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Inaya and Vedansh sat in Maserati mc20 not before having a nice debate but at the end Inaya decided to give up on useless debate, she doesn't like wasting her precious time tomorrow there is a very important meeting and the presentation needs her ...

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Inaya and Vedansh sat in Maserati mc20 not before having a nice debate but at the end Inaya decided to give up on useless debate, she doesn't like wasting her precious time tomorrow there is a very important meeting and the presentation needs her focus currently.

''I would prefer having a death-touching car race with my fiance rather than sharing the same car'' was her exact words before hopping inside the car. ''Will try that next time'' was the reply of her not-so-sweet fiance. After this, there was no conversation between both of them. Vedansh saw the road was almost empty. Only a few cars were passing by. He fastened the car and she was sitting next to him not giving a damn about it, Inaya was kind of enjoying the speeding she was used to it. Knowing that she is into cars gave a different kind of satisfaction to him. Both of them were car lovers or better obsessed with cars.

They reached the palace and Inaya stepped out of the car, looked at him for a second, and said thanks sarcasm dropping from her every word. He saw her going inside the palace and drove off.

 I came into my bedroom changing into something comfortable and started to work on my ppt

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I came into my bedroom changing into something comfortable and started to work on my ppt . It was 3AM when I was done with work after closing the laptop, I kept it on the bedside table and decided to take a nap.

Sunrays peeked inside Inaya's bedroom making her awake from her sleep, she got dressed up and headed towards her office, and on her way, she grabbed a smoothie

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Sunrays peeked inside Inaya's bedroom making her awake from her sleep, she got dressed up and headed towards her office, and on her way, she grabbed a smoothie. Diya was going to be late as it would take her time to reach the office from her nana's place. Inaya already informed the driver to pick her up.

There was a whole mess going on inside the office, a crowd was gathered and police officers were present there talking with a few of the employees. ''What's going on here? ''asked a voice full of authority. ''Hukum a person working in your office has committed suicide and we are here to inspect him'' replied the head officer. After listening to this her expression changed and she was of course worried about her employees . '' who....who is the person who had died ''she asked with an extremely cold voice it felt like her voice carried a hint of sadness .''Mr.Prajapat .....we found his dead body in his bedroom, he shot himself in the guilt of miss treating his wife'' again the same officer replied. ''That is very shocking news, he was working in a very high position here, do a fair inspection officer and I need every person in the office to cooperate ''. Every person nodded their head in reply.

Inaya went to her office and sat on a chair with a smirk. just after she killed Mr. Prajapati that day she carried his body in a hurry to his house, Khushi Prajapati his wife opened the house door and helped her to take him to the bedroom they dropped the dead body on the floor, Inaya wiped a gun with the handkerchief and placed it in his hand, she made sure to place a letter in his pocket which was having his writing but still was not written by him'' Her two bodyguards were wiping the blood with some acid and smelless phenyl that they dropped while carrying his dead body. After their work was done they decided to leave.

Inaya looked at Khushi, her eyes glittery ''I will never be able to thank you for making me free from this hell, for helping Hukum'' she cried sitting down on her knees her voice was full of sorrow and relief at the same time. inaya bent and made Khusi stand its fine I just completed my promise, I decided to kill him when that day you came outside my palace drenched in rain having an uncountable injury on your body seeking justice, believe me, thus i don't even have single percent guilt of killing this bastard, your vulnerable situation always reminds me which worst kind of shit this man was. make sure you pretend to be sad and depressed for a year, police should not suspect you pull up a nice act.

After Inaya left khusi called the police and they arrived within twenty minutes, she told them she was cooking and then went to call her husband to have breakfast, he had a meeting and he said he would directly go to the office and when she opened the door she saw Mr. Prajapati lying in a pool of his blood. Police found a gun and a letter near his dead body but the gun had having silencer that made it all possible that he shot himself and she did not hear the sound.

i am sorry Khushi for how badly i treated you, I am sorry for mentally and physically abusing you for having an affair outside, for beating you, slapping you for harassing you i have done too much off sin to live anymore...i cheated you i cheated my profession i was a cheater my existence started to suffocate me I was filled with so much guilt ..........i can not take this anymore. i know your parents think u are a burden khusi, they will never accept you back i want my property to be in your name after i die I want you to take care of my house and money after i will not be there. This will never repay for the sin i have done in my life,my guilt is killing me Prajapati

The police officer was reading the letter and Khusi was crying non her tears have not stopped since the police have stepped inside the mansion. Khusi was sitting near his dead body ''i loved him even after all he did, how will I stay without him.'' police were trying to console her.

After all this and after observing the situation police decided to inspect the office about mr. prajapati. People in the office told him that he was supposed to come to a meeting on the day he died but he never arrived. Inaya knew people present in the conference room were trustworthy and even if they were not still would keep their mouths shut. She knew some of their sin too and everyone knew messing with her will only result in seeing the next 7 generations begging on the roads.

Police checked CCTV but of course, the photos were already edited. All they got to know in the office was that Mr. Prajapati was a selfish and cruel person, they did not get any further information.

inaya was all engrossed in her work when she heard a knock on the door and she was definitely not expecting the person in front of her.

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