You are my Gangster

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"I Don't Want You To Save Me. I Want You To Stand By My Side As I Save Myself"

The evening was beautiful, the sun just starting to set, it couldn't have been any better. The ocean lapped against the shore, light green-blue colour. An arbor sat on the beach full of wild tropical flowers, lace and sheer white fabric hung from it. Chairs set with the same flowers and fabric, candles lighting the isle all the way down inside small white lanterns, also on the outer side of the chairs. Ambers hair done up in a wrapping sweep to a bun, with sapphire pins in place, with trundles curled and hung down. A silver necklace strung around her neck a heart shaped Hematite Tumbled Stone, with a sapphire set in the middle. Signifying something only Dante and Amber know as sapphire and steel. Matching heart droplet earrings Dante had all made for this day. Her eyes watering as she stood looking in the mirror at it, so many changes and heart aches since they met this day one year ago. Today could not have came any slower, or any quicker, Amber thinks as she waits to walk to the love of her life.
Her heart thunders against her chest as she checks her make up one last time and takes her flowers in her hand. White Lilly's wrapped in a steel colour chiffon material, a sapphire heart stone hanging from it mid way up the stems. Everything couldn't be any more perfect if they tried. Kira comes into the room gasping as she sees her momma. Holding back her tears trying not to wreck her make up. "Momma your beautiful," she squeaks.
Amber turns to see her half grown up little girl standing in a beautiful sapphire blue dress cut just below her knees, an empire waist, and v neck cut just enough to emphasize that she's not a little girl any more. There matching hair and shoes make perfect touches, Amber swallows and walks to her kissing her forehead. "Your super beautiful my girl," she breaths out.
Catherine steps in the door holding the same flowers, the chiffon is sapphire and Hematite Tumbled Stone hanging from it. Her dress a steel colour, v neck cut to the centre of her breasts, all satin, except the straps which are a soft lace. "OH MY GOD YOU TWO," Catherine squeaks blinking back her tears fast. She waves her hand at her face trying to stop them from flooding out her make up. They group hug, sniffling, as the door opens and Teddy walks in. Amber looks over and it's the end of her holding back, tears fall as she sees her boy so grown up in his tux. A sapphire tie hanging perfectly from his neck tucked in neatly. Sapphire handkerchief in his pocket folded to perfection. "Maaaa, stop your make ups gonna be all over your face," he groans.
"I know I'm sorry I just can't help it my babies are so grown up," she cries.
Teddy rolls his eyes and smirks as he takes a Kleenex from the box passing it to her, then one to each of the other girls. "K, we're pretty much ready" Teddy says.
"Right ok," Amber says then breaths in deep, letting it out trying to calm.
Cathrine looks her over and fixes her makeup, then Kira's, both Kira and Amber fixing hers. Deep breaths and they hold there flowers. Kira on one side Teddy on the other side of Amber her arms around each of her children's.
The best part of Me by Ed Sheehan plays, as they start to walk from the building down the path that's decorated with tropical flowers and candles in hung lanterns. The light breeze blowing there dresses and hair lightly as Cathrine leads them to the end of the path. She starts down between the chairs filled with people. Dante stands with hands folded in front of him, his hair in a sexy tossed hold. Black suit with a sapphire silk shirt, and steel grey tie. A white handkerchief from his pocket embroidered with the letters in there colour S&S faded into each other with the &. This date written the same with the same colours, with a necklace hung around his neck but reversed sapphire heart with Hematite Tumbled Stone inset into it. His eyes widen as Amber and the kids make there way to the front, Amber clinging to there arms. Her breaths sporadically deep and heavy and then there eyes meet. Sapphire to Steel, and the world stops in motion, slowing down perfectly, Amber sucks in a deep breath, it catches in her throat as she steps towards him. He hugs Teddy then Kira and kisses her forehead, then takes Amber's hand shakily she steps up on the platform Teddy and Kira following to stand on either side of them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, we are gathered here today to unite not only two hearts, but a family as a whole," the priest says.
"A marriage is a joyous moment in time, when two hearts become one, one that will stand the test of time and every moment in between," he says.
"Who are you to give this woman to this man and welcome him into your family," he asks.
"We Do," Teddy and Kira say, Kira with excitement in her voice.
She blushes and Dante grins giving her a wink.
"It is one thing to take on one heart, another to take on 3, Dante, Do you accept Kira and Teddy just as they are, to guide them to the best of your ability, to protect, love and Cherish the moments as they take on the world," he asks.
