Sweet Child

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Kip woke with a start from the couch, the horror of his nightmares getting to him again, a fire blazing as the sun rose over a silent mansion. His heart pounding from his chest, sweat dripping from his forehead and all over. He sits up from the couch running his hand through his hair. Taking the last bit of his drink from last night he walks for the stairs and up, he frowns as he passes the room he had locked Kira in and frowns at the sounds coming from it. Stopping he puts his ear too it, and listens to the awkward silent screams coming from with in.
Unlocking the door he peeks in finding Kira tossing around wrapped in the blankets. Stepping in he walks as quite as he can to the bed and softly untangles the sleeping girl, his heart almost stoping as the words "no daddy" comes from her lips breathlessly.
Softly he sits on the edge of the bed running his hand over her forehead, she calms and seems to relax, then curls in a ball. His brow furrows looking at her then he stands, he'll have to ask what the dream was about he thinks. Walking back towards the door he sneaks out instead of locking it he leaves it a crack open. She couldn't run if she wanted to anyway, this place is more secure then Dante's dive. He walks down the hall to his room walking through the double doors. Sighing as he takes his shirt off, stepping to his closet to change pants then to his stereo he turns music on and begins his regimen of Tai Chi. His soft movements a glide through the air.
His stance carefully made showing off his physique, anyone would think this guy is an Italian god what with his dark brown hair that curl at the ends. His tattoos of lions, Phoenix's and snakes, Kira cocks her head watching him from the door way. His eyes slowly meet her's as he moves positions, his eyes a shining golden honey. Her eyes widen and look away thinking maybe perhaps she shouldn't be looking but it's all she can do to not. "Come," he says making her jump slightly.
Her heart now pounding as she slowly steps towards him, a smirk on his face telling her she shouldn't but she's captivated nonetheless. He took her hips, and turned her making her stance the way he is, helping her move the way he was.
Her eyes close as his hands run over hers, the patio window being open let's the right amount of calm into the room the suns rising glow shimmering on them both. The Prayer by Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion playing softly as he moves her gently into the next pose. She bites her lip as he dose, his heart thumping calmly inside him. This is the calm he was looking for, she brings a sense of peace, but she's so young. Her mother would be super upset with him if he touched her, Dante would as well, perhaps when she's 18.
His eyes flash open as he growls, gripping her waist, he was so caught up in the moment last night with her words he didn't think.
"I don't believe there is anyone on this earth that really is bad, just bad actions that you can change yourself"
"That's not true, sometimes people have to be bad in order to survive"
"No, no, it's simply a chain reaction to things around"
It was simply the most beautiful interaction he'd had in a while, there was just something about her that he needed to figure out.
Now his mind not clouded by the alcohol he had drank he knew what he should do, not before he got something first. "Have you ever been kissed Kira," he suddenly said.
Her eyes fluttered open wide, then brows furrowed, "uh, n-no," she stuttered.
His stance rose into a straight stand, turning her towards him then tilted her chin up to look at him. His eyes wandering over her face before he closed the space between there lips, softer then feathers, both there hearts pounding frantically as he brushed his lips against hers. Her hands moved up to grip his shirt but instead stopped on his bare chest. His lips closed on hers and her knees trembled, one hand of his running up into her hair, the other to the small of her back. Her fingers sliding up his chest leaning a bit closer feeling the heat of his skin. "I'll take you home," he whispered ever so softly and gruff.
Strained as he ran his hands from her and one threw his hair stepping back then walked to his closet, she stumbled a bit as the cool breeze hit her her breaths frantically trying to catch up. She sucked in a breath attempting to fill her lungs then sat on the bottom edge of the bed. Her one hand thoughtlessly touching her lips, what was that. A slight smirk tugging on her lips, dropping her hand a blush rising over her cheeks heatedly. "I wanted to ask, what was your dream about," he said tossing a sweater beside her on the bed.
Her eyes widen looking at him, more blush rose on her cheeks as she looked down, "I um," she starts to say but stops.
"Hm, well, if someone hurt you, you can tell me, I won't hesitate to hurt them back," he says.
Her breath rises, as his words sink in, "it, it's n-nothing, just a bad dream about my dad leaving is all," she says not looking at Kip.
He's figured now that when she lies she won't look at him, tell a tale sine, in most people. "Come," he says and walks for the door, down the hall leaving her to catch up.
"So, Dante is mafia yes," she asks making him stop frozen at the cherrywood door where they came in.
He turns abruptly as she stops from running into him, his hand moves through the air cupping her cheek she jumps slightly. "Don't worry your self with such things, Dante and I are business men, that's all you need to know," he says moving his head to catch her visions attention with his eyes.
