I Can't Help...

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Kira stands at the edge of the water, arms wrapped around her, feeling cold from the breeze and Kips sudden direction change. Her makeup barely there as she's cried every emotion out, her heart both crushed and elated that she made a stone cold killer feel again. Dante walks towards her, two glasses in his hand, one his highball the other a sparkling light champagne. He holds both glasses in his hand as he slips his suit jacket off, changing hands with the drinks then slides it off the other side. He sets one side on her shoulder then moves the drinks to the other hand and sets the other side of the jacket up on her shoulder. She blinks over at him, gripping it in her fingers feeling slightly relieved by the heat. "Thank you," she sniffs.
He nods and passes her the champagne, she looks at it then his drink and takes a sip, her eyes closing as the bubbles tickle her throat on the way down. "Feeling a bit better," he asks.
"Hm, not really," she answers in a sad tone.
"Mm," he grunts, then puts his free hand and arm around her, pulling her close, her head moving to his chest.
"I'm really not sure what to say to you, to take your mind off this, but your far too young to be dealing with this kind of thing," he tells her and kisses the back of her head.
She sighs, looking down at her drink, "I don't, I don't know what to say either," she whispers.
A frown comes over her face and she takes the drink from Dante's hand then lifts her head and gulps it back. Surprising him, he blinks at her frowning holding his hand out where it was with his glass as she places it back, she hisses from the burn and burps silently. "Don't tell mom," she asks, but tells at the same time.
"You know I can't keep secrets from her, Kira," he says, leaning his chin on her head rubbing her shoulder as she pulls his coat closed more around her.
"Yeah," she responds.
He lets out a sigh, "look, sweetheart, some men," he starts then pauses thinking threw what he's wanting to say.
"Well, quite harsh some, men, are just ass holes, and they feed off of making people suffer around them," he says.
More tears fall from her cheeks, as she shakes her head, "he's hurting," she whimpers.
"Baby girl, he wants you to think that, that's his game," he starts to say, but stops as she pulls away.
"No, you didn't see the pain in his eyes, no one dose, I know I'm young, and I know that I don't know that much about your guys world, but what I do know, is, that he needs help, he needs someone to, help him," she cries, attempting to sniffle back the tears already falling.
Dante's face falls, saddened by the state Kip has made this beautiful young girl be in, "Kleiner," he says stepping towards her, to bring her back into a hug.
"NO, NO DON'T CALL ME THAT," she screams her anger climbing.
Her hand with her glass flinging threw the air, it smashes against Dante's glass, making them both fall in shards to the ground. The champagne covering his shirt. She pants in anger and sadness as she shakes, her fingers starting to bleed. Dante's lips thin, trying to control his temper, Kira's eyes wide with tears as she turns on her feet kicking her shoes off and starts running. Dante closes his eyes pinching his nose then takes off after her. Catching her around the middle making her kick and scream, "LET GO, LET GO OF MMME!"
He fights to hang onto her until she turns beating on his chest and breaks down sobbing, his arms wrapping around her as they both crumple to the sand. He sits rocking her in his lap running his hand over her hair. "It's ok, it's ok baby girl, I won't let this kill your spirit," he soothing says.
"It's already dead," she whimpers into his chest.
"Naw, naw, it's just hurt, and your mom an I hate seeing it," he says.
"I love him," she cries.
"I know, I know ya do," Dante frowns, rocking her more.
She sniffles "he loves me too," she cries more, moving her fingers tighter on Dante's shirt, as she fully breaks apart.
"Mm," Dante replies, not wanting to upset her further.
"My girl," Amber whispers as she kneels in front of Dante, wrapping her arms around them both.
Kira shifts so her head is on Amber's shoulder crying into her chest, both Dante and Amber setting there for heads against each other's.
The happiest day in there lives but one of the saddest in existence, as Kira continues to fall apart in there arms.
Her little simpers of pain, stumbling out of her as her eyes slowly close, "your ok my baby," Amber whispers.
Moving her into Dante's arms as he lifts her, standing with her troubled sleeping body he walks with Amber's arm around his back as he carries her towards the resort, 2 guards following them, watching everything carefully. Amber slides open the glass door, stepping through to open the bed for Dante to lay Kira down. He places her carefully down, Amber taking her shoes off. She pulls the blankets up over her and kisses her cheek then forehead running her hand over it to brush her hair back. Dante leans in kissing her forehead too before Amber stands. "She's young, she'll bounce back," Dante says running his hands down Amber's arms taking her hands then kissing her forehead then lips.
Amber let's out a sigh, "eventually, maybe," she says glancing at her daughter now curled in a ball still hiccuping shaky breaths in and out.
"Come on, let's go dance," Dante says.
Amber gives him a small defeated smile and follows him from the room, "No one In, if she wakes up, one of you come get us," Dante orders to his men as they walk past them.
"Yes sir," the one replies and they take post in front of the door, hands folded in front of them.
Dante leads Amber onto the dance floor as I can't help falling In love by Haley Reinhart begins to play. His hand runs over her hip to her lower back, that arm of hers running up to his neck, there other hands joined resting on his chest as they slowly sway to the song.

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