"Absolutely I do," he responds.
Both kids smile, then step back to the other side of Catherine and Anthony, both looking quite prideful.
"Amber, will you repeat after me," the priest says.
She takes a deep breath and looks up into Dante's eyes more. "Dante,, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share the rest of my life. Your handsomeness, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honouring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. This is my solemn vow." She repeats.
"Dante, repeat after me," the priest says then, turning his head to him.
"Today, as we join our lives as husband and wife, we also become a family. Just as I vow to love and support you for the rest of my days, I also pledge to support your children in achieving their dreams, to give them guidance when needed and to freely give them my unconditional love," he repeats after the priest.
"May we have the rings please," he says next.
"Dante place the ring on Ambers finger and repeat after me," he says once the rings are passed to him.
Dante takes the ring that is made of white gold, a diamond in the centre, with sapphires running down either side. He slides it on her finger slowly repeating the words, ""This ring is a token of my love. I offer you all that I have, all that I am, and all that I will be."
"Amber," the priest says, passing her Dante's ring.
White gold, a sapphire in the middle with diamonds down the side.
"This ring is a token of my love. I offer you all that I have, all that I am, and all that I will be," she repeats.
"As requested we will now proceed to the unity sand ceremony" the priest says.
Dante takes Amber's hand, Teddy and Kira following, the priest stands to the side, as they each take a tall glass filled with different sand. Amber's sapphire, Dante's steel, Kira's pink, Teddy's black. Kira going first she pours part of hers into a picture frame with a glass front and back. In script it reads with four hearts in white the writing black. "Together We Make A Family, Dante, Amber, Teddy & Kira, with the date of the wedding at the bottom. Teddy goes next then Amber and Dante, Kira again, Teddy, Amber and Dante finishing it off. "Merging a family will not always be easy, but the promises made here today will hold fast, and love will wrap you all together," the priest says.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the priest says stepping back to the arbor.
"I am happy to present to you, Mr, Mrs, and family Dante Ambrosio," he says.
"You May now kiss your Bride" he finishes.
Dante smiles, looking down at Amber, "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," she whispers back before there lips close together melting as one.
Dante's hands run down to her lower back deepening the kiss.
When they break apart Amber takes Kira, Dante taking Teddy pulling them both into a group hug. Everyone stands clapping, Samantha trying to stop the tears from flowing, as she watches her brother proudly walk with his family back down the isle.
Dante freezes at the end moving forward stepping in front of Amber and the kids, his gun coming from the back of his pants as Kip stands hands in his pockets watching. Kira sucks in a breath, she leaves Amber's embrace, Amber's eyes widening and trying to get her back "Kira," she breaths out.
Kira steps beside Dante, he frowns as her hand moves up on his arms, she looks at him almost begging for him to put the gun down. "Kira," he growls.
She shakes her head and starts walking towards Kip, Dante slowly lowering his gun and walks behind her, he moves his free hand telling security to stop. "What are you doing here," she asks as she gets close to Kip.
He frowns slightly, sucking in a deep breath, letting it out with a sigh. "I came to watch the wedding," he says softly.
Kira swallows, and stops just short of inches away from him looking up at him, "You shouldn't be here, you could have been shot," she states.
He shrugs, his head bowing, "story of my life," he says plainly.
"Is that what you want, death, what is wrong with you, you walk around like you don't give a shit about your life," she retorts.
He shrugs one shoulder, "I'm tired, Kira, I'm tired of running all the time, I'm tired of, this pain, I'm sick of being who I am, what I am, I'm tired of pretending that I'm something I'm not," he hisses, tears brewing in his eyes.
Kira's heart drops into her stomach, her eyes tearing too, "then why do you," she asks.
Amber steps beside Dante taking his hand squeezing it, he swallows and looks down and around at the sand before putting it away. "Because, I have to," he growls.
Kira shakes her head, frowning, "only because you don't show people the real you," she says her voice cracking as a tear falls from her eyes.
"And you think you know," he hisses, his eyes turning to shadows.
"I know more then you think," she whispers.
"Hmm, little girl, you know nothing, you don't know what I've seen, what I've done," he growls, stopping with a hiss.
The crack of Kira's hand connecting with Kips cheek making everyone gasp in fear, even Kira surprised by her lack of better response. Kips eyes widen as he breaths out and sucks in a breath, holding it his eyes blinking from the sting. Dante moves to take out his gun again but Amber grips his hand stopping him in his tracks. Kip stands frozen, blinking, staring into the eyes of the 15 year old that just hit him and made his cheek sting worse then anyone ever has before. This even hurt worse then being tortured, or being shot, his eyes begin to sting and he rubs one with the back of his hand. Frowning at the new sensation taking over, "you hit me," he grumbles.
