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Vedansh was sitting in his bedroom head resting on the headrest of the bed

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Vedansh was sitting in his bedroom head resting on the headrest of the bed. He came back late from the office today his whole focus was on his Macbook typing something with a blank expression. When he heard a knock on the door it was almost 11:30 pm and everyone must have gone to sleep after having dinner at 9 pm finding this very unusual. He still replies "Come in" and sees his mother entering the bedroom. He kept staring at her with his eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. ''dinner?'' she asked "i do not have an appetite " After hearing her son's cold reply a sighing expression left her body and without saying anything she walked out of the room. Almost ten minutes later there was again knock on the room after getting permission Prateek walked in "Bhai are you hungry did you eat dinner?" he asked with concern "i am not in the mood to have dinner but can you send me a cup of strong black coffee'' and within a minute he also left replying his brother with a nod.

 Almost ten minutes later there was again knock on the room after getting permission Prateek walked in "Bhai are you hungry did you eat dinner?" he asked with concern "i am not in the mood to have dinner but can you send me a cup of strong black c...

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Today was such a hectic day, I was busy the whole day in a new hotel project. The project has more than 100 crore market value time right now it is midnight but I am not in the mood to sleep so I decided to recheck the project. The designer of Kangana and their design were very much impressive yet i have told them to work on a few more ideas because i want this hotel to have a unique layout and design, till tomorrow confusion was stuck in my head about the idea of working with Kangana but now i am sure about why it is one of the top and leading companies in the world. Inaya has hired the best designers and I have to say each of them is perfect in their work.

Inaya was standing on her balcony with her phone connected to Bluetooth airports she was on a call ''mam we have been searching on this for eight years now its been so long and all the time we get nothing more than the things we already know now i...

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Inaya was standing on her balcony with her phone connected to Bluetooth airports she was on a call ''mam we have been searching on this for eight years now its been so long and all the time we get nothing more than the things we already know now i think we should stop searching everything we need to know is clear or till now we would have found something as we are working on it for this long." it was the voice of ACP she was talking to. ''Okay, I also think we should stop this now'' she replied and disconnected the call.

I still think something is missing that we were not able to find in these eight years but I decided to let the police step out of this now they should stop searching

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I still think something is missing that we were not able to find in these eight years but I decided to let the police step out of this now they should stop searching. The whole world can get tired of searching for it , and can stop searching but I will not until and unless the truth is revealed. I talked to designers at my office in the afternoon and I came to know that my dear fiance is a picky person.

inaya was in her office sitting on a boss chair with a lawyer sitting in front of her "There are a total of three parts of the stock first that belongs to you and second will be donated to NGO as mentioned and there is no information mentioned abo...

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inaya was in her office sitting on a boss chair with a lawyer sitting in front of her "There are a total of three parts of the stock first that belongs to you and second will be donated to NGO as mentioned and there is no information mentioned about the third stock and the amount of the last stock is 23 crores." After thinking for some movement she replied the third stock belongs to diya. " mam as it is not mentioned in any of the legal papers so you have to get a document which mentions her as the owner of a third stock and she has to sign them." she nodded her head "well then start the process and send me the final document ".

Vedansh was sitting in his office preparing for a meeting that was going to be held after an hour with his investors. Akash came into his office "So what was the important thing that you wanted to discuss" he came here after his best friend called and asked him to come to his cabin as he had something important to discuss "I am thinking of having a public meetup with people of jaipur it's been quite long since I have gone between them and hear to their problems'' Vedansh replied "that is great why do not you also have a meetup with people of pratapgarh" "why will I meet them" he asked "because now you will be responsible to them in some way, vedansh look I think if Inaya has not been declared as the ruler of pratapgarh even after her talent and success have not been hidden from anyone then those people are thinking to crow her husband as king of pratapgarh based on old school theory that women can not rule, think wisely about the alliance vedansh its clear they want to make you king after you get married to their princess." Vedansh was silent for a few seconds and then replied with a "hmm".

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