Dante the family man

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Supper was ready on the table, it was a beautiful sight, Amber was surprised and shocked. Dante pulled the chair out for her and then for Teddy. Helping him sit with his crutches showing him how to get around with out exerting too much energy. Then he sat at the head of the table, taking Ambers hand, she smiled at him as he did, such a domestic gesture but meant so much. "Alright everyone dig in," Dante says.
The door opens and Cathrine comes in with makeup kits and a couple bags. She raises her eyebrow at Amber as she walks to the table and Dante grabs her a plate, and utensils. They giggle and soon the room is alive with chatter of the day's events. "Dante brought us vr headsets, and a big tv," Kira chirps when it goes silent.
Amber frowns slightly and takes another bread stick as he raises his head to look at her sheepishly, then smirks. "I thought it'd be fun," he shrugs.
"I'm sure it is," Amber replies.
"It's so much fun momma," Kira says, she and her friend giggling.
She raises her eyebrow at Dante and he smirks more leaning over to kiss her cheek. "It's one I had, I didn't buy it for you," he assures her.
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes ripping s piece of bread stick off and puts it in her mouth. They finish eating and Dante gets up taking plates, Amber stands up to help but he stops her taking the plate and kisses her cheek again. "Sit Bambina, relax, I got dis," he says.
She smiles at him as he takes the plates to the kitchen, then looks at Cathrine, they both shrug and smile. "No one go anywhere, I got desert," he says, coming back with small plates and clean forks.
He sets the pie down and then grabs the serving bowls from supper, taking them to the kitchen. He comes back out with a lifter and knife, everyone staring at the pie, the most delicious looking thing ever. "What kind of pie Dante," Catherine asks then licks her lips.
"Hm, Carmel apple, with whipped topping," he says as he cuts slices and places them on plates.
He sprays on whipped topping then passes them out leaving Amber till last drawing a heart and filling it in with the topping. She blushes as she takes it and Kira and her friend Alison giggle cooing at the heart.
He smirks and puts his on a plate then digs in as everyone sits enjoying there pie.
Kira gets up grabbing plates this time, she and Alison tag teaming them into the dishwasher. Teddy doing the best he can to get out of his chair. "Mom, I'm going to go lay down," he says.
"Ok sweetie, do you need a hand," she asks as Dante pours a vintage of wine he got Donny to bring him for Cathrine and Amber.
"I'll help help him," Dante says giving Ambers shoulder a squeeze gently.
Setting the bottle down he walks off for the stairs to catch Teddy, helping him up the stairs. Catherine gets up moving beside Amber. "Somethings up, either he's sucking up because he did something or he's really really R E A L LY, in love with you," Cathrine says.
"Why would he be sucking up, he's a busy man Cathrine he doesn't have time for much," Amber says running her fingers down the wine glass and back up.
"Has he told you he loves you?"
Amber turns her head looking at Cathrine, slightly frowning at her questioning. "Yes, Cathrine, he has, we've talked a lot lately, and I'm completely comfortable with him," Amber answers.
"Wow, Amber is this what you want again," Cathrine asks.
Amber snorts a small laugh lifting her wine glass, "I wasn't expecting it, but it just, kind of fell that way," she shrugs.
They both giggle, after Amber takes a sip, "just be careful ok, take it at your own pace babe, that's all I'm saying," Cathrine states.
"I am, in a, heated kind of way," Amber exasperatedly informs as she takes another sip.
Dante helps Teddy into his room looking around at all his tech and drawings, the room dark only lit by coloured light strips. "Why are you doing this," Teddy asks.
"Sorry," Dante says frowning slightly as he picks up a baseball that's autographed.
"Why are you doing this, I mean your obviously already in my moms pants but your trying to win my sister over and now me, I don't get you," Teddy growls.
"Hmm," Dante tosses the ball up and down in his hand.
"Weather or not I'm in your mothers pants is none of your business son, furthermore, I'm not trying to win anyone over, I love your mom Teddy, she's an amazing woman, your very lucky to have her," Dante states and sets the ball down.
"You just, you seem to be throwing money around and trying to win hearts with expensive things and cooking meals, but, I think your just a thug, so watch your step, cause my dad won't hesitate to come after you, he's a powerful man and," Teddy spouts but stopped when Dante leans in setting his hands on the desk behind where Teddy sits in his computer chair.
"Son, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, ok, your dad, he don't scare me, I'm not scared by much, and you'd be right when you say I'm a thug, but I ain't no regular one, I'm Italian and I don't back down from what I want, so, you can sit here and threaten me, and tell me your dads a powerful man, I don't really give a shit, your dad was wrong to let your mother go, but I praise him for it, cause it let me the moment to meet her, and if you don't like me that's fine, I'm not here to replace your daddy, I just want the chance to show your mother, and you guys too if you'll let me, what your worth."
Teddy swallows and looks down picking at the rubber on his crutches, "don't call me son, you ain't my dad," he says.
