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Pooja was almost over, Inayas nannu, diya, and Rajputs were present there

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Pooja was almost over, Inayas nannu, diya, and Rajputs were present there. After Arti, everyone was sitting in the living area when a servant came informing that someone was outside the palace door saying Inaya had called him. "yeah it is Varun one of my BODs let him in " she answered to the servant and he took his leave " Actually Varun has worked a lot with me in this deal and he is here to give me a file that I forget with him in New York" Inaya said to no one particular, it was for everyone present there. "sure beta we do not have any problem with anyone related to you visiting us" vedanshs mom said with a genuine smile adorning her face. Soon Varun walked inside the palace with a black file in his hand.

namaste, he wished everyone and bowed his head in respect of the royals "No Varun you do not have to bow down" Inayas Nanu said looking towards the young man who was bowing to him. Varun passed a comforting smile to him. "mam these files need your signature and some terms and conditions need to be discussed." Varun Sayed looking towards Inaya. Vedansh Chachi insisted that they could carry on with their work in the guest room and she would send food for both of them as Inaya too had not eaten anything from the morning because of pooja but Inaya said that they would like to have their breakfast after some time.

 Vedansh Chachi insisted that they could carry on with their work in the guest room and she would send food for both of them as Inaya too had not eaten anything from the morning because of pooja but Inaya said that they would like to have their br...

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Inaya and Varun decided to work in the guest room, I too have some work pending so I thought to complete it by breakfast time and retreat to our bedroom. My work was done in an hour and it was breakfast time then so I went to the dining table. Everyone was already present there. Inaya was sitting beside Diya and Varun I guess again discussing business stuff. I sat as usual and everyone started to serve themselves when a guard came running. His expression clearly stated that he was horrified "Hukum a guard has been found dead near the palace gate". he said while his whole body was shaking in fear. 

"Seal the palace, stay inside the palace everyone" I ordered. how can this happen inside royal premises, anything like this has never happened before. I got up from my chair and headed toward the palace entrance door when I heard her voice "I am coming out with you" There was no point in opposing cause I knew her capability without denying her I just nodded my head. She came out with me and the guard was guiding us the way and we reached a near dead body, it was near the main door at the palace entry. blood was flowing non-stop he was in his pool of blood. His whole body was drenched in blood; there were several injuries on his head and skull. his shoulders had some very deep cuts. The scene was horrifying. "when did you find him in this condition" I asked the guard "Five minutes ago and I directly rushed inside the palace to inform you, hukum" he answered "Two People were supposed to be on the duty over here, bodyguards are surrounding the whole palace so how did this happen" I voiced out the question that is on my mind since I have heard the news. 

"We were called at the back side of the palace by badi rani sa as she was distributing the prasad, he said he will go when we come back after taking the prasad so the door would not be completely unprotected" guard cleared doubts roaming in my mind. The killer must have taken a maximum of three to five minutes to kill him. He was killed by someone way too smart. Did someone from outside do this, who can have the audacity to kill a royal guard even when he knows that the palace is protected by every advanced type of equipment possible? 

I looked at Inaya and her expression stated that she was not very pleased to witness the scene in front of her. She just glanced at the dead body once and seeing a person like this almost made her too shocked to react, Gosh I think I was not supposed to allow her to witness such a cruel scene even after knowing how bad it could be. seeing a simple dead body is fine but seeing a dead body with an open skull can horrify anyone. "hmm tight the security if there is an intruder he or she will try to harm us and the rest of the matter will be taken care of. " I said and moved towards Inaya ''hey its fine lets go inside we will have to inform Akash about all this" I said and she glanced towards me her face screaming havoc going in her mind because of seeing all this.

  Why the hell did I allow her to tag along with me? I walked her inside the palace and moved towards the garden to make a call to inform the police about this all. After making calls and all I received a text from the office asking for my presence. It must be about the new hotel project, there is some property issue coming our way. I text Prateek to come to the office as soon as possible.

 There are some document and stuff that needs to be collected before going to the office soon I went inside the palace to gather my stuff and started to move toward the parking lot, as I was walking I heard some footsteps following me behind without turning back I continued to move straight towards my car as I wanted to catch the person red-handed, after walking five more steps I turned behind only to get shocked I was not expecting her " forgot your watch in the bedroom I just came here to return it to you, did you thought of me as someone else or something". Inaya said, forwarding my watch towards me. " Oh, I had no idea it was you I just thought someone else was present in the parking area," I said, a bit embarrassed.

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