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''You three were only present at the palace that night ''asked a police inspector to the three people who were sitting in front of his table in a dark room only having one hanging light

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''You three were only present at the palace that night ''asked a police inspector to the three people who were sitting in front of his table in a dark room only having one hanging light. ''yes we three were only present in the palace that night ''reply came from a lady in her mid-fifties.

''so how are you feeling?'' Vedansh was standing in front of the mirror and it was his only dear best friend Akash who kept bombarding him with multiple questions. ''Listen Vedansh everyone does not get destiny like this you are one of those lucky people, don't mess up ''Akash instructed his best friend. Vedansh wore his rolex, he was properly dressed in his kurta.

Inaya selected a very simple light yet beautiful lengha for herself; she came to Udaipur in the morning as the engagement was planned here. only families were invited to the function.

Vedansh got ready and went to his car. The weather was not so frank, wind and dust were blowing up ghostly black clouds could be seen in the sky. The royal family got settled in two cars and was being followed by three cars with bodyguards. They were driving through the empty road having multiple kinds of tree on either side of the road.

Suddenly they got attacked and bodyguards rushed down to protect them. Mostly the attack and firing was on the king of Jaipur. Vedansh called his mother and restricted everyone to get down from cars as the car was bulletproof. His bodyguards were firing back in protection.

Vedansh saw Anuj getting out of bullets to pass him the gun he opened his side of the window was in the driver's seat and Akash was sitting beside him. Akash saw a bullet coming towards them through the window. He jerked Vedansh to the left side and bent down to protect himself. Bullet crosses just beside Vedansh's shoulder giving a deep cut. After the attack, the Royal family was directly taken to the hospital.

Inaya's nanu got to know about the attack and directly came to meet them in the hospital. Inaya and Diya also came with him. Prateek had a wound on his leg and his head as his head got hit by the steering wheel because of a sudden attack. Vedansh's father had a little wound on his head too, he was sitting beside Prateek in the car. Akash was also injured, and Inaya was not able to recognize him.

And there he was lying with a bandage covered around his shoulder.A wound on their head and elbow can be seen, maybe there were many more wounds on his body. He was not expecting Inaya to be there. Inaya was looking at his wounds from a distance ''are you fine? ''Diya asked ''yeah'' he replied.

''Lets go we are already very late for the function''Vedansh said but the doctor did not seem to like the idea. Rajput you need rest announced. ''Yes, everyone else needs rest too ''Prateek agreed with the doctor.

Akash took out a ring ''okay then, here is the ring slide it in Inaya's hand ''he said. Everyone was shocked after listening to Akash. ''Does place matter?'' he asked after looking at everyone's reaction''NO''Vedansh said. ''it's fine with you inaya? ''he asked and she only nodded. He took out the ring and slid it in her ring finger. Nanu gave her the ring which he fortunately brought with him. She slides the ring on Vedansh's finger.

''Inaya he is IPS officer Akash Singh, my best friend''.

After some time Inaya, Diya, and Nanu decide to go back. Inaya said she had something important and she had to go to the office. No one tried to oppose it as they knew it was something important from her reaction.

After some hours Rajputs were discharged and returned to the palace. Vedansh and Akash directly went to his room'' This attack was surely planned'' he said ''maybe by enemies of the royal family. But the royal family does not have many enemies as no one dares to mess with them both Akash and Vedansh knew it but akash just wanted to calm down his raging best friend.

Attack on this day was something not at all tolerable but news of Inaya and Vedansh never came out then how did this all happen?The motive of the attack seems clear ''it was to kill the king of Jaipur''

As soon as Inaya reached her office parking area she stepped down from the car and directly went towards the elevator which was only to be used by the CEO and people who were on the Boards of directors or were close to CEO. Her lengha was making things tough for her, she did not want to get seen dressed up in this attire at the office. All the staff and employees left the office after their shift as it was nighttime, only guards were present at the gate and almost the whole office was empty.

As soon as the lift reached the 28th floor it made a sound indicating she reached her floor, she held her lengha and rushed towards the conference room ''OMG! i was waiting for you for an hour mam and wait hukum am i seeing you dressed up in lengha, too much surprise for a day ''it was Varun Khanna he muttered last two lines in a very low voice as he do not wish to lose his job,Varun was one of the Board of director,he handle trading and have very high contacts with powerful people of country.

''what was the emergency?'' Inaya questioned ,'' someone was trying to mess up our stocks by spreading false news in the media ''he replied with a serious tone.

''I bet that person must have failed massively even a 0.1 percent of my company share can't get affected by this childish act, find the person Varun, and show him or her what they get for messing up with this company ''she commanded.

he nodded and said ''we will find Hukum''.

i am a little bit busy because of my exams, The next chapter will be coming soon stay tuned for updates

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