Ex's wedding's, Trouble.

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The invitation had come in a golden envelope like it was from the Queen, of course he was marrying that witch. An adulterous whore had led her then husband to stray from her, leaving her with words of hate, lies and deceitful running around behind her back. That aside she was expected to be made further a fool by going to this damn wedding of a match made in hell. That bitch made sure to send her an invite too, all there old friends and his family. Jokes on them, she'd bring Dante dressed in his best to the wedding making her plus 2 a plus 3. No one would be expecting her to be doing well, nor be moving on from there oh so perfect marriage in the eyes of the public. Thrust into one of his lower end flats with there babies on the crappy end of the city drove her mad. But she turned that all around by moving to her home town after a very messy 1 year divorce. What was he expecting her to do, just sit there and let him drive her into the ground. She had made a name for her self and took her clients with her over face time, as well as gained more when she moved. Poor Amber just how will she survive with out his income, and there poor children, moving to a small town. That was the talk of the inner upper society circle, the circle she used to call her friends. Word had it that she lost her mind and became a drunk, most likely started by the Trollope herself, Jocelyn Danvers soon to be Jocelyn Daphne.
She asked Dante if he would go with them and he agreed, telling her that everything would be taken care of. That very morning designer racks of outfits showed up with an expensive team of fashion artists as well. She and the kids were dressed like stars and then Dante showed up with an expensive flashy sports car. With no time to argue Amber rolled her eyes at him as he opened the door for she and the kids to get in. The car rumbling as he takes off to the wedding he intends to make everyone look like a fool at. They drive down the long road into the resort. Everyone walking in watching the car as it pulls up jaws dropping and whispers begin as everyone sees Amber. Dante gets out stretching then walks around to help Amber out. Her ex Derrick stepping out onto the steps falling short of annoyed by her showing up like this. The kids get out and walk to there father hugging him then take off seeing old friends. "Amber" Derrick says faking a smile.
She smirks and nods, "Derrick, this is Dante," she introduces them.
Derrick nods shaking his hand, "Dante, I'm the ex husband," he says trying to joke.
"Hm, I'm the current, boyfriend, one day perhaps husband," he growls squeezing Derricks hand a little too hard.
Derrick pulls his hand from Dante's wincing from the shake, Amber pulls her lips into a small smile and follows Dante into get seated. Thankfully at the back, the kids come and sit beside Amber and Derrick walks down the isle, people still talking in whisper about Amber. Dante playing it up slightly he takes her hand folding there fingers kissing the back of it.
Then everyone stands and Jocelyn walks down the isle with her father, the wheezily little imp. I'll bet there's something in it for him, Amber thinks then feels Dante stiffen and stand up straighter, he and Jocelyn's dads eyes meeting. Dantes lips twitch with disgust and Jocelyn's lips part seeing Amber with a man. Her eyes veer to Derrick then back to Dante and back to Derrick. For seconds stuck in time Amber thinks they know each other but then they pass and Dante relaxes putting his arm around Amber. The wedding goes on with out a hitch and Amber finds her self in relief as she's finally maybe free from Derrick.
The supper and reception held in the very large glass greenhouse looking add on outside the venue. People she once knew coming to talk about weather and how she's doing finding that she's perfectly fine with out Derrick. Amber excuses herself to the washroom and takes off into the resort to find it, running into Derrick coming back from it. "Amber," he says.
"Hmm, Derrick, congratulations," she fakes a smile.
"Thank you, your looking good," he says looking her up and down.
"I am, thanks, better then I have been in a very long time," she states saltily.
"So, who is this guy," he asks.
"Hm, he owns his own skip the dishes company, along with others, very nice guy, why don't you ask the kids for all the dirt Derrick I'm sure you want to know, now if you'll excuse me I need the ladies room," she smirks and goes to take off but he grabs her wrist stopping her.
"Amber, don't be a bitch, I was just being a concerned," he says but stops.
"Concerned what, Derrick," she looks down at his hand and he lets go, "you made it perfectly clear you did not want me anymore, you moved on, I moved on, did you think I wouldn't, I am the mother of your children, but I'm also a woman Derrick," she says hissing as she steps closer to him, "a woman with feelings, needs, and just as you said I was complacent, you were too, and your little Dick, wasn't cutting it anymore," she simpers razing her eyebrows.
