Desires to Terror

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The party was still going when Dante took Ambers hand and lead her to the car. There fingers intertwined as he opened the door for her and helped her into the back of the limo. Her lips twitching as she looked around seeing the partition window up. He said something in Italian to the driver and then his door closed. Then Dante moved into the car pretending to trip and slightly land on Amber she giggled at him as his hand travelled over her hip, making her lean back on the seat. His persona switching from party mode to absolute perfect predator. His lips crashing against hers bourbon on his tongue making her melt into the seat not even noticing the car had started moving. She didn't even have time to think of where he was taking her while the car moved. His hands had lifted her dress, his lips trailing down her neck sending her senses reeling with pleasure. All the while the alcohol consumption in her was making her head spin, his tongue swirling in the dip in her neck and collar bone sending her further into a spiral. His now ridged hard on grinding against her leg as he made his way down over the tops of her breasts teasing every part of her chest. Her skin setting a flame as he nipped, sucked and licked every inch. He trailed down over the dress blowing hot hair threw the fabric of it. Her hands flew up gripping the side of the seat as he skated down over her panties taking in the smell of her threw his nose then trailed his tongue down either side of them. Tongue slipping under the edge of them he gripped the fabric in his teeth growling a deep guttural growl sliding them down her legs. She laying almost shaking from need of him as they fall to the floor. He flattens his tongue against her calf and trails it up over her knee slowly, leaving a heated wet trail straight to her epicentre. Attacking it, his mouth and tongue making short work of what was left of her conscious thought. Her hips bucking as he sucked on her clit, then lavishly licked it like it was his last meal. "FUCK DANTE," she screamed gripping his hair.
His hands meeting hers folding his with hers as he tortured her father into a frenzy of orgasmic heat, a succession of 4 orgasms before the car stopped and he rose from the floor taking her panties with him. His eyes meeting hers, "come Miss sapphire," he growls tucking her panties into his front pocket of his suit jacket.
Her brow furrowed watching him as the door opened slowly, scrambling to sit and put her dress down. Heart pounding as he stepped out doing his jacket up and placed his hand out to help her out of the car, she slid her fingers across his palm. A sharp breath sucking in and holding as she stepped out to see a smaller jet sitting waiting for them. Her eyes flicked up to his as his lips twitch, "Dante, what is this," she started, planing to give him shit.
"Relax Amber everything is taken care of," he states turning to cup her chin in his hand before leaning down to kiss her.
"My babies," she whispers as he backs up.
"There fine, and will be back Sunday," he replies then scoops her into his arms.
She squeals putting her arm around his neck hanging on as he walks towards the jet, the engines drowning out every other sound. Once he climbs the stairs and sets her down she's absolutely shocked at the inside. He takes her one hand and leads her back threw the few seats facing each other. All white leather with cherry wood details on the fronts. A couch then a curtain as she follows him he slides the curtain back showing off the elegant bed that sits at the end, dimmed lights candles in holders solidly set on a table and around the smaller room. A spread of snack food spread out on the table and wine, fondue, a fish tank above the bed setting a dim but vibrant sparkling light over the bed. Exotic fish swimming around the tank one in particular catching her eye.
His hand trails up her arm waking her from her thoughts, his other hand trailing up the other side making her breath hitch in her throat. No matter the amount of time spent with this man she's still not used to him wanting her this way. He senses her tension and lowers his forehead to hers, "Amber," his voice deep with a slight crackle of need.
"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are," his words making her eyes widen looking up at his eyes.
"I, um, n-no," she frowns trying to get a grip on the reality of his words.
His hand suddenly grips hers trailing it over his thigh to the hardened mass in his pants, "Your so, fucking beautiful, my desire for you is uncanny, it takes my breath and gives it at the same time, you have no idea what you do to me, I need you so bad sometimes it's hard to imagine what my life was like before you," his words trailing off to a soft hum before his lips take hers.
"You make me desire you so bad sometimes my mind can not take it, my body aches for you when we're apart, my heart hurts, so bad sometimes it feels as if I will die, there has never been another woman that has made me feel this," he says.
"Your everything to me," he tells her before his hands grip her butt.
"Sir, we are about to take off, please be seated," a voice says over the intercom.
Dante smirks lifting Amber up his body, her legs instinctively moving to his hips, he turns taking them back out to the seats sitting in one keeping her pinned to him as the engines speed up Ambers heart beat rising to a thunder in her chest as his eyes drown hers with a hold that nothing could describe. His hands still gripping her butt pulling her tighter as his hips move grinding against her non pantie clad clit. Her senses getting lost again as he growls rocking against her, her mind swirling as he matches his rocks grinding against him trying to find that exquisite explosion he always gives her. "W-well, since your kidnapping me I guess I might as well enjoy it right," she says smirking.
His eyebrow raises as he cocks his head in question, "kidnapping," he breaths his own need for explosion burning threw him.
"Need I remind bambina, you can not kidnap someone that is willing to come with you, nor can you rape the willing, you could try, but it's still mutually," he paused then kissed her neck.
Her eyes closed, "wanted," he growls on the skin of her neck making her groan.
Her hands now fumbling to undo his pants, the plane takes off into the ski making there bodies feel the drop of there insides making everything that much more intense. His teeth grazing her neck before sucking it making her squirm against him. Her legs now shaking as he marked what's his. His lips trailing down and clamping on again, her moans getting louder as they rock, finally she opens his pants and slides her hand in. "Mm, no no baby," he growls, gripping her hand.
"I'm gonna tease the fuck outta you until you can no longer stand it, and then continue, then I shall have my way with you, I'm gonna fuck - you into next week," his growl making her eyes widen and her body feeling even more in need of him to be inside her.
