Black & Gold

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Ambers heart was on fire as she stood looking in the mirror after getting plucked, waxed, curled, pinned and make-up'ed. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor looking at the woman starring back at her, she didn't recognize herself. She could hear the commotion going on down stairs as her best friend Cathrine and step son Tyler. A movie night in the theatre room they had built in the basement suit. Even better, a date night with one sexy ass mafia man that has promised to ware a suit. Amber began to sweat just thinking about it, and then the doorbell rang. The squeals from the girls indicated that her date was here so she collected her matching chained clutch to go with the black sleek low cut dress he'd picked out for her. "MOMMA!"
Kira was yelling from the bottom of the stairs, "I'M COMING BABY," Amber yelled back.
The girls stood at the bottom pretty much drooling as she descended the stairs once she was inside all eyes were on her. A whistle came from all three of the guys, including Dante who was in the sexiest suit Amber had ever seen. Her lips parted as she seen the entirety of him and so did his. "Wow momma," Kira cooed.
"Thank you sweetheart," Amber smiled at her.
"Woahhhh, minx on the loose," Catherine stated.
"Mm, I miei cuori desiderano," Dante mutters.
Everyone looks at him with a what on there faces, he smirks and puts his hand out to Amber. "My hearts desire," he whispers just loud enough she can hear as she steps to him.
"Photo," Kira says holding up her phone.
They pause posing for the photo arm around each other a power couple at best, Ambers both nerve as hell and anxious to go. Dante feeling this he smiles at everyone and waves, "have a good night kids, I promise to keep your momma safe," he says as he takes her hand leading her out the door.
One last smile at everyone blowing kisses, Catherine shooting her an oh my god and a fanning her face. They close the door and Dante walks her down the side walk, "relax bambina," he tells her squeezing her hand.
"Hoo, I'm trying," she says as the limo driver opens the back door for them.
She climbs in and sits doing her seatbelt up as Dante gracefully folds himself in and slides over to her. His hand skating up her leg from her knee, "Hmhm, Dante," she giggles catching his hand in the motion to her inner thigh.
"What, I can't help it, this dress looks so good on you bambina," he states turning his hand to hold hers.
"We're not alone," she whispers leaning over to him.
"That all your worried about lover," he asks.
She frowns slightly and he reaches over her closing the partition window between the seats blocking them from the driver. He raises an eyebrow at her then leans in kissing her lips then licking them, smirks then moves to the little fridge. "Here, this should help you relax a little," he says handing her a bottle of some exotic mixed cocktail.
She tries to open it but can't because of the nails she received today and he grins then takes it from her opening it. "Can't expect me to be fashionable and useful can you," she asks.
"Ohhhh, bambina, you'll be useful later when I let you run them pretty little claws down my back as I'm fucking the shit outta you," he says.
She chokes and drink sprays from her lips, coughing, and sputtering, as he slides away to avoid the spray. "Too much," he says with a devilish grin.
She swats at him and he giggles as he hands her a napkin, then wipes the seat with another. "Funny, you didn't mind so much last night when we put on a show for ex papa," he says.
She frowns then realizes there was a show for her ex, the father of her children, what is he going to say. He hasn't even texted her once since, normally she'd think he would. This makes her even more nervous, what if he's drawing up some stupid papers to take them from her, or something stupid she wouldn't put it past him. No Amber don't let him get to you tonight, this is a night for you, you are dressed like a Queen don't let him shake you. She can't help but worry though, and her stomach dose flip flops. "What's wrong bambina," Dante asks sliding close again.
"Um, I was just thinking is all," she answers.
"About," he asks taking another sip.
She shakes her head and bows it peeling at the label on the bottle closing her eyes.
"Your worried about him aren't you, hm, that he'll say something or try something, ya know I could just have him offed," he says like it's nothing to say.
Ambers eyebrows raised in intrigue and pondering, and then lower in defeat. "He's not even worth that," she says.
"Hm, just a thought, I wouldn't charge for it, but at any rate I guess I kinda would," he informs.
"Oh" she frowns, looking at him unsettled with that comment.
"Wh, what would you charge cause I don't think I could afford you Sir," she says.
