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Inaya pov

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Inaya pov

"Only if the model is you, bhabhi sa."

Vedansh went to change his clothes and then we were going to click pictures to post on our social media account, after a few seconds I saw him coming back in black Indian formals. We stood in front of each other and he set the camera on time capture. He was a guy of 6.2 feet and I was looking up at his face. We both were trying to read unspoken words through the eyes "Perfect, it's a great picture to post bhai sa and bhabhi sa" For a movement I really forgot that Prateek was in the room too. Vedansh took a movement before going towards the camera and checking the picture. 

"Let me call Arun and ask him to upload this to my account" he picked up his laptop to transfer those pictures. Maybe I too have to ask Diya to upload this on my account as well. Calling her I told her to upload the picture and after that, Prateek asked me if I wanted to see pictures clicked by Vedansh, as I am a bit free right now. Before joining an online meeting with a few foreign clients I agreed to take a look at photos clicked by him. Prateek took a pen drive out of the drawer and played videos and photos on screen in the theatre room. I have to say he is such an awesome photographer Preek was explaining to me the backstory of the photos "This one is of bhai sa's cousin brother from Badi ma side, he literally begged bhai sa to click his photos he is a model" Yeah sure enough the person was his poses said it all. After fifteen we completed one pen drive and I went to our bedroom so I could check a few documents and details before the meeting started.

I sent the picture to Arun and he uploaded it

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I sent the picture to Arun and he uploaded it. Right now the whole internet is flooded with gossip about Inaya and me. People were saying beautiful as well as mean things too. But being in the business world and slaying it every time we both were habitual of it. I guess Inaya too has uploaded the picture to her account receiving wishes and criticism. My whole focus was situated on new ideas given by department heads to promote newly launched products when suddenly my phone rang grabbing my attention. It was a call from Arun and without thinking much I answered the call. 

"sir we have found the missing video of the CCTV camera of the day that the royal guard was killed" Arun's panicked voice came from the other side of the phone, "has anyone checked it" I asked "no sir not yet" "send me the video as soon as possible and this matter should be kept secured" I commanded and disconnected the call

As soon as the call was disconnected, a message popped up on my screen, I opened it, and the video of that day before that guard incident started to play, things were going smoothly when something unexpected caught my eyes and I was left with nothing but undesirable shock.

 As soon as the call was disconnected, a message popped up on my screen, I opened it, and the video of that day before that guard incident started to play, things were going smoothly when something unexpected caught my eyes and I was left with not...

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It was early night & o clock and I was working in our bedroom, He had left in the afternoon and had not returned yet Quite stuck in meetings and files. I heard the door opening and already knew who it was, without disturbing me he directly went to the closet and then came out in his casuals. "it's been a week and we barely know anything about each other Inaya can we talk" Vedansh said in his soft deep voice directly looking at my eyes, definitely we are married for a week and we have rarely even talked I nodded and we move went to the balcony after the silence of few seconds he asked "so what's your favorite color" "white, yours" I replied "black" he answered the question answer continued for some time "tell me how was your day" he asked "fine, Had a meeting and injured leg is not helping much with things" I answered he sigh and said "I have asked you to rest if you need anything or want any kind of help you can directly call me"

 nodding my head I asked "how was your day" he took a pause for a second and replied "it was tiring meetings were lined up and I found the vedio of that day when the royal guard was killed the vedio was missing before" Now that is a great news"awsome so did you find the culprit" i asked "yes" he replied "who was it " vedansh looked directly in my eyes "you, you killed him" and the smirk made its way towards my lips.

 "and how did I killed him" i asked "you killed him within 2 minutes 21 seconds by hitting him on his head with a brick total 5 times, that day when guards went towards the back palace to collect the prasand and all it was not maa sa who called them there it was you who asked maa sa to call them there and distribute prasad which seem normal to her, of course it was normal her daughter in law asking her to do this was normal, you killed him rush back in palace changed your clothes as soon as possible and came to the dinning table which must have took you barely five minutes and you did not come to the parking to return my watch you was there to distract me so you could save varun to get caught, he was the one who helped you in this he was in the parking lot at that same time with your black cloth drenched in blood of the guard which you wore while killing him. This leg injury also has a story behind it. Nothing is as simple as it seems like you did everything with so much perfection that none of us ever noticed it, this all is right? '' "Right" I replied with a smirk still playing on my lips.

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