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I went inside the bedroom and the scene caught me off guard

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I went inside the bedroom and the scene caught me off guard. Inaya was sitting while reading a book and Hazard was sitting beside her, I know he often keeps visiting the palace but it is not such a friendly creature. Hazard interacts with no one except Prateek and me seeing him being so friendly with my wife shocks me. "Hazard," I said and both of them noticed my presence. He flew from there and sat near my feet. "Come, it's time for you to head out," I said and opened the glass door attached to the balcony and he flew out "hazard don't interact much with people" "yeah I know prateek told me " she replied keep her book on the coffee table and slip inside the blanket. I adjusted the temperature of ac and went to bed. My mind was clouded with the request of Nannu regarding Pratapgarh.

The next day I woke up and Inaya was still sleeping beside me. It was the first time I woke up earlier than her. Maybe she is sleeping this late because of the effect of the medicine. Getting up I went to the gym after I came back She was struggling yet standing inside the closet taking out her formal clothes. Gosh, don't tell me she is going to work with an injured leg. "you are supposed to take rest and you could have called anyone to help you regarding this". I said and she glanced toward me "I have been resting for more than nine hours now and I don't like bothering with the small work that I can manage by myself" she replied and I went inside the closet. I was walking towards her "It's not about bothering you but about your condition at this time. She was standing facing her clothes and I was standing right behind her. please god knock some sense in my heart because it has forgotten that it's an organ, not a machine. This stupid organ of mine is behaving like crazy. 

She turned towards me and our gaze met, did this pumping organ have stopped working already why am I feeling like I am in heaven? "your leg is severely injured Inaya you can't go to the office like this" I said in a calm and low voice "There is something important going right now in the office I can't risk to take a leave, it's really important" she replied "There is a meeting room at the top floor of the palace, call Varun ad Diya and who so ever you need but stay in the palace you really need rest to heal and the cut is so deep you putting pressure at the foot will again make it bleed, try to understand Inaya" I tried my best to convince she sighs and nodded. "You go fresh up, I will wait here" Inaya went inside the washroom this time taking a loose t-shirt and joggers and I was patiently waiting. This floor in total has four washrooms, I can take showers and get rid of this sweat but what if she needs anything even though I know she will not at all ask anyone for help, I would still like to wait here for her.

She came out of the washroom bare leg her wound was on display and I have to say it was really bad, "where is the first aid box" her voice reached my ears and I pulled out a drawer and took out the first aid kit before she can take it from my hand sitting on the bed near her I start to dress u her wound she tried to stop me but eventually gave up. Before she can get down from the bed heading towards the closet and brings her crocks "No I will not wear that "Raising my eyebrow at her sudden oppose, I wanted to know the reason for her rejection of the footwear "I will wear heels" she said "You have a cut on your leg your feet need comfort why did you wanna heels" I asked but she did not reply "why did you always wear heels Inaya?" I again asked in a soft tone stepping toward her, she looked up at me and said "I don't like to look small in front of people, that's the reason why I wear heels." her reply shocked me but I knew she was such a strong character woman. I did not marry a normal girly girl. I am married to a woman who defines the logic behind worshipping women.

After giving her a pair of heels I went inside the washroom to take a shower and when I came back she was sitting on the bed reading something on MacBook. Coffee was kept on the side table which I assumed was brought by some helper but surprisingly I was wrong because I heard a knock on the door. Inaya permitted the person to enter it was none other than my dear best friend "So is the coffee good?" he asked "Yeah it's nice" Inaya replied. ''What are you doing here" I asked him "Well good morning to you too, my king and I am here to see my bhabhi as I found out she got hurt yesterday. " Akash replied in his sulking tone. Our conversation was interrupted by the knock on the door "Hukkum everyone is waiting for you at the dining table" a helper informed us. I and Akash started to move out of the bedroom. "Take your medicine after having breakfast and use the lift to go to the meeting room" I told Inaya before leaving the bedroom. 

We had breakfast with everyone. They asked me about Inaya and I told them she was fine. Akash wanted to go to the place near our office so I insisted he come with me as I have something important to discuss. "Nannu called me he wants me to take the throne of Pratapgarh," I told him while driving "I did tell you about this before your marriage" he replied "What should I do" Akash is the one who can guide me through this he had always guided me whenever I have made any important decision '' Trust me until and unless you are extremely sure about something don't take the road less travelled" he replied.

I want to thanks my regular readers and sorry for late update...This is my first time writing a book I will be very great full toward you if  you take few seconds and share your views regarding my story in comment section please its really important to me to know how am I writing and where does I have to improve myself...

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