This Nights Man: falling into the deep

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The kids still sleeping Amber rinses the dishes and sets them in the dishwasher. Takes the boxes and folds them all, taking them outside. She sets them in the garage then goes out to set up her fountain. A neighbour is out cutting grass on one side, one getting the paper on the other. She smiles and waves back at the one getting the paper as he waves to her. "How's it goin, Mark Bridges," he says walking over.
Amber wipes her hand on her jeans and stands from crouching by the fountain. "Hi, Amber Daphne," she says taking his hand shaking it.
"Nice to meet you, all settled in," he asks.
"It's getting there yes, thank you," she says, smiling again.
He nods "Well if you ever need some help let us know, my son can cut grass and my daughter can bake you everything you want," he says.
"Ohh, well thank you, I have a son that can do that too, and my daughters learning still but she cooks well," she says folding her arms around her.
"Oh, you have kids, nice, what's there ages," he asks.
"15 my son Teddy and 14 my daughter Kira," she answers.
"Ah, good ages, mine are 17 that's Venessa, daughter, and Nick he's 15 too," he says.
"Oh, cool, well I'm sure they'll get to know each other," she smiles.
He nods and smiles back, "where dose your husband work," he asks.
"Oh, um," she frowns slightly "we're uh, we're not together anymore, he's in Boston," she replies.
"Ah," he blushes slightly and rocks on his feet, "sorry I just thought," he says.
"No it's ok, uh, you, your wife," she asks.
"She passed about 7 years ago," he informs.
"Ohhhhh, oh my gosh I'm really sorry," Amber says sympathetically.
"Na, she had cancer, so at least she's not in pain anymore, say so your the Daphne's," he says.
Her eyes look around slightly "yyyep," she responds.
"Ha, that's crazy, I'm actually Principal Bridges," he expels the information like he's so much better then everyone.
"Uh, ok nice, I'm sure the kids will be ticketed to know there principal's living next door," she giggles.
"Right not cool, I get the same from my kids," he smirks folding his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, I guess, ha, well, I should get back to setting this fountain up, it was nice meeting you Mark," she says smiling, trying to get rid of him.
Out of the corner of her eye she catches sight of the guy from last night.
"Right," Mark says clapping his hands together, and looks over.
"Oh, that's the neighborhood skip the dishes guy, he's always around," Mark informs.
Amber raises her eyebrows looking back at Mark, "I see," she pulls her lips together and kneels back down by the fountain.
"Ha, well, see ya around Amber," he says.
"Ya, for sure," she answers watching the skip the dishes guy.
Skip the dishes, for real, how stupidly immature, I had a fantasy about a skip the dishes guy! Damn I must be getting desperate, skip the dishes. Amber pulls the hose over and fills up the fountain, then turns it on.
"Look at that, a woman that can fix things," that deep mysterious voice says, making her jump.
She stumbles back and there's a hand on her back.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he says his face so close to her's, she can smell his minty breath mixed with cigarette.
She swallows hard and stands up straight moving away as his touch sends that chill threw her again. God his hands are big, he's big. "I, um, ha, thanks," she says.
He nods and slides his hands in his pockets, and blinks at her. "Uhhhh" she breaths out and looks around.
"Ya, just thought I'd say hi on my way down the street," he says.
"Oh," she says moving her arms around her.
He licks his bottom lip, his eyes trailing down her moving it into his teeth then out.
"Well," he says.
She swallows again and frowns slightly "was there anyone in the neighborhood last night that was suspicious," she asks.
"Naw, why would you ask," he asks.
"Oh uh, I was just, um, since your in the neighborhood lots with your delivery's and, um, well I thought I heard someone in my house last night," she explains rambling on.
He raises his eyebrow, and his one hand's finger tip runs over his bottom lip. "You thought someone was in your house, why," he asks.
Ok this guy is kind of sketching me out, "well I just heard a weird noise, I just," she says and stops looking him over as he starts to chuckle.
"What," she asks.
"Ha Ha, a weird noise, one that goes bump in the dark," he growls and steps closer, "I know a good security guard," he says his finger runs over her arm sending goosebumps over her body making her tingle.
Her eyes close and she steps back, his lip sucks back in his mouth. "N, no it's, it's ok, I um, I should make breakfast, for my kids," she says and frowns her eyes fluttering open to see him biting his lip looking at her chest.
His eyes wander up to meet hers, the pit of her stomach tightens as they meet. "You do that, an maybe, just maybe you should lock your doors," he says then walks off down the pathway again.
Before she can say anything he's across the street. What the hell, how did, she frowns more watching him drive off he winks at her. She didn't tell him she didn't lock the door why would he think. Oh my god, unless it was him, he was in her house, her new home. Her babies are in there, ass hole. She's going to have to give him a good stern talk next time. Her eyes widen, heat rises threw her body, did he see her in the shower. "MOM" the door opens and Teddy steps out in a tshirt and shorts.
Amber jumps shaking her head blinking over to him. "Ya, oh, heyyyy, bet you want breakfast," she smiles.
