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He was climbing down the stairs, whole palace went silent watching the king, cold, arrogant, rude, and cruel these are adjectives that are used for the king of Jaipur

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He was climbing down the stairs, whole palace went silent watching the king, cold, arrogant, rude, and cruel these are adjectives that are used for the king of Jaipur. Vedansh Rajput. He is surely the best creation of the devil, devilishly handsome and scary even more than hell. Soon he reached the dining table and took his seat at his head chair, a chair which signifies power and royalty. His presence is enough to drag the soul out of the human body. Vedansh was one of the top businessmen in the world CEO of Rajput enterprises. His grandfather was sitting opposite him on the second head chair, his father was sitting beside him and his mother was opposite his father his chachu chachi and Prateek his cousin's brother were also there.

Inaya reached her office and Diya was on leave so Arjun a staff in her company read her schedule, she had tons of work, and after a hectic and body-tiring day, Inaya called Diya and was informed that she could pick Diya up from ''Blossom'' one of her favorite place to spend time. blossom was an open-roof cafe that is always surrounded by positive vibes and right now after a tough day at work or Inaya needed a refreshing coffee, she went there around 6 pm to pick Diya up. They started their journey to Udaipur which was 2 hours far from Pratapgarh.

Their nanu was standing at the gate of the palace to welcome his granddaughters. Inaya stepped down from her Range Rover and went towards him to touch his feet he is the only person in the whole world which made her bow down .nanu hugged his daughters.

Diya was getting emotional seeing him after so long come inside the palace he said. they moved inside and took their seat on the couch.''inaya I have to talk about something important to you but we will talk after dinner''nanu said and inaya nodded. His serious talk means either he is going to talk about disasters that are standing on the door or about something happy that can light up your world. Nanu and Diya moved towards the dining table to have their dinner and a helper brought food for Inaya while she was sitting on the couch. Usually, she doesn't have dinner. She skipped the night meal 'Today she was having her dinner after so long'.

''beta I want you to get married, " was not able to proceed what did her nanu say it was like someone poured a bucket of ice water on her in freezing winter .''no i can't get married cant'' she replied .''i understand your feelings inaya but this is for your good''. she protested ''there is nothing good in this'' Diya too was shocked after hearing her nanu's words. ''Beta please this is the first and last time I am asking you something ''The only person she respects and can't say no to is her nanu . Inaya does not want this not even a single percent but at last, she agrees only for him, nothing matters more to her than his happiness even after she knows that what this all mess is really about.

Vedansh entered the palace late at night and saw his whole family together in the living room, his family sitting together accepted having food was something he didn't usually witness but that does not mean it never happened, this was not usual for him but he shrugs it off and was about to go to his bedroom when his father stops him.''Vedansh we need to talk ''his dad said ''yeah ''he replied and paid a bit of attention to what they wanted needed you to get married '' what, his whole world turned upside down as soon as he heard those words everything felt like a dream, a bad dream, a nightmare his jaw was clenched, eyes screaming anger. Even without saying a word he left towards his Audi and drove towards the warehouse. The whole drive the words spoken by his father keep ringing in his ears only increasing his rage.

a man was tied to the chair having severe bruises on his body as soon as Vedansh reached the warehouse his bodyguards got terrified watching rage in his eyes he directly went to the man and started throwing punches at him continuously punching him with showing the slightest piece of mercy for few seconds he did forget that it was a human, not his punching bag, blood was coming of man's body but did he care? NO, he keeps punching until he faints.

How dare he even try to steal money from my company? He deserves to die, make sure to show him the worst he said glaring at Arun, his one even dared to look at him, everyone knows saying a word to him now means inviting your death. Vedansh took all his anger out on that man and the car race after he finally calmed down a bit he decided to return to the palace.

He returned palace after 2 hours, his family was waiting for him. Vedansh entered with a blood-stained shirt, messy hair, and bleeding knuckles. everyone got scared after seeing the sight in front of them, goosebumps were there on every single soul body who saw his condition tho it was not new, and no one dared to say a word to him.

he directly went to his floor, yes he have a different floor for himself in his huge damn mansion. After taking a relaxing shower finally the king decided to take a rest,' after a long time he went to sleep without having his dinner. There was a rule in the palace that everyone had to be present at the dining table to have their breakfast and dinner.

sleep was far away from Inaya eyes, she was standing on the balcony leaning on the railing watching the moon, she was a selenophile. the only thing that was going through her mind was what was coming next, a disaster? Even if disaster is waiting for her she has all her faith in herself. Inaya Pratap can go and come back from everything alone. The fire in her had burned her a long time ago now all she has is ashes of what she was, whenever it feels like giving up she takes a break, takes a breath, looks back at her journey, and continues again. her journey never lets her give up it keeps her going.

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