His eyebrow raises as he downs the rest of his drink, discarding the bottle. The door opens and music flows in, black and gold by Adele floating in as he slides out doing his jacket up. He moves his hand down for her to take as she slides over setting the empty bottle down she didn't even realize she drank. Her fingers glide over his to his palm relishing in the rough but soft of it. She steps out to be blinded by pictures, and his arm slinks around her middle holding her tight as they walk towards the open doors of the hotel. One of the fanciest she's ever seen, black and golden decorations done up, gold vases with black fountains of sparkling shimmering stars. Golden flakes everywhere, streamers, and flowers. Double white and gold doors open to a sea of sexily dressed men and woman, mostly blonde woman with big boobs. A lot of them you can see the fake parts to them, even the men, all of them smelled like money. Amber suddenly clamps onto Dante's arm, then realized he did not answer her. "What would you charge me," she asks quietly enough for him to hear.
A smirk slides across his sexy ass lips, and he leans over kissing her cheek by her lips, "You, bambina," he says as 2 men walk up to them with two fake blondes on there arms.
Amber blushes looking at him blinking, "Me," she breaths out.
"Mm, Amber meet Marquis, and Sav, and uh, there dates," he says introducing the men in front of them.
"Miss," the one named Marquis says his eyes trailing down her then flick to Dante.
"Mario is talking selling out man," he says further.
"Your kidding, where is the shmuck," Dante growls.
"By the bar with Marcel," Marquis says.
"Hm, bambina, stay here, I gotta talk business," he says kissing Amber on the cheek.
Amber smiles a small smile, nodding before he turns letting her go. There she stands with the fake blondes quietly looking around the room. "I'm Kim, and this is Katie," the one says.
"Hi," Amber responds feeling really old at the moment.
"So, your um, Dante's new um," Katie says.
"Dick sheath of the month," another woman says stalking by bumping Amber's arm.
Amber's eyes follow her with a frown on her face, "uh ha, don't mind her she's just bitter because Dante won't even look at her," Kim says.
"I see why though, she's a bit of a snatch since she and Kip broke up," Katie responds drawing a nail up and down her chest front.
"Word has it," Kim starts as she leans in, "she was caught dipping her fingers in the wrong purse if ya know what I mean," she finishes.
Amber frowns slightly, "excuse me ladies," a deep voice says from behind Amber making her jump slightly.
She steps to the side as her eyes meet the darkest green eyes she's ever seen with a frame that must be like the wall of China. A scar under his right eye, and threw his eyebrow, "who might this beautiful creature be," he asks looking Amber over more.
"Uh, ha, I'm Amber," she chuckles with anxiety bubbling up.
"I, don't believe I've evea," he starts to say but cut off by a guttural growl that gives Amber butterflies.
Dante steps to her sliding his hand around her back, "you most certainly haven't, and you wont, cause she's mine Kip," he snips, claiming steak against the other clearly Italian man standing steps away.
Kips hands raise in defence, "senza offesa, Fratello," he says.
"Hm," Dante grunts at him.
Kips eyes draw over Amber one more time before he bows and then walks off into the crowd. "New plan, you stay with me bambina," Dante growls.
Amber's lips part but close as he looks at her his eyes dark with anger, "ok," she answers.
"Let's get a drink," Dante says and holds her tighter as he walks her to the bar.
She suddenly feels like more of a possession then a woman as Dante orders them both a highball bourbon. This kind of troubles her about him, is this how he is around everyone that try's to talk to woman he knows. Perhaps though maybe he and this Kip guy have a past together that hasn't been let go. "Dance," he asks as Frank Sinatra comes on, a soulful The way you look tonight. He leads her to the dance floor and his demanding demeanour takes over, his hands guiding her into the most romantic dance she's ever done. How on earth is she dancing this well, it is easy with him though. They take over the floor making people hold there breath Amber dose as well. They slow in the centre as he swings her out then back in dipping her. His lips so very close to hers creating a spark of lightning threw her. Elvis Presley plays next fools rush in. Amber's breath is sucked back in deep and held as he pulls her so close. Staking his claim on her in front of the crowd around the dance floor. His hands sliding over her butt and back up to her lower back. His eyes sincere as he whispers the songs words in Italian. Ambers eyes close as she lays her head on his shoulder. Stand by me, plays next and he continues to drift with her around the floor in slow motion, this is the Dante she knows. The cool collected sexy man who can make her purr on the drop of a dime.
"I couldn't stand to loose you bambina," he whispers beside her ear.
She frowns and lifts her head to look at him, wondering what he's talking about, and they stop dancing suddenly. The Marquis guy is back whispering in his ear and he nods, "Si," he answers.