He shrugs then smirks "don't do that," she growls at him as she walks in shoving him.
He giggles and walks for the kitchen sitting on the barstool. "You look like your dad when you do that," she tells him.
"Well ma, that kinda stands to reason," he says.
"Oh god," she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Setting to work on omelettes for the three of them, cooking them and slides them on plates then sets them on the countertop. "Thanks momma," Kira says.
"Your welcome honey," she smiles and takes her fork cutting hers.
They both look over at Teddy who's bobbing his head to music and scrolling through Facebook.
They both push out a laugh "ppppfff ha ha ha."
Then start eating, talking about what there doing for the day.
Pretty relaxed, Amber thought perhaps she'd go for a run threw the park that's a block away. Teddy and Kira help clean up when there all finished and go upstairs to get ready to go out to the hang out for teens in town.
Amber passes keys to the house to each of the kids before they kiss her cheek and leave for some fun. She smiles "be safe," she says.
Teddy waves keeping walking and Kira turns around blowing a kiss to her mom "we will," she says then turns skipping after Teddy.
"Love you," she breaths out watching them go.
Amber runs upstairs changing into spandex pants, and a tank top. Grabbing her phone and puts a sweater around her waist. Tucking her phone in the top of her pants she walks downstairs playing some Cher strong enough. As she jogs down the street towards the park she feels the chill again. Frowning she looks around and can't see anyone so she keeps going. She hits the path and starts running, her legs burn with sweet desire to get fit again. She reaches the bend and slows down circling past the little man made lake. It's beautiful shimmering with the sun, this amps her up and she runs up the hill turning down threw the evergreens. Cher egging her on, her lungs burning with the pressure. She slows down seeing something in the trees, frowning as she takes out her bear mace from the other side of the top of her pants she turns around looking around. "I've got bear mace and I know how to use it," she says aloud.
"You shouldn't run alone out here," that deep mysterious voice says behind her.
She spins and starts spraying but he catches her hands pointing it down. Her first instinct is to bring her knee up and connects with his crotch. He drops her hands and drops to his knees in pain. "PUHO, FFFFUCK," he growls grabbing himself.
"Oh sssshit," she squeals dropping the mace.
She moves kneeling beside him "oh my god I'm so sorry," she squeaks.
He frowns and looks over at her "what the hell are you doing with bear mace," he growls, "you can blind someone with that."
"I, me, what about you out here sneaking up on me like that, what's wrong with you," she asks.
"Hoooooo, I thought I made enough noise, I came from over there," he says blowing out a breath, pointing to the lake though the trees.
"Wh, well what are you doing sneaking up on me, and what are you doing out here anyway, dressed like that," she frowns looking him over.
Hes waring a wife beater, and tight slightly ripped jeans. Her eyes flow back up to his, a smirk on his face now. "Like what you see," he asks.
"WHAT, no, no I," she huffs and stands up flustered, "I was implying your attire I asked you a question," she fumbles.
His smirk turns into a grin and he stands up, "fishing, and your running with a lethal weapon," he says looking her down to her middle and back up.
"I, well, it's old, might not have worked anyway, but at least long enough to get away," she says, stuttering.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha, sure," he says.
"You always listen to Cher when you run," he asks.
"Oh," she huffs and takes her phone out pausing it, "sometimes, and how do you know it's Cher," she says and asks.
He raises his eyebrows as she folds her arms under her breasts. He shrugs and his grin falls to a smirk again. She narrows her eyes on him, "well, I'm very sorry for, hurting you," she says moving her hand to wave at his package.
She scrunches her eyes and screams inwardly fuck don't look at his dick Amber. Number one predator rule, don't give them ammunition. "K, I gotta go," she says and goes to leave but his hand grips her bicep stopping her.
She stops frowns and looks down at his hand, his eyes look down then back up to hers and he takes his hand off holding up in surrender. "What's your name," he asks.
"Now you wanna know my name, creepy steel forest guy," she says, and a smirk plays in the corner of her mouth.
Ha, go Amber, that'll, wait what am I doing I'm flirting with him now. She looks away then back a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips too. "Huh, Amber," she says with a huff.
"Well Amber, I'd say that you shouldn't run out there by yourself," he says.
She frowns and looks at his arm, a wolf tattoo on his bicep, which by the way are very thick. DAMN IT AMBER STOP CHECKING HIM OUT. Her mind yells at her scolding her. "Why not, I kicked your butt," she raises her eyebrow the smirk sliding into position.
"Ha, cute," he growls then his arms wrap around her, one around her neck the other gripping around her arms.
He's pinned her, his one hand moves up and over her lips as her breath quickens. "Mmmmm" she screams threw his hand but no use no one would hear her.
His lips move to her ear and his voice softens, "so, tell me your mace is gonna get you outta this, what about your knee baby girl, cause I don't think it will."
