Picture perfect: almost.

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A 2 hour drive behind the u-haul, the kids fighting the whole way. Still Amber was excited to be coming back to where she was born. Her best friend Cathrine helped her get a place in town. She couldn't wait to start over with her babies.
Her now ex husband Derrick in the dust after a very ugly long 1 year divorce. She has hopes and dreams of making a good life for her and her children here.
The kids scream as they fight over which room they want.
"OOOOWE, you dork, you got to pick first last time Teddy that's not fair," Kira whines.
"I'm the oldest looser, of course I should have first pick," Teddy states flicking his sister in the head again.
"TEDDY, DON'T FLICK YOUR SISTER," Amber exclaimed.
Frowning at them both she set the box down from her hands. She pulled them both to her and kissed there heads. "The rooms are both the same size, and I've already picked them for you, Teddy that side, Kira your this side," Amber says then breaths in bends and picks up the box taking it into the beautiful light mauve room.
The kids both grin and shove each other before running into selected rooms. "EEEEEEE," Kira squeals as she sees everything set up already.
She stops and looks back at her mom who's putting cloths from a box in her dresser. "What's in the truck then mom," Kira asks.
"Cloths, dishes, and the living room stuff, I thought we would want to settle in before bed time so, I got everything moved, that's why you guys stayed at your aunts," Amber tells her.
Kira rushes over to her and hugs her tight around the ribs. Amber grins and puts her arm around her setting the last pair of jeggings in her dresser for her. "Thank you momma," Kira says.
Amber wraps her in her arms and holds her tight. "Your welcome sweet pea," Amber whispers kissing her head.
"Eeeeehe, I love my room," she squeals and moves away walking for the bed and falls onto it.
"I'm glad you do, my friend Catherine helped put it together" Amber tells her.
"Who's Catherine," Kira asks.
"She's my best friend, remember the one that I talk to lots on FaceTime," she says.
"Ohhh, the lady with the two girls, the one that daddy didn't like," Kira says, raising her eyebrows lifting her head up to look at her mom.
Amber looks up in the mirror at her and Kira instantly regrets saying it.
"I'm sorry momma," she says with a sad voice.
Amber pulls her lips together then pulls a small smile onto her lips. "It's ok baby, say, do you want to help me pick out some food," Amber asks her daughter.
Kira sits up with a grin, "yeah I do, what we gettin".
"Well, I don't know, will see what we got going on, come on," Amber says and takes her hand they swing arms holding hands as they walk down stairs.
Amber pulls out the phone book and looks up restaurants. "Chinese," Amber asks.
"Mmm, we had that last night at aunties," Kira answers.
"Of course you did," Amber says rolling her eyes.
Kira giggles, "well what about burgers," she asks.
Amber scrunches up her face and shakes her head "what about," she says then pauses, "Pizza," she finishes.
"Yeahhhh," Kira exaggeratedly expresses.
"Ha Ha ok, pep an bacon, and bacon, chicken and cheese," she asks.
"Yes please, an stuffed crust if they have it too please please," Kira says grinning as she bounces on her 14 year old feet.
Amber smiles and nods, "you got it agent K," Amber teases.
"Ok, agent A," Kira teases back.
"K, go take that box up to your room please, I'll order and call you two when it's here ok," Amber tells her.
"Okie," Kira smiles and skips off grabbing the box and takes it upstairs.
Amber leans on the counter dialling the number for pizza. "Hi, I'd like to place and order for delivery please," she says smiling.
"My names Amber, and I'll get one pepperoni and bacon, and one bacon, chicken and cheese please," she says.
"Yes, oh easy sauce, and do you guys do stuffed crust," she adds.
"Please yes, the address is 2292 alderwood drive," she says.
"Perfect thank you," she says "30 minutes ok, thank you so much," she finishes and hangs up.
"Hooooo," she breaths out as she looks around at the boxes.
She smiles and starts to unpack the kitchen things. She's so glad she decided to pack this way this time, hopefully his is the last time she'll ever have to move again. Finding a box with Teddy written across it, she lifts it and takes it up to his room knocking first. Hearing a grunt and thump she opens the door. Dropping the box, "OH MY GOD," she yelps.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry your right, I ordered pizza, I'll call when it's ready," she says her eyes closed as she closes the door.
Good god, 15 and whacking off already, UH, ok, note to self, don't ever ever just open his door anymore. Thank god I couldn't really see anything, his father must have given him those magazines. Gross, for real I'm going to have to talk to Derrick the next time he picks up the kids. Amber shakes her head and walks back downstairs. Shoving the sleeves up on her sweater, she sets to work putting things away, and soon the doorbell rings. "COMING," she yells grabbing her purse and takes out two bills walking for the door.
She opens it to find a short man, dark hair dark eyes. He passes her the pizzas from the bag and takes the money from her. She smiles and he looks her up and down. "Your new in town, I'm Vinnie," he says.