Marquis nods, "I'll let him know," Marquis says, then takes off again.
Dante's instant relief is shown over his face and body and the music changes, cheek to cheek plays and Ella Fitzgerald takes them away into a romantic fox trot.
She loves that he takes charge in this area cause She would be tripping over her feet, but he makes it so easy
This lady walks in in red stealing the show as Amber walks across to the bar for a drink. "What can I get for ya Miss," the server asks.
"Um, oh just water please," she responds not taking her eyes off the dark hair in the red dress.
The server nods and pours a water for her, Amber takes it watching the lady in red making her way threw the crowd. Her body is perfect, she's got curves in all the right places. Amber takes a sip, Kip walks up to the bar grabbing a scotch on the rocks. Noticing Amber watching the red dress, he steps over smirking, "that's Sierra," he says leaning over to Amber.
She and Dante start to dance together on the floor and Amber looks down at her water, "who is she," she asks.
"Hm, ask Dante," he says then walks away.
Amber frowns watching him walking away, her heart sinks, she's probably his ex that he's never gotten over. God damn it how could She expect anything else, Amber he's a gorgeous man, he's Italian and mafia you were a fool to think that you could possibly fall in love with him. What dose she have that she does not though. Anger bubbles in Amber, why can't that be me, why am I not deserving she thinks. Her ex's words come back to her and she's suddenly thrown into a spin. Fuck Amber this is ridiculous your ridiculous, thinking a man like that could love someone like you. She wants to go home now, she's done with this stupid party, the light is suddenly blinding in the dim room. Her head is spinning around and won't stop, she's done. Then arms wrap around her from behind, lips kiss her neck, and she's drowning in her emotions. "Stop," she growls and steps away.
She turns to see the gorgeous steel eyes she's come to know and hate to love staring right into her. "Bambina, what's wrong," he asks.
"Who is she," comes from Ambers lips before she could stop them.
"Who," he asks.
"Ha, who, you know who, The perfect red dress," Amber growls .
His eyebrow raises, his lips quark into a smirk, "do I smell jealousy, bambina," he says as his eyes darken.
"I asked that Kip guy, but he said to ask you, leaving the impression that she was more then just a woman," Amber snips.
"You talked to Kip," Dante growls.
Amber frowns, "your avoiding the question."
"I warned that ass hole to stay away, now he's trying to fuck shit up," Dante growls.
"DANTE," Amber shouts at him.
The party goes silent suddenly, and Amber blushes looking around. Dante spots Kip at the other side of the room. His fist clench and his anger vain pops from his neck, he's suddenly stalking for Kip. Amber sets the water down on the bar dropping her hands "oh for god sake," she breaths out.
There's suddenly a crack that silenced the room more, Amber bows her head and walks towards the commotion. "You Fuck, you can't just keep ya fuckin nose outta anything uh, ya gotta always stuff it right up there, I warned you," Dante growls standing feet away from Kip laying on the floor. The red dress rushes in grabbing Dante's suit coat, "D, that's enough," she yelp's.
Amber stops feet away.
"I also fuckin warned you, I don't have to worry, cause you fuck shit up quite fuckin well on your own dumb ass," Kip spits.
Holding his nose with a napkin, trying to stop it from bleeding, "I swear to god Kip, you need to keep your nose outta my business," Dante growls.
"ENOUGH," the lady in red barks.
"Dante," Amber says stepping closer setting her hand on his bicep.
He pulls away from the lady in red and turns to Amber, her eyes wide and almost ready to tear up, but she holds back. He pinches his nose and runs his other hand down Amber's arm, "Bambina, this is," he starts to say but the red dress steps in.
"I'm Samantha, Dante's twin sister," she says, with a small smile, her hand stretched out to Amber.
Ambers eyes widen, and she blushes "t-twin," she frowns slightly looking at Dante.
"I'm older," he shrugs.
Ambers eyebrows raise and she looks at Samantha, taking her hand shaking it. "Only by like a minute," Samantha grumbles smacking Dante's arm with her other hand.
"I uh," Amber struggles with what to say.
Kip stands finally and shakes his head walking off to the bathroom, holding his nose in the napkin. "Well, I'm in need of a drink now," Dante states, looking at the two woman beside him.
"Yeah," Amber responds.
"Hell ya, how about a strawberry daiquiri for Amber and I Dante," Samantha quips, hinting at him.
