Love on the Brain

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My mother always told me, if your going to play with the fire, make sure you have safety precautions set up. Not once did she ever tell me that a man could scorch you so bad you feel the need to be close to him always.
Amber sat looking in the mirror, waiting for the test, it's been 2 weeks since the gala. There has to be a result, negative or not she needs to know what is going on. She can feel the anxiety fill her with fear and uncertainty of what's going to happen next. Her heart pounding as she watches the stick in front of her, it's like waiting for the titanic to sink hours after the iceberg hit. She's not ready for this, not again, she never thought she would be waiting for another pregnancy test. Considering her age, she thought she had ran out of time in that area. Being 34 with 2 teens was enough for her, but then the talk with Dante had lit her baby spark again. To hold a little baby again, breast feed, change diapers again, was she ready for that though. What would her friends and family say, what would her babies she has now say about this. She blinks and leans forward looking at herself in the mirror, she wipes her eyelashes with mascara, then applies lipstick. God if it's 2 lines she doesn't know how she's going to tell everyone including Dante. She knows he said it'll be fine but they've never even put a title to there relationship, it just is, it's sex, heated passion and well, falling in love now. Still this worries her, but he must be the first she tells, the kids are at school so she'll drive to his place and tell him right away. Depending on the answer, is all dependant on what she wares, the sexy red dress he sent her, or the mommy outfit, jeans and a T-shirt.
She puts the cap back on her lipstick and looks at the test, her eyes widen and she sits back in the chair letting out a deep breath she'd been holding. "Oh god," she sighs.
Flailing her arms and legs she grabs the arm of the chair and the beauty table she sits at and shoved up from the chair smiling. Doing a little dance as she grabs the red dress and slips it on zipping it up. She grabs her red pumps and slips them on then sprays perfume on her neck and walks to the door of her room. Dropping the test in the garbage on the way by she walks down the stairs to the door grabbing her coat, slides it on and grabs her keys. She steps out locking the door and walks to her car, starting it she takes a deep breath and backs out.
It seems like forever before reaching the yard, parking she takes a deep breath in, and out. Steps out of the car, walking for the little cabin she can help but smile. To think there's a whole other world under this place, all because of a skip the dishes gorgeous guy. She smirks and knocks on the door, it opens and a giant of a man stands there, if this were a couple months ago she'd probably shit bricks. "Hey Donny," she says and smiles.
"Hey, he's down in the office, you remember how to get there," the mountain man asks.
"Ya I think I got it," she smiles and walks across for the shelf.
He smirks shaking his head as she disappears threw the secret door and he sits back down watching tv. She walks down the staircase to the bottom her breath rising, she's wondering now if maybe he really wanted to have a baby. She steps down off the last step and takes a deep breath in taking her coat off revealing the slinky dress he'd picked out for her. Sitting mid thigh, and red, low cut on her chest with the earring and necklace he'd bought to go with it. Her nails and lips painted blood red, her hair up in a sexy loose bun.
She walks towards the office, seeing Dante standing leaning on a table. His head slowly turns as her heels click across the floor, every guy in the place staring at her. Including Dante, his eyes drop to her feet and slowly rise up her legs, to her knees, the hem of the dress. Finally stopping at her breasts as she stops at the door. He swallows hard and his eyes flick up to her eyes, she leans against the door frame, no words needed he looks at the guys in the room all of them with there mouths open. He clears his throat, and blinks, then nods motioning for them to get out. You could have heard a pin drop in the place, it would have echoed loudly. Then the scraping of chairs sliding out from the table the men single file walking past Amber looking her up and down. She smiles lightly at each one as they leave, and then finally Dante turns to face her, his hands sliding into his pockets. His hand moves adjusting his cock as he stands staring at her, "hey Bambina," he breaths out finally.
"Hi," she answers him back.
"What uh, what's up," he frowns slightly as his eyes look her over again.
"I have news," she says stepping in, grabbing the door she closes it.
His eyes flick to the door then back to her eating her in with hungry eyes, "Mm," he grunts.
Her lips purse trying not to smile, this is a serious matter, that needs to be talked about. She steps in closer but he backs up, she frowns and steps again only to have him step back again. "Dante," she says quietly.
His eyes tracing the outline of her breasts, "mm," he groans taking his bottom lip in his mouth.
"Oh for Christ sake Dante Why are you running away from me," she asks.
"Hm, I wasn't, I was waiting for you to get your news out before I throw you on the table an fuck the shit outta that little red dress," he growls, his eyes so dark the devil would be running.
Ambers eyebrows raise as she watches him, "oh, well, um, I, took a test," she breaths out.
"Oh," he grunts again, still undressing her with his eyes.
"I'm, I'm not, pregnant," she says.
His eyes lift to her eyes, and with a quick step he's super close, one hand running into her hair the other around her waist. His lips crashing against her as he presses his hard body against her, an explosion of static and need between them. Her coat falling to the floor as she moves her hands up around his neck, his hands move down to her thighs, lifting her around his waist. Stepping over to the table he lays her down on it, sucking her bottom lip in then takes her hands off his neck. He stands, takes his wallet out, pulling out a condom and rips it open with his teeth and one hand. His other hand moving to undo his belt, button and zipper, sliding his pants down with his underwear. Taking the rubber he fits it on and rolls it all the way down. Amber bitting the tip of one nail watching him, turning her on as he sheaths his cock. He grips her calves as he leans down, setting them on his shoulders he nips his way down her inner thigh, tongue swirling then slides her panties to the side and kneels. Attacking her clit and all he can, her hands flying up to grip the sides of the table as her body arches instinctively. "OH MY GOD," she squeals.
