots me in the doorway.

"Hey." He flashes a smile. "What's up?"

"I'll just text you. You seem a bit busy and I need to get ready to go out with the Asking Alexandria boys."  

I turn and leave so he can't even stop me. Seeing Ronnie with another girl just proves the fact that I shouldn't be with him. He's a player.


Ronnie's POV

"Wow. You aren't helping yourself, Ronnie." Ryan laughed and shook his head after Tina left to go smoke somewhere. I wouldn't let her smoke by me. The only person I let smoke around me is Karma.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean she saw you last night, hardcore making out with some chick you hooked up with and now you are fucking around with this Tina slut? I thought you were going after her?" 

"Wait. She saw that last night?"

"Wow, you were fucked up. Yes, you asshole! She saw you." 

Then it all clicked together. That's why she said she just wanted to be friends. Shit, Ronald, you are an asshole.


Karma's POV

"God! Ronnie is an asshole." I complained to Oliver as I emerged from my room. I'm fully dressed in true emo-rockstar form with a black and gray mini plaid skirt, a black bralet, over the knee black socks, heeled combat boots, and black panties that say YOU WISH on the ass because this skirt is short. I put my hair in pigtails and my makeup is dark eye makeup, black lipstick, contouring, and big fake eyelashes.  

"See, Tio was right. You only get mad when it is about a guy." He smirked.

"Shut up." I say, but smile. "You been having fun on the bus?"

"No, but my eighteenth is coming up. I think we should book a Euro tour so I can party legally."

"We should just throw a party sometime when we have a day off in a hotel. We could get groupies, people we meet at the show, and just party."

"Yes! Please! There are only so many times I can stay here and play videogames or fuck around with a groupie my own age before it gets old."

"You are literally living the dream, Oli! You are a rock star by age seventeen!"

"Yeah, but, I'm not living like one."

"Because we can't take you to bars."

Then the bus door opens and Ben and Danny barge on. Danny picks me up, throws me over hit shoulder, and walks out of the bus.

"BYE OLIVER!" I yell. "And Danny, I am going to fucking kill you!" I laugh and playfully smack his back.

He set me down and whistles. "Damn, girl! How old are you? You look, like, nineteen!"

"Its the pigtails! Good thing I brought my ID to get drinks though."

"Wearing that, you won't be buying any, you'll just get them from horny guys."

"Yay! I don't have to waste any money to get hammered!"

We started walking to where the cab is meeting us when I spot Ronnie with that slut. He's looking at me, so I wave. That pisses off his "date", but I'm not phased. Ronnie wants me, but I'm not going to let him if he is going to act like a player. Ronnie doesn't wave back, but even from here I can feel how jealous he is.

"Wow, what's going on there?" Ben laughs.

"Nothing at the moment." I shrug and change the subject. "Is anyone else thinking about how good a Jack and Coke would be right now?"

I Tried To Stay •Ronnie Radke Love Story• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now