He slides his hands in his pockets nodding "ya, why not," he says then walks off to the bar.
"Well, I um, I feel kinda foolish," Amber admits.
"Ha, don't worry bout it, Kip deserves a bop in the nose once in a while, he's a dick anyway," Samantha reassures her.
"Hmm, I mean about you, I," Amber starts to admit but stops.
"Me, oh, you mean cause of my dance with Dante, did it make you jealous," she asks Amber.
"I guess, a little, ok maybe a lot," Amber admits fully.
"Hm, it's ok, just don't admit that to D, it'll blow his ego up, and boy don't need any more of that," Samantha tells her.
"Yeah, hm," Amber says with a small smile.
The next 2 hours of the night is spent talking about Amber, her kids, and how long she and Dante had known each other. Then Dante acts upon his boredom, his hand travels up Amber's leg to her inner thigh under the table. Amber's alcohol intake starting to whey down her eyes and decisions. A shorter man comes to ask Samantha to dance and she agrees squeezing Dante's shoulder as she walks off with the guy. Dante leans over brushing her cheek with his lips and her eyes slide shut, "you tired bambina," he whispers.
One hand drawing heat searing threw her, the other sliding up her shoulder to her other ear and back down driving her mad. She shakes her head no, a breath escaping her lips. The liquid confidants taking over as her hand slides over his thigh. Her fingers and nails slide over his hardening crotch, "mmm, baby girls hungry I think," he purrs against her neck.
"Y-yes," she stutters, then swallows hard.
He sits up looking around, then back at her, adjusts his hard-on and stands. "Come baby," he groans taking her hand.
He helps her out of her chair her legs shaky and the air cools where his fingers were against her. Leading her threw the crowd he stops whispering to his sister before they take off again. He leads her back out the double doors to a bank of elevators, hitting the button. The doors seem to take forever to open and then suddenly she's being moved forcefully but sensually in against the wall. Dante hits the top floor button and the door slides shut, his hands capturing her cheeks as his lips crash against hers. Her body throwin into a tizzy of flames. His hand travels down her front to her thigh and he grips it his hand travelling up to rest it on his hip. She holds on for dear life as he grinds his still growing erection against her. Pinning her hands above her head, there breaths deepen, getting heavier. His hands leave hers, letting them drop to his shoulders as he grips her butt in his hands. Lifting her up his front to sit on his hips. His foot stopping the door from closing he moves down the hall the short distance to the room doors. Slides in the key card, then opens the door, her mouth hungrily tasting his and all the bourbon he's drank tonight. Her butt then legs feel the cold of the counter top under her as he slides her onto it. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth he drags his teeth off of it and runs a heated trail across her cheek. Sucks her earlobe in, sucking on it before continuing down her neck, nipping, bitting and licking his way down slowly. His hands travelling over her back with a sensual feeling driving her mental. Her hands gripping at his back, as he bites her shoulder making her groan. The zipper of her dress sliding down, he uses his tongue to drag the strap to her arm letting it fall as he kisses and nips back up to her neck. His tongue lingers in the dip of her collar bone, then drags up her throat, to her chin. He then kisses and nips across her jaw to her other ear, sucking the earlobe in, sucking on it, and travels down her neck. He sucks her skin in sending a painful but sexual shock to her core. Dante slides her other strap down her arm, his hands moving up her back latching over her shoulders as he kisses back across her collarbone to the dip.
Dante's tongue slides around the dip, shivers driving to her core again, she tries to slide her butt forward searching for closeness, but the angle isn't right until he tilts her back running his tongue up her throat again, biting her chin before taking her lips again, sliding her against his hard cock. "Mmm" she groans loud into his mouth, her hips rocking against him.
Feeling so heated, and aware of the clothing needing to be gone, "uh god Dante," she moans more.
"Mmm, Bambina," he purrs making his way across her jaw and down her neck again.
"Cloths, Hu, too much," she makes come out.
"Mmmmm, soon baby girl," he growls against her skin.
He leans her back more cradling her in his forearms and hands, allowing him to move down across her chest. Her body arching up trying to make her breasts escape the fabric of the dress squishing against her nipples making them scream for him. He makes a torturous route back and forth nipping and licking and kissing to the tops of her breasts. Her body shaking with anticipation, he grips the middle of the dress with his teeth pulling it down. Letting it drag off her nipples, her head falling back as she groans his name, "Dante."