His whisper resonates in the pit of her stomach making an ache that hasn't been touched in forever. His hands moves down to her neck, letting her breath out heavily. "If I weren't a law abiding man, I could tear these tight little pants off you, and rape you right here, then what, hm,". He purrs.
With out thinking her mind off in an oblivious spin she opens her lips. "Who's to say I wouldn't let you," she whispers quietly.
His grip loosens, and he lets her go, she turns and shoves him barely making him move. "Ass" she grumbles.
"Hm, might be, I'm just tryin to warn ya," he says and walks for the lake again.
"Hey," she gripes.
"Hey," she repeats.
"What," he snaps and spins around.
"Well, you know my name, what's your name," she asks.
He rolls his eyes and sits on a pail as she walks threw towards him. "Dante," he growls, she stops a few short steps away looking around.
"Well Dante, nice to finally officially meet you, nice fishing spot, it's pretty," she says folding her arms around her.
"It was till this crazy chick almost made me blind and kneed me in the cock n balls," he says.
She frowns slightly parting her lips, "dose your mother know you have that mouth," she asks.
He snickers and shakes his head, "my mothers dead," he says.
She looks at him with sympathy, "oh, I'm, I'm really sorry," she says.
"It was 20 years ago," he shrugs.
"Oh," she says and stops, "well," she says after a second and clears her throat.
He looks over at her and clicks his tongue rolling his eyes again. Then grabs the other pail and tips it upside down in front of her. She looks down at it and frowns then looks at him. He shrugs again and takes out a smoke lighting it, "thought I'd offer," he says blowing smoke out.
She licks her lips then steps over to it and sits down. He looks over at her with his one eye closed the smoke going in it and takes a drag. Looking back at the water he blows it out as he reels in. "So," she says finally.
"So," he says repeating her.
She pulls her lips together and rubs her legs, "so your the skip guy," she asks.
"The what," he reals all the way in and tosses it out again frowning.
"Uhh, skip the dishes," she replies.
"Hm, somethin like that," he responds.
The smirk on his face growing, "here hold this," he says passing her the rod.
"Oh," she takes it, "what do i do with it," she asks.
"Just hold it," he says and walks to a tree.
His zipper unzips and she frowns turning to look back at him. He starts peeing on the tree and her eyes grow, she looks back at the rod in her hands and blinks. He shakes and zips up putting it away then steps back to his pail. "OH, OH I THINK THERES SOMETHING," she squeals standing up.
"Ok, pass it here or reel with the handle," he tells her moving toward her.
"What," she asks, dancing in the spot as the line goes out.
"Shit, your gonna loose it," he moves fast behind her, grabbing her hands, "you never fished before," he asks.
"No," she squeaks.
He moves her one hand onto the handle and starts reeling and pulling on it. "That's it, just like that," he says as he helps her reel, his arms around her from the back.
She blinks looking at his hands then to the side his eyes focused on the catch. She bites her lip and the waft of cologne hits her nose.
Her eyes close and she gets lost head falling back against his shoulder. The line let's go and he grunts " Damn."
Her eyes fly open wide and she looks down at the rod, and his hands over hers. "Oops," she says.
"Na, it's ok," he swallows looking at her.
She looks back up at his face, his eyes, his lips. The heat from his chest radiating against her, his cologne making her dizzy. "Well, I guess that's enough for today," he says and moves away.
She starts to slide on the mud, "OHHH," she squeals and he tries to catch her only to fail and land on top of her. There eyes starting at each other, trying to regain anything of solid thought. His hand moves up to brush her cheek but instead raises his arm up in a push up manor and he stands. Her body laying there cold on the ground. It felt nice to have him that close, oddly cold when he's not. "Here," he says and puts his hand out.
She takes it and he pulls her up, "I um, hmm, I guess I need a shower now," she says.
"Ya, uh, here," he says frowning and looks around, he grabs a jacket and passes it over to her.
"Oh, um, thanks," she blinks as she takes it.
"Can't have ya looking like that walking back home," he smirks.
"Yeah, I guess not, thanks" she says and puts it around her shoulders.
He nods and picks up the buckets and the rod, "I'll, come get it later or something," he says and walks off down the path he told her not to go down.
She frowns watching him go, maybe he lives down there, odd. She walks back towards her house looking back to see if he's following her. He's even more strange then she thought, what a mercurial man.
She gets home and sets his jacket with the others at the front door. Then looks down and sighs, "awe man," she groans at the mud on the floor.
"I'll clean it after" she says and sets her shoes out side, then walks for the stairs to her room. She peels her cloths off and walks for her ensuite, turning on the shower. "Hm, Dante," she says and shivers.

"So, tell me your mace is gonna get you outta this, what about your knee baby girl, cause I don't think it will."

"If I weren't a law abiding man, I could tare these tight little pants off you, and rape you right here, then what, hm,".

He's definitely dangerous but there's just something about him that makes her motor roar.

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