Through The Ash

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Dante's heart stopped when he answered his phone, Amber just waking up, he could tell hers stopped as well. Struggling to get dressed they both frantically put his cloths on, she waring a pair of his jogging pants and a hoodie. He slidgnging on his dress pants and shirt then jacket from last night. Finding most of the vehicles gone searching for Kira, he sees the only fast vehicle left, his old motet cycle in the corner, covered with a tarp. Amber steps out of the room as he grabs the keys and uncovers the bike her eyes widening at the site of it. "You can't be serious," she grumbles.
A light smirk on his face pulling at the corners, "don't have much choice come," he retorts.
Shaking as he puts the helmet on her she swings one leg over and gets on the back as he places himself down. "You sure you can drive this right," she asks.
"Ha, just like riding a bike baby," he chuckles lightly.
Moving the bike back so that he can get out he starts it and smiles as he feels the freedom of it coming back to him. Amber instinctively moving her arms around him as the bike goes forward, more of a smile coming to his lips. This is such a different feel then the last time he was on this bike, he thinks as he takes off putting his feet up on the footrests. The wind begins to rush past them as he turns the throttle, making the bike go faster. Ambers arms tightening around his middle if she wasn't wanting to see her baby she'd probably enjoy this more, but her mind swirls with anger and relief that Kip took her and that shes home again. The closer they get the more she wants to cry, the more she wants to cry the more she wants to hit something. Her heart thundering just as much as the sound of the bike, they pull up into the driveway and she can't even wait to get off scrambling to. Dante follows in suit setting the bike on the kick stand as he gets off. Amber flys in the house searching for her daughter, struggling with the helmet Dante put on her. She gets it off as she reaches the top of the stairs she can hear the shower running and her heart sinks. "KIRA, BABY," she screams thinking the absolute worst has happened.
"Momma," Kira's voice comes from her room.
Amber frowns and turns to find Kira stepping out of her room a smile on her face as she walks for her mom. There arms wrap around each other in relief to see each other Ambers eyes begin to water and a flood of emotions comes out. "God Kira my baby, are you ok, did he touch you, did he hurt you," Amber says moving back slightly to cup Kira's head.
Dante stops seeing the two in the hall, then walks towards them "what did that son of a bitch do to you," He growls.
Kira's face falls from a small smile, "n-no, nothing, he didn't hurt me, he was actually pretty nice, I remember feeling super tired and weak and like I was drunk almost, then I just blacked out, next thing I knew I woke up to a door opening and a hood thing being taken off and Kip was checking me over, he fed me and then let me sleep in a room, the bed was super soft, but he didn't do anything, he bought me breakfast too this morning, and, um, hot chocolate," she explains leaving the part out about him kissing her feeling it would make things worse.
Dante's eyebrows rose, "you were drugged, what did he want from you what information," Dante asks her.
She shakes her head the best she can with her moms hands holding her head, "Nothing, we talked about school and stuff, then I went to bed, and he brought me home," she said looking at him knowing if she didn't he'd catch her lie.
Wait why was she protecting Kip, maybe because he really wasn't that scary, and he didn't hurt her, he kissed her but they don't need to know that. "That don't sound like Kip, at all," Dante states.
Kira shrugs "well that was all, can I go back to my homework now," she asks.
"Ya baby," Amber says nodding letting her go.
Kira smiles lightly then walks back to her room, leaving Dante to stand there frowning. Confused at Kips direction of actions. What the hell is he up too, why did he take Kira and bring her back, why did he try not to get info out of her. That's not like him at all, he was a ruthless ass hole to young girls, woman, and men for that matter. Why did he drug Kira, take her and then bring her back, Dante frowns thinking back to him taking Amanda, there was no restraint with her. "Dante" Amber says setting her hands on his chest.
He blinks and looks at her his eyes dark, "I'm placing security here, and with the kids at all times and with you," he growls, "Kips up to something and I'm not sure what but he'll strike when we least expect it, so you'll be under surveillance 24/7 no if's ands or buts," he finished.