She nods quickly and he runs his thumb over her cheek, before turning to go out the big cherrywood door.
She looks around as she pulls the sweater over her head finding it way too big but comfortable and warm. She smiles at the fact that it smells like him as he stops at the door of a different car then they came in last night. This one is a Nissan GT-R sleek and sporty, the outside a beautiful red, the inside black and red everything about it screamed money and sexy sleekness. She sat in the passenger seat as he walked across to a room to the side talking to a man.
The man nods and Kip walks back towards the car getting in starting the car with push button, the car rumbles to life and he looks over at her. "Your probably hungry, will stop and get food before I drop you off at home," he says, then drives forward as a huge door opens.
She looks out the passenger window after nodding seeing a girl in a cage, dancing, with next to nothing for cloths. Frowning at this she swallows as a man steps to the bars of the cage, undoing his zipper. Kira's eyes widen and she looks away, the girl in the cage kneeling at the bars, in front of him. Kip looks over then at her, "They are escorts, dancers, they get paid very well to be in that room," he states, seeing her reaction.
"Oh," is all she responds quietly.
The car takes off again and there soon driving threw the country side, nothing but trees, and more trees for miles. She sits back in the seat, pulling her feet up after slipping her shoes off. "Do you always do this," she asks shyly.
He frowns "do what," he asks.
"Take people, for a night then take them back," she asks more entwining her fingers together.
His lips part, giving her a sideways look, "No, Kira, usually people don't leave my compound, not until I'm done with them," he admits.
Her eyebrows raise, "why am I different," she asks moving her hair behind her ear a blush rising again.
His hands grip the steering wheel then release, "I don't know Kira, honestly, you just, seem so pure and innocent, I was initially going to get info from you but quickly realized you don't know what I want, so your not a use to me, other then the fact that your beautiful, but your too young to be an escort," he admits surprising himself and Kira.
"I, um," she starts to say but stops as she realizes this is probably not the best time to argue that she's not that young.
"You what Kira, you are young, but a temptress unknowingly at that," he says with a growl.
She frowns at his words, thinking them over, "So I'm beautiful and a temptress, but no use to you," she pulls her legs to her chest more wrapping her arms around them.
"Si," he simply responds.
"Look, I need to stay in the good graces of Dante so he doesn't," he starts saying but stops.
"Doesn't what," she asks.
He sucks in a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. "I just, I need to stay in his good graces is all let's drop it Si, what about you, how's school, do you like sports, what grade are you in?"
Her eyes wander over to him watching as he focuses on driving, his features more prominent in the sunlight. "Uh, I guess school is good, I'm more into dance and gymnastics, and I'm in grade 10" she answers tucking her nose in his sweater breathing in his smell.
"Dance and gymnastics is good," he says as he turns into town.
"Sure," she says.
"Maybe I'll come watch sometime," he says.
Her eyes widen a bit at his response but she shakes it off "why," she asks.
"Why not," he asks in return.
She blinks at him as he pulls into the drive threw of the local coffee shop getting her a breakfast sandwich, hash-brown and a hot chocolate. Passing it to her he gives her a look of go ahead and eat, as he sips his coffee. Driving towards her house, she feels a little odd that he's just taking her back, she also feels slightly bitter that he's told her she's no use to him. After the kiss he gave her, she's so confused, maybe he's scared of Dante. Perhaps he's a lot older then her and he's realized how young she is, but why would he take her in the first place if he intended on other thing's.
She's read stories of how malicious and evil the mafia is. Perhaps there not, but Kira seriously doubts that there not, they all are Italian and they carry guns. Her heart slightly falls as they pull up to her house, slightly hurt and she's not sure why. Nevertheless she's sure that this won't be the last time she sees him, she's pretty that mafia members seek revenge, but what is it he seeks revenge for. "I'll see ya around kid," is all he says before reaching across her opening the door.
"Hey Kip," she says quickly putting her hand on his arm.
"Si," he breaths out looking at her.
"Why did you kiss me," she asks.
"Heat of the moment I guess," he says.
"Oh," she says her shoulders dropping.
She moves to get out stopped by his hand this time on her arm, pulling her back. His tongue runs over his lips before he cups her cheek again and brushes his lips against hers "sometimes it can't be helped," he whispers then kisses her again. Her breath stops and she sucks in a breath, her hand closest to him gripping his suit jacket before he pulls away looking around outside. She frowns opening her eyes, "ok" she says then gets out closing the door.
Her bottom lip pulling into her mouth as she looks at him one last time before he reverses from the driveway, and speeds off.

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