"Oh, um well hi Vinnie, yes we just moved in, um, thank you for delivering the pizza so fast," she says kind of uncomfortably.
"No problem doll, hey ya, if you ever need anything, you know," he says looking around, "if your husband or boyfriends not in the picture, I could uhhhh," he says.
Ambers smile falls to an unsettled partial smirk, "no thanks I'm good" she breaths out, after starring at him like he'd just hit her with her own shoe.
"Ah well it's no problem ya know, I can fix things an," he gets out before Amber closes the door fast in his face and locks it.
"Oh my god what the hell was that," she breaths out, shakes her head then walks to the counter setting the pizza down then grabs 3 plates and a hand full of napkins.
"TEDDY, KIRA" she yells up the stairs.
The two come running down the hall, as Amber sits at the head of the table smiling. Teddy and Kira race for chairs on either side of there mom. They sit and Amber looks at them both, "thanks for comin," she smiles as she opens the pizza digging in. "OOOO, YAY, stuffed crust," Kira coos.
"Thanks mom," Teddy says, "do you think I could go out, maybe check out some of the places in town," he asks.
"Oh I suppose sure, but you should take your sister," Amber says.
"AAAAH, mom come on, she's 12 now, she can go by her self" Teddy quips.
"14, I'm 14 god Teddyyyyyy," Kira whines.
"What ev's, anyway I wanna see if I can make friends before school," he states.
"I wanna make friends too," Kira simpers and folds her arms pouting.
Teddy rolls his eyes shaking his head, "fine but if you get in my way I'll," he started out saying when Amber gave him a dirty look.
"Finnnnne," he grumbles and stands up setting his plate in the sink.
Kira jumps up clapping and puts her plate in the sink. Amber gets up setting the one half pizza in the other box then closes it. Lifting it she looks at them both. "Be good, be careful, and call if you need too," she says.
"We will mum," Teddy says walking for the stairs and up to change.
"Thanks momma," Kira says and kisses her cheek.
"Your welcome baby," Amber says watching her daughter go up to change.
They come back down as Amber is putting out some decorations, and trinkets. "Bye mum," Teddy says and walks to the door.
"Have fun you two," she smiles.
"We will," Kira says and they walk out the door together.
"Hoooo" Amber huffs out and sits on the couch looking around the living room.
She spots a picture of the kids when they were little playing together in the backyard.
"Don't cry, your not going to cry," she says to herself.
She sniffs and wipes her eye, "You got this Amber," she says giving a pep talk to herself.
Before she can say anything else or even blink there's a knock on the door, she frowns and looks over at it. What the heck, did the kids lock themselves out.
She steps to the mirror on the wall and wipes her eyes. Then walks to the door and opens it to see a very tall figure in a suit walking away. He stops and turns around hearing the door. She's suddenly struck with sharp gruff features and Steel grey eyes. The look on his face is one that could kill, if it were a gun. She sucks in a breath and licks her lips that are suddenly so dry. "Can, Can I help you," she asks.
The cold air between them is ominous until he speaks in the softest deepest voice she's ever heard. "I'm sorry, I thought someone else lived here."
A shiver runs down her spine, and her knees start to shake, unsure of how to proceed. "I just moved in," she says her voice wavering with a weak crackle.
"Well, congratulations," he simply says.
Her eyebrows furrow, "thanks, I think," she stutters.
He nods, his jaw drawing tight as his teeth grind, "alright well, have a good night I guess," he says looking her over again.
This time her one eyebrow raises "yes you too," she smirks small.
His hands slide in his pockets "here, my card," he says and steps closer.
She steps out wrapping her cardigan around her holding it with one hand, and takes it. Looking at it she looks back up at him and he's walking down the pathway. "Uh I," she goes to say holding the card up.
She frowns and shivers again, pulling her lips together and blinking fast shaking her head. She steps back in and goes to close the door, then opens it one more time to watch him walking to his car across the street. A Lexus, who is this guy, she looks over his card closing the door. All it has is a black shiny scull with a blue flame wrapped around and threw it. The number is the same. Simple white card, she frowns more and slides the card into her pocket shakes her head and walks to the kitchen. "What an odd encounter," she says taking a wine glass down.
She shakes it off and steps to the fridge grabbing a bottle of her favourite strawberry wine. She pours it, sets the bottle down and takes a sip. "Hooo, well," she breaths out and walks to the living room turning on the stereo.
Adele's rolling in the deep makes the room fill with soulful sound. Amber closes her eyes and rolls her head taking another sip and starts dancing around. Setting her bottle down, she dances more sipping from her glass. "We could have had it allllll, But you played it, You played it, You played it, You played it to the beat," Amber sings with the song. She lays on the couch, setting her glass on the coffee table. Looking up at the ceiling, her eyes drifting closed.