Amber nods swallowing hard, "I'm also going to teach you how to shoot," he says more.
She moves closer to him laying her head on his shoulder and chest, he lets out a deep sigh sliding his hands over her hips then around her. "Bambina, I want you safe, I'm moving in, cause I know you won't move with me, I think it's safe to do considering you have my ring on your finger," he says kissing the side of her head.
She nods against the side of his neck then kisses it back, "I'm also gonna put security cameras on the house, you go change or shower what ever you like while I get this set up, I ain't playing around this time, nor will I let him touch you or touch your babies again," he growls more.
"Well, I guess, since we're going to be married, there kind of, your babies too," Amber says a slight smirk playing on her lips, eyebrow raising.
Dante cocks his head, "only if they want to be, I won't push, but I won't treat them any less either," He retorts.
"Hm, I love you, and I know that they are really warming up to you, so," she says then shrugs.
"Still, I won't push them, they have a dad, flesh n' blood, I won't try to replace that, but I will care for them like there my own, hm, never thought I would gain 2 more children, but here I am," he says giving Amber a fond look.
"No, here we are, and we have a lot of planning to do buster, so, let's get sleep, maybe a shower, and," she started before he cut her off with a passion filled kiss.
Lifting her around his waist he carries her to her room and sets her on the bed before kissing her cheeks, nose and forehead. "I have phone calls to make first Bambina," he purrs against her lips before kissing them again.
His body slowly sliding down hers to plant a kiss on her stomach before moving fully from the bed, she lets out a giggle "oh yes, right," with a grin.
"Mm, I'll be back, I'm just going downstairs to make sure everything is locked, and secure while I call my guys," he says taking off for the door.
"You better make it quick, Bambina wants her Bambino," she raises an eyebrow smirking more.
"Oof, ssss, I will try," he hisses threw his teeth with a scrunched up heated face.
She smiles more as he walks out, laying back on the bed she runs her hands over her head then gets up making her way to the bathroom, starting a shower, and undresses. The last 24 hours being a very hard time feeling extremely exhausted she steps into the shower letting the heat take the tension away.
The more she thinks about Kip the more her heart rate goes up in anger, she leans against the wall trying to relax. Even in her new home she doesn't feel safe anymore, except for when Dante is around, she sucks in a deep breath knowing he's there just downstairs nothing to worry about.
She jumps at the sound of the door closing thinking it's perhaps him but he just left, maybe he set something like his phone down and forgot he did. "DANTE," she calls from the shower.
There's no response, she frowns and slides open the door shutting the water off then steps out wrapping herself in a towel. "DANTE," she calls again.
"Hey babe just me," Catherine says stepping in the bathroom.
"I'm sorry I was just looking for my earring that I lost the yesterday when I was doing your hair and stuff," Catherine responds looking around on the floor of the bathroom.
"Fffuck," Amber hisses.
"I think I picked it up and set it on my dresser," she tells her friend as she crawls on the floor.
"Oh, thank you thank you, I can't stand not having a pair," Cathrine says as she walks out to the room again.
Amber shakes her head and climbs back in the shower, trying to regain any calmness she had before. Washing her hair with shampoo then body with the body wash she starts to breath normal again, then Cathrine speaks again. "So, Kira was found, here at home," she asks.
"Oh, Jesus Cathrine do you mind, yes she was dropped off here," Amber whines covering herself with her hands.
"Oh please Amber not like we've not seen each other before remember we used to get dressed and undressed together," Cathrine retorts.
"That was a very long time ago, but yes she's ok, and no harm done," Amber admits.
"Well not that long ago and good, Teddy is home, safe and sound, I took him home with me after everything went down last night," she says.
"Thank you Cathrine,"
"You really know how to pick 'em huh, first a mean lawyer now a man that's into god knows what," she starts saying.