Continuing on the teasing to capture a nipple in his mouth, sucking it in and flicking it with his tongue, her body arching violently. Her apex trying to grind against his pants and hardened cock. Her hands move up and threw his hair, griping it as he slides to the other nipple. Taking it in his mouth sucking it and flicking it. Her heat soaking her panties with desire, wanting him to be inside her more and more. Just when she thinks he's had enough, he slides his jacket off and starts a brutal tease down the centre of her ribs and stomach sliding the dress down with his fingers. Her body arched, wildly claiming every single sensation ripping into her. He nips her navel skin then continues letting the dress fall to the floor, taking her panties with his teeth he slides them down slowly pulling them off as she lifts her hips panting in anticipation of his lips and tongue being on her but he surprises her by letting her panties fall and holding her legs up starring heatedly at her the unthinkable happens next.
He bites the pad of her big toe then sucks it into his mouth and kisses to the arch of her foot making her giggle slightly but groan with desire. He moves and starts in on the other foot making her growl at him, needing him so badly, "Dante please."
"Mmm, what Bambina," he simpers in between kisses on her foot.
"I need you," she pants heavily.
"Ohhh, baby girl, where you want Pappa," he growls.
A new shiver running straight for her epicentre, she drops back on the counter, enraged with lust and courage from the drinks. "My pussy, I need you inside me Pappa," she mewls.
He raises an eyebrow "oh ya, how bad baby, talk to me," he growls more.
"Bad, really, bad," she huffs her hands drawing over her breasts.
He cocks his head watching her a devils grin replacing his own, "that's it mommy, show me," he purrs as he rests her feet on his shoulders undoing his tie.
Her eyes sink closed and he pushes play on his phone, a sexy song flowing threw the air as her hands glide over her own body. "Keep goin," he whispers.
Love is a bitch by two feet plays on the counter beside her as he unbuttons his shirt slipping it off from under her feet. He takes her feet and slides them down his chest, letting them feel every hard muscle and soft skin on the way down. Resting them on his pecks, he pushes against them slightly making her legs bow out as her one hand searches for her heat, the other sliding over her nipples. "Mmm, that's it baby girl," he purrs as his pants and underwear hit the ground and he steps out.
Her eyes flutter open to see his hand on his ridged stiff cock, stroking it slowly up and down. This teasing is getting the best of her because her hand slides down over her pelvic bone and down over her clit. Her body bucking and rolling from the feeling of tension inside her. "Mmm, god damn it your so beautiful Bambina," he growls.
Gripping her ankles he kisses each foot again then licks the arches of each and moves back moving them down to replace his hand on his cock. The sensation of her feet there and her fingers nearly drive her over the edge. "Ohhh god," she moans moving her feet in rhythm of her fingers on her clit.
His hands grip her ankles and he slides her butt over the edge of the counter stepping between her thighs. Pressing the head of his cock against her super wet entrance. "OHHH, ffffffuck, please, please daddy," comes from her lips and he slides in hard and deep, grabbing her waist with both hands.
The shock that rips threw her pushes her over and her hands grip his arms tightening as she clamps down orgasming on his cock. "HUU, PLEASE, FUCK PLEASE MOVE, FUCK ME!"
The screams from her lips drives him nuts and he lifts her up against him, walking for the bedroom of the penthouse suit. He crawls up the bed with her and lays her down after pulling the quilt back, holding himself up, over top of her. Her eyes widen as he looks down at her and growls, "MINE."
"Yes, oh god, yes yours, all of me," she moans eyes locked together.
Driving into her in a slow heated drill, rocking hard and deep her hips matching him. Her fingernails dragging down his back and his lips claim hers as they both struggle to hang onto reality. All that is shattered when her head pushes back into the pillow and she tightens around him, nothing coming from her lips as she falls into the most intense and intimate orgasm she's ever felt. Liquid fire scorching her from head to toe, one last grunt and rock from him as he claims her lips again. His arms wrapping around her, as he too explodes magically every part of his body seizing to her submitting subconsciously to her. His hot seed spilling into the deepest parts of her, as he exhaustedly moves his lips to her neck and she hugs him. Slipping from her he falls to the bed covered in sweat, then slides his arm around her pulling her close, her hand on his chest as they drift in each others arms. Both satisfied and no longer frustrated with the events of the night. Just them and the soft glow from the lights of the city.

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