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"How bad is this that a boss did not ever have a proper check on his staff" Inaya said while looking directly at Vedansh

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"How bad is this that a boss did not ever have a proper check on his staff" Inaya said while looking directly at Vedansh. "What do you want to say Inaya, Please clearly voice out what else you have done" his voice caught her attention was that concern for his staff or for his wife in his tone. ''Nothing much tho, remember that a Cooking staff ask a leave for two days from Chachi and she granted it today is the third and he did not returned nor have he informed anyone about his leave extension, I really liked his cooked food on that pooja day" she said it so normally that a normal human would have never got the meaning behind her words "where is he" Vedansh ask taking a step towards her. "in hells" she replied with a slight smirk. 

"When did you kill Inaya ?" "so smart of you to realise that I killed him and answer to your question is on the same day you saw my leg injured while coming towards the room you must have heard whimpers and came towards guest room only to find me injured but let me tell you it was not my whimpers it was your sweet cook who could not keep him mouth mum" she answered with the hind of irritation in her voice "what did you do to him?" vedansh questioned her barely standing a inch away from her "that say his chopped vegetables were uneven so I was just teaching him the right way to chop it, I did not found a vegetable in guest room so I used his hands instead but then he started to make noise which caught your attention and before you could have reached it was important to divert your attention so I broke that glass antique on my feet so it seems like all the blood was mine and it was me who was whimpering and that day.

 varun was there even when all the family came he was there inside the washroom with the dead body of the cook as soon as I diverted the whole situation and everyone left after checking on me he did his work and throw the dead body you must have seen the blood in the room but have mistake it as my blood" she told the whole story with a mini smirk playing on her lips "why did you killed them, why did you killed the royal guard and cook" vedansh wanted to know the reason behind her this step how can she kill royal worker in royal premices this is something that have never happened "easy, cause they were behind the moto of hurting royal people'' she answered while shruggling her shoulders "hurting us?" "yeah hurting us when I came back from New York I saw that guard had a small knife stuffed in his pocket which he must have thought was not noticeable but unfortunately I noticed it and then I asked the head server of the royal palace about new peoples who were hired and came to know that cook and guard were hired recently.

They were sent by someone to attack us, so I did what I felt was right I killed them before they could harm us Prateek was served juice during his breakfast on that pooja day which I asked him to throw because an insect was inside it but in reality, I observed it was poisoned and that day I decided that I need to to do this as soon as possible. Before killing the chief I tried my best to make him spill the tea but he preferred dying rather than telling us the truth.'' Inaya completely explained to him the situation they were stuck in and he heard every word very carefully.

 "How did I or our security team not get to know about it yet? someone planned an attack on the royal family even though Prateek tried to be murdered, how are we unaware of all of this till now? Vedansh was questioning his potential to protect his family. What if something had happened to them "Do you really think the person behind all this will be dumb enough to leave a clue behind him or her? Everything was planned so smoothly and perfectly that it was very obvious to not doubt anything. When the attacker would have known about us hiring new staff she would have sent the guard and cook and both of them were experts at their jobs.

 They did not attack us directly, rather they worked perfectly for a week, interacted with other staff, got to know a lot about the palace, then when they saw a clear chance to execute their plan, they tried to do so. Everything was so nicely planned, the guard carried a small knife and I am one hundred percent sure he was an expert at using it knife was so small in size that he could have easily hidden it anywhere after using it, and the cook used the most easily available poison fennel for poisoning the juice as it is easily acceptable to anyone it will be tough to figure out who did poison the food also the food was cooked by the group of chefs. 

If I had not asked for their details and had a background check I too have never figured out that there was something wrong. The best way to identify your enemy is to observe the moves of the people and that was my key to identifying them as enemies.'' Inaya elaborated on the things she did to find the odd things out "Why did you take so much risk alone, what if something had happened to you?" Vedansh asked deeply, looking at her eyes. "Cause I did not have any proof to prove them wrong and right now also I do not have any proof but I know that they were dangerous" she answered "You never need to prove me anything Inaya you can erase the existence of whole humanity from the planet and come to me I will still believe that what you did was right without you explaining a word" There was nothing except sincerity in Vedansh words.

guysss I am in 12th and I have to manage writing with my studies and adding thrill is taking a bit of more time .......please cooperate                                                                                                                                   ~Roy

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