The blood rushing threw her body as he stood with her and walked into the little bedroom once again closing the curtains. Time seemed to slow as he kissed and licked her lips, laying her on the bed. His hands slowly moving her dress off her shoulders. His hands trailing to her wrists as he sucked her lip into his mouth. The heat was stifling as he moved her arms above her head, cuffs being placed around each of her wrists. The love in his eyes as he looked in her briefly before slide down to her neck kissing once again nipping and licking. His hard body telling her he was reaching the brink of heaven. His hands ran down her arms over her chest taking the dress down off of her. His lips trailing down chasing them suckling one nipple into a taught peak then the other. Her dress hitting the floor with a light flop, as he kisses his way down her stomach. His tongue running across her scars, she never ever thought that would be such a turn on but from him it is. His tongue snaking down over her pelvis to her clit again sucking it in and swirling his tongue around it. Her hands trying to fly to his hair but can't because there restrained. A deep chuckle comes from his mouth on her sending shocks threw her as he finds her being helpless amusing. His eyes flick up over her front to find hers with a heated stair, his lips tugging into a smirk. Clamping slightly with his teeth at her clit she hisses, but not with a pain with an odd pleasure. filling her more. His hands sliding up over her breasts as he continues assaulting her senses and pushing her farther to orgasm. Skilful thumb and finger squeezing her nipples and letting them go, her hips bucking frantically to have release. One last squeeze of her nipples and a flick at her clit sends her falling her hands tighten around the cuffs on her wrists, her lips parting as all her muscles tighten then release. A strained sound comes from her lips calling his name. His lips wander up her front as she comes down pressing his hardened bulge in his pants against her sensitive swollen nub. His lips and tongue wandering her neck once again then taking her lips after travelling across her jaw. His tongue slipping past her lips into hers letting her taste her sweetness from his bourbon infused mouth. "Dante," she hisses as he kisses across her jaw on the other side.
"Mmm, yes Bambina," he groans letting his cock travel down her leg.
"I - I want you inside me," she mewls a stuttered moan.
"Not yet baby," he responds licking down over her breasts again awakening that need again.
Her body wracks against him trying to break free from his teasing, failing to she submits to his wandering tongue and hands again. Now panting and whimpering her hands shaking everything shaking, he slowly moves up her body and kneels between her legs. Untucking his shirt then unbuttoning it he slides it off him revealing the word Bambina with flames and wings the a on the end a melting heart over his chest above his heart. Her eyes fall to it lips parting, "wh - when, did," she stutters.
His lips draw into a gorgeous smile "couple weeks ago, I wanted it to be mostly healed for your birthday," he raises his eyebrow looking at it then back at her.
Tears welling in her eyes, he got a tattoo for her, one of the most permanent things you could ever do. No one has ever done that for her, and Bambina is what he calls her. His pants fall to the bed, he pushes them off his legs and feet then grips his cock in hand. "I truly love you Bambina, your absolutely my world," he says as he lays over top her.
Positioning the head against her entrance she sucks in a breath at the feel of no condom, just the heat of his throbbing member. "I - I love, you too," she breaths out a pant.
Slowly he sinks deep inside her, his head lowering taking her lips with fire, beginning the rocking with his hips. His one hand reaches for her cuffs, undoing each letting them come down to run threw his hair to his neck and shoulders. His breath faster, his low guttural sounds ringing in her ears as her own moans telling him the rhythm of his rocks was driving her to the edge of ecstasy. His heart pounding in his ears as he too was close to that faithful end. His eyes peered to the clock and pulled out leaving Amber whimpering and gripping at his back not wanting him to stop. His body slid down his lips finding her wet softness again. Trying to slow his own falling wanting it to last for her, his mouth swirling over her clit and the soft folds. His tongue swirls into her entrance, then out over her clit, his fingers gliding over her breasts before trailing down to her entrance and in. Gliding it to Ambers driving point she let out another pleasurable sound this time louder, squealing his name. He was going to come undone, just the look of her was setting him off. Quickly moving over her he slid back inside of her, her moan much louder this time. One hand lifting one leg her response to move her other around his hip as well. His other hand at the same time running under her neck, the other slid up her hip to her lower back and she was suddenly on top of him kneeling sitting back on his heels. His hands gripped her sides lifting and lowering him onto her as deep as he could. Both sweat dripping from the heat of the situation and room. One last lift and pull down, thrusting into her deep her head fell back eyes rolling back as his own orgasm ripped threw him. His head falling forward as they slowed, kissing her neck, slowly moving so that his feet moved out and straight then lowered down flat on his back taking her with him. There breaths collectively in a satisfactory sigh slowing.
"I love you Bambina," he groaned.
"I love you t," she started cut off by the ringing of his phone.
He growled lifting it from his pants at the bottom of the bed, "Si," he growled in anger from the interruption then his eyes widened.
"WHEN," he barked making Amber sit up on him.
His heart sank as he tried to make out the conversation threw the frantic Italian his daughter spoke. "Will be back as fast as we can," he growled and hung up tossing his phone.
Panicked he pulled his pants on and did them up as he stocked for the front of the plane, Amber sitting confused by the sudden change in his mood.
He came back the look of both anger and anguish in his eyes that flamed like the depths of hell, "Dante," Amber said as he put his shirt on.
"It's, your daughter," he said swallowing the lump in his now dry throat.
Amber froze eyes wide, "wh-what, what's happened to Kira," she stuttered in horror.
"Kip," he frowned as he sat down.
"Wh, wh, what, Dante tell me," she nearly screamed.
The plane shifted as it turned in the air headed back from where it came, Dante's anger became more and more apparent every second. "He," he started and ran a hand threw his hair.
"He took her," he stated as Amber's world went dark.

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