"My business is no matter of anyones, least of all yours, but since your hear you should know too, I'm amping up security, I'm moving in here with Amber, and your gonna have security at your place too just incase," he says.
She and Amber both raise there eyebrows at him, "I'm not taking any damn chances here and if anyone has anything else to say about it you can stop right there and drop it, I'm done playing around, my life might be complicated and all but I can be damn sure that no one in my life or Ambers life for that matter is going to catch the brunt of it, end of discussion," he barks folding his arms over his chest.
Amber and Cathrine give each other a look then look back at him, "yes sir," Cathrine says, smirking.
She and Amber giggle making him growl in anger of the defiance, "it's not funny, till Kip comes out to play, or we find out what he's playing at, you two and your kids are under 24 hour supervision," he growls.
"K, well I'm gonna go make some coffee I'll let you two have your shower, or, what ever," Cathrine says as she steps past Dante.
He shakes his head watching her go, then looks back at Amber, "you need to realize just how dangerous Kip is, and what lengths he'll go to to try and bring me down, he wants my fucking title so he'll do anything," Dante states taking his shirt off then pants, socks and underwear.
Stepping in with Amber, his hands ran down her arms and he leaned forward kissing her forehead again before moving them so that he was in the water. "Steal my shower," she frowns and growls.
He smirks, "I'll be done right away, I just need a little hot water," he says.
She rolls her eyes then stops as his hands trail down his body following them to his cock, her eyes flick up to his raising her eyebrow. "Mm, someone needs a cleaning," she asks.
"I'd never pass up a good scrub," he answers closing his eyes as her hand passes over where his are.
His eyes flutter open when she leans in to kiss his lips, pushing him against the wall. "Frisky are we," he asks.
"I'd never pass up a good man in the shower," she says then grins.
"Oh, Bambinaaaa," he growls her nickname dragging out the a sound.
Her hands trail up his front to his shoulders, leaning more to kiss his lips then trail down as she lowers her self to a crouch. His lips parting in a O when she takes his cock in her mouth sliding it in and out again. Her one hand joining the motion back and forth, her other hand moving up his leg to capture and cup his balls. "God Damn La mia bella donna" he growls from deep inside.
His hands run over her head gently and soft, guiding her to take more in her mouth, a slight passion filled frown on his face. "You don't gag," he purrs, as she swallows around the head of his shaft.
Her eyes flick up to his a slight smirk on her lips, her hand sliding down the shaft again and over his pelvis taking him all the way in. His abs tighten a groan of pure desire resonating from his lips. A soft choke comes from her mouth and she slides back feeling quite pleased with herself. He lets out another growl bending he captures her lips and grips her thighs lifting her up onto his hips. The sudden change in position making a gasp come out of her and he turns her pushing her against the wall. Maneuvering his cock to press against her entrance. Both hearts thundering in there chests as he shoves into her, her head tilting back against the wall allowing him to kiss down her neck. Quick long thrusts his hands gripping her bottom and she tightens around him. Driving them both over the edge of orgasm, her head falling to his shoulder as she moans in pleasure. His grunting loud as he pushes deep into her "UH ffffuck Bambina," he whispers a growl against her neck.
Kissing her neck as she wraps her arms around him, his arms wrap around her and pulls out of her making her whimper slightly from the sudden loss. He smiles against her neck, "someone didn't want me to pull out" he chuckles.
"Mmm," she groans.
"Hmhm, I love you," he says with a chuckle.
"Love you too Dante," she replies exhaustedly.
Dante shuts the shower off and steps out of the shower with her wrapping a towel around her and grabbing two more. He walks out to the bed laying her on the one towel, lifting her head and hair to lay another towel on the pillow then tried to gently move the blankets down, moving the towel up under her wrapping it around her. Dries her legs then covers her and wipes himself down lays the towel on the pillow and lays down beside her setting an alarm for two hours for a nap. He kisses her forehead pulling her close into him covering himself with the blanket and relaxes knowing full well his men are stationed at the house downstairs.

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