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Ambers phone bings as she puts the last dish in the washer and starts wiping down the countertops. She moves over and picks it up swiping it open.

Hey, I'm just at the lake house, do you want to come out for the day.

Cathrine informs Amber, she smiles and looks over at the two kids on there phones. Then she nods, and starts to type.

Absolutely, you good if the kids come with?

She waits for a response leaning over the counter.

Absolutely I'd love to see them too, bring them Tyler's out too he can take them boating and tubing and stuff.

Amber grins more, then looks back at the kids. "How do you guys feel about going to the lake today," she asks.
Kira pops her head up from the couch "that would be fun," she agrees.
"Teddy," Amber asks.
"Hm," he responds.
Amber rolls her eyes "Teddy could you pay attention for five minutes please," she says.
"Huuu," he breaths out shutting his phone off and rolls his head around then lays it back looking over at his mom.
"Wanna go to the lake," she asks.
"Uhhh, I guesssss," he says in question, looking rather board.
Amber raises her eyebrows at him, "I'm sure there's girls out there," Amber states.
"Ooo, bikini's," he quips and gets up, "yeah I do," he grins and walks off running up the stairs.
Amber and Kira both giggle as Kira gets up to go up and get a bathing suit.
"Alright, the beach it is," she says to her self shaking her head.
She walks up stairs to get her suit and a wrap, she changes into jeans and a tank top. Grabbing her sunglasses she walks down the hall and down the stairs. She starts to pack up some cookies she made yesterday and some water bottles, sunscreen and bug spray. After bite, aloe lotion, and towels. She turns to call the kids but there already standing waiting at the door.
She giggles then opens her phone.

On way, see you soon.

She texts Catherine and then walks for the door and kid's. They leave the house and Amber locks it up. She turns to walk down the path unlocking the car, and stops seeing captain steel at the door of the house across the street. The lady smiles at him and steps in closing the door with her package. Amber rolls her eyes and smirks knowing full well that it's not just food. There eyes meet as he walks to his car, his eyebrow raises and he smirks. She smiles and waves slightly then walks for the car. He nods and waves back, then gets into his. She sets the bag in the trunk, then walks to the drivers door. Looking over at him driving slowly down the street then her phone bings. She swipes it open.

Your killing me.

Her lips twitch and she replies.

Why would that be Sir.

That ass in those jeans... my cock just twitched sapphire bambina.

She grins looking up at his car at the end of the next block over at the stop sine.

I wasn't trying to tease you, I'm going to a friends house on the lake.
You don't need to try sapphire, my cock wants you, it's getting hard just thinking about last nights phone call, accent or other wise.

How.... Stimulating 😘.

Baby, you stimulate everything... dirty.

She giggles and leaves it at that, getting in the car with a smile on her face. The devil himself couldn't smack it off her face. She starts the car and reverses into the street then starts to drive leaving Dante to sweat a little. She drives towards the outskirts until she sees the development sine and turns. Driving down 4 miles then turns again and drives down into where the cabins are. She drives to the end then down around the curve to the next level counting the cabins and smiles pulling in the driveway of her friends. She shuts the car off as Catherine steps out on the front deck smiling, and waving. Amber waves and gets out, the kids get out too as she takes the bag out of the back.
They walk together up onto the deck, as Catherine's cheerful nature comes out hugging the kids. "Oh my gosh look at you guys, your so big," she says grinning.
"Do you guys remember Tyler," she asks.
Kira frowns at her, but Teddy smirks, "ya I do," he says.
"Hmhm, perfect, he's in the back getting some stuff ready, go on back," Catherine says.
"Can I just stay with you guys," Kira asks looking at Amber.
Amber goes to talk but Catherine pipes up, "oh sweetheart, Tyler's an amazing boat driver, and I think you'll like him, go have some fun, Teddy, introduce your sister to Tyler," she says smiling and looks at Amber.
"Ok," Kira says.
Amber smirks admiring her friends spunk, the two take off to the back leaving them alone. "Mmm, you come here," Catherine groans moving her arms out to Amber.
"Huuuu, I missed you," Amber says hugging her back.
"Missed you too honey," Catherine says squeezing her.
"Alright you, in we go, I've got some wine cooler slushes we can sip on," Catherine says letting her go and opens the door.
They both walk into the cabin and Amber remembers the lie she told Kira. "Hey um, can you do me a favour," Amber asks, as they make there way to the open doors of the sitting area.
"Absolutely, I'm here for you you know that," Catherine says smiling and sits.
Amber sits down frowning slightly, "huuu, I kind of feel bad though" she says.
"Ohhh," Catherine looks at her raising her eyebrow, pouring slushy into frosted glasses.
She sets one over waring for an explanation, and sits back with hers. Looking over her best friend as a blush raises over Amber's cheeks. Amber takes the glass and sits back, "I kind of lied to Kira last night and today, but I dragged you in it," she groans then takes a sip.
Catherine's both eyebrows shoot up, "oh honey I will be your alibi anytime you should know that by now, did you get laid at least," she says then questions.
Amber rolls her eyes then licks her lips, "huu, not exactly," she frowns feeling even more bad, she thinks steel is rubbing off on her now.
Her fingers run up and down the frosted glass hoping it'll cool her down enough to get it all out. Catherine reaches for her hand and grips it. "Ok you, spill, I can tell there's something bugging you," Catherine says smirking.
There it is, the very reason she's been friends with Catherine for so long. "Hoooo, where do I start," Amber breaths out.
"Hm, from the beginning," Catherine tells her, "I want details, he's obviously got you in knots," she grins giggling.
"Ha, knots dose nothing to describe what I'm feeling," Amber says then starts into telling Catherine everything.
Well mostly everything, leaving out the parts about the drugs and money he keeps under his cute cabin. Cathrine moves closer gripping her hand as she tells her about the phone sex. "And then just this morning he texted me and told me that I'm killing him, he's getting hard just thinking about last nights phone call, and that I stimulate everything, dirty," Amber tells her friend.
"Ok, so let me get this straight, this guy delivers, dressed like a god, he smells like a god, looks like a god, and you've sexted, and had phone sex and he lives in town, but he shadows everything, and is super dark and mysterious, sum it up," Cathrine states.
"Pretty much," Amber answers.
"And yet he stays just far enough away," Catherine says sitting back, then sits up and pours more slushy. "I think he's playing with you honey," Catherine informs.
"What, no, I'm thinking he's just cautious, maybe he's been hurt before too," Amber gives her excuse.
"Hmmm, I don't know about that," Catherine says sitting back again with her drink.
"His eyes just seem to shine every time" Amber says.
"Your playing with the devil Amber , your going to get hurt again," her best best friend Catherine tells her.
"Ohhhh, what ever, what's a bit of a fling, I'm fine, I'm Fine Catherine," she says repeating.
"Do you have a picture of said god," Cathrine asks.
Amber frowns, "well no, I don't," she says.
"He better be worth the heart ache after," Catherine says.
"I could probably get him to send me a picture," Amber admits.
Cathrine raises her eyebrow and smirks, "might help me understand your obsession," she tells her.
"Ok, I'll see if he'll send me one," Amber says opening her phone to his texts.

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