"Mm, yyep, I did," she simpers shyly.
He breaths out again, a small laugh almost, his eyebrows raising, he licks his lips and swallows hard. His eyes wandering down her front then back up. His eyes now burning with tears as he wavers in his stance, he's suddenly feeling like a tower falling from a cliff into the ocean as he falls to his knees. A grown ass man allowing a teen girl to effectively take him down like this is unheard of. He hits his knees and Kira lands in front of him wrapping her arms around him. His tears falling more frequently then he's ever felt, as she holds him against her chest, trying her best to comfort him and not wreck her dress. Dante's eyes widen and lips part as he looks at Amber her eyes brimming with tears, "the fuck just happened," he whisper growls to her.
"Hm, my daughter just took out a killer, with kindness, I think," she responds, then looks at Dante in confusion.
His own confusion matching hers as he waves his free hand in the air, "I need a drink," he growls, "Boys watch him."
He puts his arm around Amber walking slowly towards the tent set up on the grass with a dance floor, bar and food. Amber looking back at her daughter and the killer in her arms. Her head slowly turns back to look at Dante who now has a stiff look on his face. She's in love, it might be an innocent crush, and he might break her heart, but she's in love with Kip. Ambers eyes widen in realization of the situation, he didn't kill her and brought her home because he feels something too. "There in love, Dante" Amber says her thought out loud.
"WHAT," he barks, then stops, frowning at her.
"It's the only explanation, you said it your self, none of it made sense, he would have never brought her home if he thought there was something he could gain, he has feelings for my daughter," Amber admits.
Dante's lips part as he looks back at them, then the guests passing them trying not to look as they make there way to the tent. "He's, falling, for her," Amber states pausing between words with a frown on her face.
"That's impossible, she's too young," Dante growls.
"I know she is Dante, you think I want to believe it myself, but it's the only thing that fits, other wise he wouldn't have brought her back with out a fight," Amber breaths.
Dante's eyebrows raise, "that confirms I need a drink," he growls and stalks towards the tent.

"Kip," Kira whispers, laying her head on top of his.
He sucks in a shuttering breath, shaking his head on her chest, "I don't wanna think, I just wanna stay here Kira," he huffs.
"Mkay, I guess, as long as you need, but my legs are going to go to sleep," she complains.
He moves lifting her slightly, letting her move her legs out then leans back into het chest, the warmth of her allowing the pain to subside inside him. "You, take my pain away Kira," he admits.
Her lips part, and she frowns slightly, "O-K," she breaths out pausing between the letters coming out.
He sniffs and wipes his nose on the back of his hand, "I'm a 27 year old who's never felt this way before around anyone," he starts to say pausing before he continues.
"You were supposed to be my in, my information to what Dante was up to," he says sitting back slightly.
She frowns and anger builds in her chest as her cheeks heat up. "KIP," she barks.
His fingers move up stopping her from talking, "let me finish," he whispers as her eyes look down at his hand her brows knitted together.
"Since I took you home, I've never felt so alone, so helpless, I was crushed when you went inside away from me, I started sneaking around, watching you, I found myself wanting to, see you, be near you," he states, her face softening.
"Kira, you maybe young, and innocent, and oblivious to the world I'm in, but I think you know enough to understand what I'm saying to you," he says, letting his thumb come up and trail over her jaw.
Her eyes tear up slightly, as she nods slowly, his hand cupping her cheek, her eyes close instantly at the heat from them. "Kira, I stupidly allowed myself to feel for you, and I wish I hadn't, cause there's no way, no way it's gonna work, but you showed me, that I do feel, that I can feel, that I'm still human, that," he shrugs slowly cocking his head to the side.
"That you can fall in love," Kira says blushing and looks down embarrassment flushing her cheeks.
His eyes widen, hand dropping from her cheek, runs over her arm to her hand squeezing it. He frowns and swallows, then leans in kissing her lips softly. The security watching them not knowing what to do, frowning as they look at each other. Kip sucks in a deep breath, letting it out slowly against her lips, "Good bye Kira," he whispers.
"W- What," she stutters, her eyes opening to watch him getting up and start walking down the beach away from her.
Her eyebrows raise, a tear running down her cheek, she swallows and lets out a disappointing sigh, watching him wander at a loss.

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