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I was standing in the garden of the Pratapgarh's palace

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I was standing in the garden of the Pratapgarh's palace. The whole conversation with her during the sword fight was repeating inside my head. My sight was fixed on the flowers in front of me, Lavender is said to be the flower that relaxes you but right now it is not helping me in any way possible. It has been an hour or more since I saw Inaya the emotion that her eyes carried during the sword fight pricked something inside me. The continuous ringing of my phone took me out of my thoughts, nannu was calling me. Is everything fine? without wasting time I answered the call "Hello, are you fine nannu?" I asked "Yes beta, I am completely fine, I just wanted to talk to you about something urgent" He replied, "Yeah, I am all ears". "You are already crowned king of Jaipur we think it is better to crow you as king of Pratapgarh now," Nannu said and for a second my mind went blank. 

Me as the king of Pratapgarh just why "Why?" I asked "I know what you are thinking but according to the rules only men can be the king, and we can't break the rule you are married to Inaya and as well as you are capable of being a king please agree for this" he replied with a voice full of sorrow "yeah, okay" I said. soon we disconnected the call and now I know what all that conversation during a sword fight with her means and simply her anger is justifiable. Raindrops started pouring with the Strom, a sigh left my body and I finally decided to go back inside the palace. It's my first time in this palace so the direction is still confusing for me. I saw a servant cleaning something in the living room and he told me that I could find Inaya on the upper floor last room on the right side. 

gosh, too many details. Going towards the way told by the person I went to the last room. before entering I knocked on the door and a faint come-in was heard, stepping inside the room my sight fell on the interior. Complete grey and black interior with accessories adoring places where it was needed, my gaze went towards the open balcony and she was standing there leaning on the glass barrier. The weather was not at all calm wind was blowing like it wanted things to fly and she was standing on the balcony. "weather is not calm" I said standing at her back "Nah, it is peaceful" she replied "And why do you find it peaceful" my curiosity took the best of me and I asked she looked towards me for a second and said, "because the blowing wind wants someone to hear and feel all her emotion". 

This woman does not leave a single chance to surprise me. My eyes went to the wine bottle kept in the room," you want a glass of wine" I asked "Yeah pour it in one glass and you can drink, I prefer whiskey more than wine but of course you prefer wine" Inaya said and I was astonished because I never told her the fact that I prefer wine "how did you know this" I asked my voice indicating that I did not accept her to know this "sometimes eyes tell more than voice can ever do, I just noticed the way you was looking at the wine bottle, I have asked shyam(the servant) to bring me whiskey that he dropped on ground " now I know what he was cleaning in the living room but again how did she know she never came to the living room "how did you guess he dropped the whiskey" "don't you think you ask too much question" Inaya said looking directly into my eyes her dark black orbs again did something to my little muscular organ that is beating unevenly now. 

"I ask questions because you always make me curious like a reader reading a thriller novel waiting for a plot twist" I replied without diverting my attention from her mesmerizing black orbs. She broke eye contact and said "it has been almost fifteen minutes I asked him to bring me whiskey, the bottle was kept in the living room which is a five-minute distance as you just have to climb the stair and walk straight still he has not arrived so yeah I was pretty sure he dropped the bottle and is now fearing to face me". At exactly at the same movement we heard a knock and an afraid shyam was standing there "hukum saw o bottle hamse gir ke tut gayi" She took a breath and said "open the room near kitchen you will find a similar bottle there bring it" five minutes later he arrived with a whiskey bottle.

 At exactly at the same movement we heard a knock and an afraid shyam was standing there "hukum saw o bottle hamse gir ke tut gayi" She took a breath and said "open the room near kitchen you will find a similar bottle there bring it" five minutes ...

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Vedansh took the bottle from Shayam's hand and sat on the couch near the bed he poured wine for himself and asked Inaya "Water or ice" while pouring whiskey for her in a glass "Neat" she replied and his head snapped at her, her choices are surely very different from usual peoples. Inaya came forward and took the glass from his hand "Cheers for the future king of Pratapgarh" she said and gulped the liquid the burning sensation in her throat caused by the liquid helped her to forget about the mess. Vedansh sipped his drink looking at the most unique wife of his. After fifteen minutes they were done with their drinks and sleep consumed both of them. 

Inaya already slept while sitting on the couch, vedansh swiftly picked her up and laid her on the bed, he gently removed her heels. Something again that he always noticed was her wearing heels, she always wore heels it was not like Inaya was very small in height she was a woman with a height of 5.6 feet but still her leg was always adorned with heels. And he got one more question to ask her.     

still unedited

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