"Amber," he whispers.
"Yes," she whispers back
Her back against the wall, the last words he said before he bit her neck. She's falling into a black hole her body numb. Her ex husbands haunting words floating around her. "Your nothing to me anymore Amber, you've become so damned complacent, I'm tired of it,"
"Your sorry tired ass body will I'm sure make some dick happy, not mine anymore,"
"I'm leaving you, the papers will be here Monday morning,"
The door slams shaking and shattering everything.

Amber wakes up in a sweat wiping her eyes, breathing like she just ran a triathlon. "Hey momma," Kira says smiling at her from the back of the couch.
"Hoo, hi baby, did you have fun," Amber asks.
"Ya it was ok, Teddys still out, I'm going to bed now, I'm tired," Kira replies.
"You ok," her daughter looks at her with sympathy.
"Yeah baby, why," Amber asks.
"Well your sweating and you were breathing heavy, bad dreams still," Kira asks.
"Ya, huu, it's ok, want me to tuck you in," Amber asks trying to change the subject.
"Na, it's ok, thanks though, love you momma," Kira says leaning over kissing her cheek.
Amber closes her eyes and smiles when she opens them Kira is walking up the stairs. The door opens again, and Teddy walks in whistling and humming. "Hey," Amber says getting up.
She walks to the fridge sliding the corks back in her bottle. She sets her glass in the sink and looks back at Teddy who's walking to the stairs.
"HELLO," Amber says louder.
"Oh, hey mom," he says taking a EarPod out of his ear.
Amber smirks and walks towards him shutting the lights off. "Hi, did you have fun," she asks.
"Ya it was ok," he says walking up the stairs with her.
"Good, so you think you'll like it here," she asks him.
"Should be good," he says texting on his phone.
"Alright good talk, night Teddy," she says smiling at him and shakes her head as he walks for his room.
"Night mom," he says and goes in shutting the door.
Amber closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head then walks for her room. Double doors lead to a quiet boudoir, sitting room, and ensuite. She smiles as she lights her in incense, then turns quiet music on. She moves to the dresser and takes out pyjamas, sliding her cardigan and shirt off. She takes her capris off and tosses them in the laundry basket. She looks around then bites her lip and walks towards the ensuite. Taking her hair out with one hand letting her auburn hair fall around her face as she turns the water on in the shower stall. "Mmmm," she groans as she slides her matching black and red underwear set off and steps in the shower.
Letting the rain shower ease the days tension and warm her. She leans against the shower wall closing her eyes. Her mind wandering to the mysterious man at the door tonight. His steel grey eyes wandering her body again. She bites her nail in one hand as her other runs over her body. "Huh, mmmm" she hisses running her hand over her chest.
Making her nipples pucker and harden her other hand sliding down over her stomach and scars from her c-sections. Her hand slowly slides down more swirling over her sex. Teasing and softly swirling herself into a heated desire.
Her breath deepens and gets heavy, a groan coming from her lips.
"I'm sorry, I thought someone else lived here," his deep voice said.
"It's just me," Ambers mind takes her away.
"Well can I come in," he asked.
"Yes," she says.
His lips land on hers with a ferocious strength taking her breath away. She's suddenly naked as his lips travel over her body.

"Uh ohhhh god," she breaths out into the air of the shower.

"I've been watching you Amber, I should warn you against such things," his voice rings threw her pushing her over the edge.

"HUH," she grunts a huff as her fingers and the mysterious voice brings her to orgasm.
A chilling cold runs down her back as she hears a thump. She jumps around opening the shower door. "Teddy, Kira," she says, grabbing a towel.
She steps out and wraps it around her then pads for the bedroom.
Headlights turn on and shine threw the window from below but when she gets there the car has squealed off and gone. She frowns and looks at her bedroom door then slips her slippers on and pads down the hall to the stairs grabbing the big candlestick her grandmother gave her. "Hello," she says quietly.
She reaches the bottom of the stairs and over to the door frowning more as she locks it. She turns around and walks to the back patio doors and makes sure there locked. Then walks back for the stairs and up shaking her head. Great hearing things now, she thinks. She sets the candlestick back in place and walks to her room. Stopping to check on Kira. The door creeks slightly and she smiles seeing her roll over sighing. She walks across to Teddy's room and knocks, she knocks again, then opens the door finding him fast asleep. She frowns again and closes the door, then walks to her room. Closes the doors and takes her towel off drying her hair. "I'm going insane, just perfect," she says.
She grabs her phone from the side table by her doors and walks to her bed plugging it into the charger then puts her pyjamas on. Climbing into bed her mind swirling with the curious happenings tonight. The guy, his steely cold eyes and his deep voice, accent must be Italian or something. Then the noise in the house, she breaths in deep and lets it out heavily. Closing her eyes as she moves her hair over on her pillow covered in a towel. Falling into a deep, troubled sleep, steel grey eyes, haunting her.

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