Slipping her legs down his arms he slides her panties off, down her legs as his tongue probs her sex, making her hips grind and buck into his face. Before she can squeal again he reaches up with her panties, making her open her mouth and slides them in tucking them in then puts his fingers on her lips telling her to be quiet. "MMMMMM," she growls threw the panties as his other hand moves up fingers into her entrance.
Swirling his tongue around and around her clit, pulling her closer and closer to climax. Her hands grip the table tight and she sucks in a deep breath, his fingers gliding inside her faster as he feels her tighten. Sucks her clit into his mouth and flicks it with his tongue shoving her over the breaking point. She lets out a growl as she orgasms on his fingers. He slides them out and moves his mouth down taking it in like it's his final meal. Then stands kissing up her front as far as he can sliding her dress up. Moves up fully and grips his cock positioning against her, in one swift rock he slides deep inside her making her head spin, still floating from her orgasm. His hands grip her waist and he growls, and grunts as he rocks his hips fast and hard into her. A sultry pounding inside throwing her back into a spiralling tantrum of ecstasy. She arches up again taking him deeper, as his cock grinds into her. Sweat covering them both as his ruthless pounding shoves them closer and closer to orgasm. "Ohh bambina," he breaths out.
Moving over her his rocks slowing but staying just as hard of thrusts, removing the panties, his lips land on here tongue swirling into her mouth as he grinds them both into a steamy ecstasy. His head lifts as he slams deep into her, hand moving over her mouth as she tilts her head back a scream letting go into his hand.
"Hu, fuck bab, y," he huffs brokenly strained as they both orgasm together.
Removing his hand his head falls, lips kissing her neck as they both pant coming down from heaven. Dante's hands move up under her sliding over her shoulders as he runs kisses over her neck. "You, dis, appointed," she stutters a shuttering breath out.
"Mm, never bambina," he whispers against her neck.
Her eyes close, "Huu, ok," she breaths.
"Why would you think I'm disappointed baby," he asks standing up, pulling out to take the condom off.
She sits up and fixes her panties back where they belong then straightens her dress down, "I just, I don't know, you looked kind of excited when I said I might be," she states.
"Bambina, weather you are or aren't I don't think I could ever be disappointed with you," he says doing up his pants and belt.
Her eyes wander over him then there eyes meet, "Baby, you've had me trippin over myself ever since I was in your room that night," he states then closes his mouth waiting for the repercussions.
Her eyes widen eyebrows raise, "so you were in my room that night, what the hell Dante," she gripes.
He shrugs, "technically I was checking on you, cause you just seemed sad, an," he stops and blinks.
"I just, felt the need to, put a smile on your face, little did I know the damage your ex had done, then when you started touching," he raises his eyebrow, and looks down at her crotch, then down to her feet.
"I saw," he starts again but stops bowing his head as she stands then leans on the table.
"Saw what, a desperate woman, playing with herself in the shower cause she hadn't been touched in forever," she says frowning.
He frowns his eyes snapping up to hers, "Bambina," he shakes his head and steps to her brushing the small trundling hair from her face.
"What I saw was, the most beautiful woman, I'd seen in very long time, it turned me on so badly I," he says looking her face over, trying to find the words not to offend her.
"Wait we're you," she starts to ask then stops closing her eyes as he cups her cheek.
"Beating it like it owed me money, ya, I'm sorry but I ain't sorry, cause that night made me realize that I wanted to get close to you, that I wanted to show you how beautiful you are, that you have this ability to just walk in a room and make my dick so hard I can hardly breath, Amber, I don't regret running into you, or trespassing, or the mace or any of it, cause I've fallin in love with you Bambina, hard," he growls.
"I," she goes to say, running her hands up his chest, to wrap around his neck.
She swallows hard then licks her lips looking at his then his eyes, "I love you too Dante, the things I've felt since I met you, are, insane, intense, and I can't ever imagine feeling this way, cause ya, my ex did degrade me, and hurt me, but your bringing me back from that slowly," she tells him.
His other hand comes up softly cupping her other cheek, and kisses her softly at first making it grow into a hungry kiss. His hands slide down slowly to her hips, then around to her lower back pressing her against him. Hearts pounding in there chests as they melt together like a weld on a seam, forget the world around them.
The door sounds with a rapid knock, making them break the kiss and both look over. "YEAH," Dante calls.
It opens and his right hand man slips his head in "sorry to interrupt, um, but we got a tiny situation," he states.
Amber frowns, "what" Dante asks.
He bobs his head insinuating to come out of the office and Dante looks back at Amber, shrugging with his eyebrow raised. "Hm, oh wait," she says then grabs a Kleenex and wipes the lipstick off of Dante's lips.
He smirks looking down at her taking the Kleenex and wipes her chin and top lip clean, "hm, I'll fix it," she giggles.
"K, come out when your ready, there's a mirror on the inside of that cabinet," he says pointing to the wardrobe looking thing in the corner of the room.
"Ok," she breaths as he runs his hands threw his hair then takes off out the door.
His confession making her feel light on her feet as she walks to the cabinet to put more lipstick on digging in her purse as she picks it up from the floor with her jacket. "Sneaky shit," she huffs and opens the cabinet but freezes as she sees the artillery hidden behind its doors.
"Holy fffffffuck," she breaths out.
Quickly she puts lipstick on and closes the door, there's enough amo and fire power in there for a small army, she thinks as she collects her coat. Making sure her dress is good before she leaves the room, stepping out only to freeze in horror.

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