"Your right I'm not, but your mother, she deserves the world, do you not agree, hm," Dante asks as he stands up.
Teddy nods, "she's been threw too much, dad was an ass to her, and didn't even feel any remorse when he left, he hurt her badly," Teddy says.
Dante folds his arms over his chest, standing straighter, his teeth grinding. "Well, then we should work together to make her forget, to show her how much she's worth, right, starting with her birthday next week, I'll need all the help I can get, she hates birthdays," Dante states.
"Mm, she hates birthdays, dad always made her feel like it was a reminder of how old she was getting, and never did anything special," Teddy responds his tone now almost sheepish for his earlier snippy words.
"Well, then, let's show her how young and special she is, you in," Dante says smirking then puts his hand out to Teddy to shake hands.
Teddy takes his hand smirking slightly "deal, but don't go too over the top," he says.
"Can't promise that," Dante grins.
"Think we could get your sister and Cathrine on board, help out," Dante asks.
"Well my sister seems to like you a lot, Aunty Catherine, might take a little convincing, but maybe," he answers.
"Ok, good, I like a challenge, off topic now, how old are you," Dante asks.
"15," he answers.
"Hm, driving soon huh," Dante says.
"Well, I'm enrolled in the drivers Ed course," Teddy says.
"Mm, will get your practice don't worry," Dante looks around his room, "more lights in here too, it's like a cave," he finishes.
"I like it," Teddy responds looking around frowning.
"Hm, can't make art in the dark kid, alright, I'll see ya later, I'm gonna go see if I can get your aunt and sister on board with birthday plans," Dante says, walking to the door.
"K, um, Dante," Teddy stutters.
"Ya," Dante grunts and turns to look at him.
He goes to speak but no words come out and he puts his head down, "it's alright kid, man to man, no big deal, see ya later," Dante says reading what he was trying to say.
Teddy looks up as Dante closes the door and breaths out a sigh of relief, then spins around to his computer carefully.
Dante steppe off the last step and walks for the dinning area where he left Amber and Cathrine, but finds Cathrine sitting by her self so he grabs another wine glass. Turning around to find Cathrine steps behind him. "Hey," she says.
"Hi, where's Amber," he responds.
"Setting the girls up with a movie," she smiles and moves her hand to run down his chest and abs.
He frowns and looks down at it catching it before she can reach his belt, "Cathrine, I don't know what your playing at, but it ain't gonna work, I don't cheat, I don't play games, I love your best friend," he growls.
She blinks rapidly starting at his eyes, then smirks, "good, that's what I was hoping for," she says and pulls her hand away.
"Glad, now I need your help," he says as they walk back to the table.
His mind trying to calm from the thought her friend would try shit like that. Although he realizes where it comes from, that dumb ass ex of hers. "With what," she asks as she sits back down.
"Ambers birthday, I'm gonna need all the help I can get," he states.
"Hm, tell me about it, she's a tough cookie," Cathrine says, with a small giggle.
"Ya, think we can work together with the kids, I wanna do something special," he says pouring wine in his glass.
"I'm sure we could pull it off, will just have to be careful," she giggles more.
"Yeah," he agrees sliding her his phone, "put your number in there, I'll text you the details later," he says.
She smirks and puts her number in then slides it back to him scratching her head and takes a sip of wine as Amber comes back. "Hey, what's the conversation," she asks as she sits beside Dante who's now sitting back relaxed in the chair.
"I was just telling Dante, how crazy it was to buy you a car," Cathrine says covering.
"Oh, ha," Amber scoffs.
Dante runs his hand over her thigh, "she deserves the best though, don't you agree Cathrine," Dante says.
"I do," she nods and smiles.
"Hey, we should watch a movie too, up here, something adult, or, I don't know dance or, something fun," Cathrine says.
"We would play vr, it'll connect to your tv up here," Dante says.
"There's adult games," Amber asks.
Dante grins then takes off down stairs to get the head sets, coming back to set it all up. They decide upon a dance game. Having a lot of fun drinking and getting tipsy, and laughing, for the first time in a long time Amber relaxes and enjoys herself. So much so that they polish off 4 bottles of wine, and Dante ends up catching her to sit on his lap on the couch. "Hmhm, someone looks sleepy," he says sliding her head set off and kisses her lips softly.
"Maybe, just a tiny bit," she grins.
"Alright Bambina off to bed," he growls and lifts her in his arms.
"Night Cathrine you know where the spare pillows and blankets are," Amber calls to her in a squeal.
"Yup, have a good sleep," Cathrine giggles then joins the girls down stairs.
Dante holds Amber against him tightly until there safely inside her room and he sets her down steadying her as he closes the door. Turning back she wraps her arms around him, boldly kissing him, his hands sliding over her waist. "I love you," she whispers leaning her forehead against his, before he can move away.
"Ti amo anch'io piccola, I love you too Baby," he whispers back in Italian then English melting her further.
"You staying the night," she asks.