A hand comes up slapping her cheek making it sting and her eyes well up with tears. There's a loud voice and fast walking then a breaking hitting noice as Dante's fist connects with Derricks nose. Derrick stumbles back against the wall, his eyes trying to refocus and a crowd starting to form. "You lay a fucking hand on her ever again I'll make sure you don't walk," Dante growls, and Amber grabs his arm with hers.
His breath heavy with anger, his eyes flaming with the devils fire, Derrick takes his handkerchief from his pocket to stop the bleeding.
"I shouldn't have hit her your right but you shouldn't have hit me, I'm going to sue your ass now, and those kids will never see there mother again," Derrick growls.
"Dante, let's just go before this gets out of hand," Amber pleads.
"What do you want hm," Dante growls and steps away from Amber toward Derrick.
"100,000, hm, 200,000, a mill, I will make sure that if you try at all to take those babies away from there mother, you won't have a penny left to even wipe your ass, right Richard, just ask him how things can turn from good to bad in a split second," Dante leans setting his hands on either side of Derricks shoulders his face right in his.
"You want an e-transfer, or check mother fucker, DON'T - - TEST - - ME," Dante roars, Derrick swallows hard, then looks at Richard, Jocelyn's dad.
He nods and Derrick swallows more looking back at Dante, "I'll write a check," Dante says standing up.
He takes his pocket book out and writes a check, a million scrolled across it then he tosses it at Derrick "wedding gift, from Amber and I, enjoy it, and if you ever, ever try to take the kids from Amber, you'll regret every second of it," Dante's voice darkens and sounds like a demonic presence.
He spins on his heels taking Ambers hand "Teddy, Kira, come on," he says, "let's go check out the museums and shopping, then I'll take you out for supper," he says walking for the door with Amber.
Kira's eyes light up and she skips towards them, Teddy reluctantly on there heels. As promised though, so many things to do in Boston. Dante spending more money on an executive suit for the night so they can go to more attractions that Derrick had put off taking the kids to. The weekend drawing the kids closer to Dante, bonding over artwork at the art institute and ships and things at the museum of science and industry. Finally making it home on Sunday evening, ending with Dante kissing Amber goodnight with a long passionate kiss on the door step. "You didn't have to buy the kids so many things," Amber says.
"Baby, don't worry bout it, I enjoyed this weekend, other then your ex, he shows his face again I swear I," he starts to say but stopped by her wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hard.
"Thank you Dante, for everything you do, I just mean that money is not everything," she says.
"I know, but I got it, and can't take it with me when I die, so what better way to spend it then on the woman I'm in love with and her children," he informs.
"Hmmm, well, I guess I'll see you, sometime during the week maybe, if not on the weekend then," she asks, hinting on when she'll see him again.
"You know we could solve this, I'll just put a speed up on the house and you can move in," he says with a smirk.
She rolls her eyes and sets her hand on his chest, he smiles and leans in kissing her, "definitely next weekend it's your birthday Bambina, I wouldn't miss that for the world," he giggles.
"Don't remind me," she growls.
"Oh baby, it's just a number, hm, night love, I'll see you soon, love you," he says then kisses her again.
She sucks in a breath as he takes off "I love you too," she sighs as he walks to the car.
Leaving her to lean against the door frame watching him drive away, she frowns as a black car with tinted windows slowly creeps by. She closes the door locking it then checks everything else is locked including windows. Walks upstairs exhausted from the weekend checking on the kids, smiling as she finds them fast asleep with there new gifts close by.
iPhones, earphones, cloths, shoes, a purse for Kira, a wallet for teddy, a stuffed animal in Kira's arms, and a book on Teddy's chest. Dante didn't even bat an eye buying them anything they wanted, she's hoping they don't grow accustomed to all this. Nevertheless it was a good weekend dispute the display at the wedding that will surly be talked about for years to come. She falls into bed happy with what she told Derrick, it probably didn't hurt him as much but it sure felt good to give him back his own medicine. She smiles and her eyes drift closed, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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