He raises his eyebrow and sucks in a hissing breath then runs his hands up her back and down again, sending shivers threw her. "That was the plan, is that ok," he asks in a husky low voice.
She bites her lip and nods, smirking slightly, "very," she purrs.
"Mm, ya," he moves her into the room more, letting his nose trail over her nose.
His hands move to her hips again and he spins her, softly taking arms as his mouth turns her into melted butter. Nipping and kissing her skin, up and down her neck, "I'm gonna fuck you, really hard, really fast baby girl, I'm gonna make your head spin," he growls as he reaches her earlobe again making her breath turn to a pant.
Spreading her hands on the wall, fingers between hers, then travel down her arms to her shoulders. Back to the zipper on her dress as he presses his hardening member against her butt, she groans leaning her head back against his shoulder. Slipping her straps to her arms as he teases her shoulders with his tongue lips and teeth. He slides her dress off more taking her hands down letting it fall to the floor. Placing them back on the wall he kisses her neck more, up to her earlobe again. His cock almost fully erect against her butt he grinds it into her skin making her burn hotter. His hand slips up her arm over her shoulder and around her neck moving her head to face him taking her lips with such passion her legs start shaking.
Her chest heaving with breaths as he grinds against her his other hand moves up undoing the clasp on the front of her bra. Letting it come loose the same hand manipulating against her now bare nipples making her groan in his mouth. Arching her back pushing her butt into him, in a grinding motion, suddenly he jerks her away from the wall spinning her one hand on her hip his other sliding around her neck and back to the front. Roughly pushing her against the wall, her eyes flutter open to meet his wildly dancing with heated darkness. "Stay," he growls letting her go to lean against the wall.
Backing away a couple steps he undos his shirt first and slowly lets it float to the floor, then his pants drop to the floor. She licks her lips, moving to reach for him, stopped abruptly by his hand curving around her neck once again, making her hit the wall again. "I said, stay, Baby girl," he growls with such a Dominating voice it paralyzingly sends a jolt of pleasure threw to her core.
Her eyes catch his hand running down over his abs and he grips his cock in his hand moving it up over the shaft letting heated liquid slip from the tip. Wiping it with one finger he brings it up to her lips, dutifully making her open her mouth to take it in. His lips part with a smouldering look, making her squeeze her legs together as he slides his finger out of her mouth and drops his hand down. Over her one nipple making her body arch towards it as it runs down and between her legs. One finger playing with the button her breath rising to a simpering panting mewl. "Such a wet girl," he groans.
"I, oh god, I can't help it," she groans.
"Good, that ain't what I want Bambina, I love it when your ready for me," he growls a purr.
His lips crash against hers, his hand tightens slightly around her neck, other fingers slipping inside her silky wetness. Relishing in it soaking his fingers to make a delicious glide in and back. She growls in his mouth, her hands gripping his arm as he teases her into a shattering tease of a orgasm. Just when she thinks he's done and going to put her out of her misery, he moves down spreading her legs and lifting them one by one over his shoulders, lifting her on them to attack more with his tongue one hand moving up to hold her neck again. Holding her up, his other hand moving up and sliding three fingers in his tongue torturing her clit. "Ffffuck, Dante," she whimpers.
"Mmm, Cum for me Bambina," he growls against her clit sending her over the edge of ecstasy.
His fingers grinding in against that little spongy g-spot. Liquid fire surging threw her as her heat drips down over his chin and chest. His hand moves faster grinding into the g-spot making her tighten again, a wave rushing over her, her hands gripping his hair, then one moving to her mouth muffling the scream. "Dante," she breaths out.
He moves gripping her back and lifts up, standing with her on his shoulders and walks for the bed. Letting her fall onto it, moving her to the side as he lets her legs drop off his shoulders. She lifts them again to his hips as he removes a condom from its plastic wrapper. Leaning over he sucks a nipple into his mouth arching as he moves his way up, then thrusts inside her hard and fast. Her eyes flash open then roll back, "OH FFFFUCK," she growls.
His lips take hers again as he moves quickly and roughly, pounding into her, his hands moving up under her shoulders. Fingers wrapping around them, holding her in-place as he grunts, ruthlessly slamming inside her. Her head pushing back into the bed. His lips leave hers, and her breath sucks in, getting caught, deep in her lungs. Her lips open in an O of ecstasy. Her eyes rolling back in her head again, the head of his cock drilling her into wave after wave of pure hungry desire. "UH, fuck, Bambina, I'm going to, cum," he growls.
He moves up gripping her hips, tilting position of his cock sending her into a head spin of an orgasm. Her cum spilling out around his thundering cock, he grunts loudly and slams into her deep continuing her orgasm into a black out of flames rushing threw her. His eyes roll back as he holds inside her and closes them. Slowly leaning over to her chest. She doesn't know weather it's the wine in her body or the intensity insane orgasm she just had as everything darkens and she passes out sated and sweat rolling from everywhere.

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