Ladies and gentlemen, the master of my dreams.

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Catherine and Amber giggle as they cook, a salad, fish the boys caught, and fresh carrots, all done to perfection. They all sit and eat, Tyler and Teddy in the living room and the girls at the table. Cathrine smiles watching everyone, Teddy and Tyler talking lively about wrestling, video games and fishing. Amber sits watching the tide roll up on shore, lost in thought. Kira peeking occasionally at Tyler with no shirt on glances here and there back from him. He try's not to pay attention but she's done it so often now it's hard not to. She blushes every time he catches her, Catherine smirks as she claps her hands bringing everyone back to the land of the here and now. "Who wants pie," she asks.
"ME," Tyler's up and stalking for the cupboard before anyone else is.
"Hmhmhm, figured," Catherine states with a smile.
Kira giggles and then blushes as Tyler shoots her a look holding the pie as he carries it to the table. "Thank you Tyler," Catherine says taking the pie lifter and slices it in 5 slices.
"Oh, actually Catherine, can I talk to you for a second outside," Amber asks frowning.
"Absolutely let me just, dish these hungry mongrels there pie and I'll be right with you," Catherine responds setting pie on a plate.
Tyler picks it up and sets a fork on it then passes it to Kira who blushes and takes it, "Thanks."
He nods then takes the next piece and passes it to Teddy who comes to get it. "Thanks man," he says.
"No prob," Tyler says.
He takes the last one for himself and walks back to the living room area, sitting down.
"You can sit with us Kira, if you want," he says to her.
"Oh, um, ya," she says blushing again and tucks hair behind her ear, gets up and walks over to join them on the couches.
Catherine smirks and shakes her head, older boys, always a favourite. She thinks as she gets up and walks out to the deck with Amber.
"Alright lady love, what's up, you were pretty silent all supper," she asks standing beside her.
"Catherine, do you think, you could keep the kids, over night," she asks in a breathy manner.
"Oh Honey," Catherine coos and turns her to hug her.
Squishing her tight against her, she leans to her ear. "Go and get the big devil dick baby, you deserve a good night of passion and simmering screaming animal sex," she whispers.
"Ha Ha, oh Catherine," Amber laughs and groans.
Cathrine moves back taking Amber's shoulders in her hands shaking her slightly. "You, need to get laid, so dose the devil, and I wanna hear all the amazing horny details, so, go an enjoy yourself for once, don't worry about the kids, Kira and I will have a girls night, and the boys can sleep in Tyler's shack, all good," she says grinning.
"Plus if I keep your kids hostages, then you have to come back and tell me how your night went, and just how many times that big D made you orgasm," she grins more.
"Hoooo, I love you, even though your super perverse and provocative all the time," Amber admits.
"Hmhm, you llllllove it, besides, with Grant gone I need something to bide my time besides alcohol and solitary cards," she giggles.
"Thank you, I should be back by morning sometime," Amber says as they walk into the cabin again.
Catherine rolls her eyes, and grabs her arm stopping her. "Just promise me one thing," she whispers to her.
"What," Amber asks and cocks her head looking at her.
"Let loose on his ass," she grins and runs her hand along Amber's jaw.
"Hoo, I'll try, I'm kinda rusty," she admits with a giggle.
"Just relax, let the devil take you places never seen before," Catherine assures her.
They hug and Amber walks into the living room "Hey guys, I'm going out, Catherine is going to keep you guys over night," Amber states.
"All night," Kira asks, her eyes wide.
"Cool, we can hang longer," Teddy says looking at Tyler.
"Oh baby girl, you and I can have a girls night, will do make up, hair the whole nine yards, and watch what ever movie with popcorn and have fun," Catherine says sitting on the back of the couch top.
Kira's eyes light up, "Really," she asks grinning and kneels up on the couch.
Tyler rolls his eyes, "that's my cue, I'm out," he says standing up.
"Yeah man, I'm with you," Teddy says standing and stretches.
Amber smiles at them both she's so scared of leaving them but she knows they'll be ok with Catherine. Teddy gives his mom a hug and kiss "night mom," he says, "have fun."
She smiles at him "thank you sweetheart," she says smiling. He smiles back and nods then takes off following Tyler outside.
Kira skips to her mom and hugs her tight, "have fun momma, you deserve to," she says and kisses her cheek.
Amber's eyes water and she try's to blink them away. "Huuu, thank you baby," she says.
She kisses her little girl that's not so little anymore and smiles at Catherine.
"Ok, Kira, down the hall, at the very end, is my room, I have boxes of makeup in there, go figure out which ones you like and I'll be right in, Aunty Catherine's gonna make you over," she grins squeezing Kira's arm gently.
"YAY," Kira squeals and rushes off down the hall.
Amber sniffs and swallows, then wipes her cheeks. "Hey now, don't be doing that, your makeup will run, now, get ya ass outta here and go get you some much needed nookie from the devil," Catherine coos.
"Ha, your right, your right, I do need this, even if we don't end up having sex, I need some me time," she says smiling.
"That's my girl, OH, wait here," Cathrine says grinning as she rushes down the hall.
She comes back with a folded garment, "change in the bathroom before you go, and I don't want no excuses, put that on, and put your jeans and shirt over top," she informs Amber.
Amber raises her eyebrows as she holds the see threw silky lingerie. "Do it," Catherine warns her.
"Huuuu, fine," she grumbles and walks off to the bathroom closing the door.
She dose as she's told and changes, then slips her jeans and shirt back on. Leaning over to look at her face in the mirror she applies a bit more makeup and steps back. "Hooo, ok Amber, you can do this," she says giving a pep talk.
She nods and smiles then walks out of the bathroom hearing Catherine and Kira giggling. Closing her eyes with a smile she takes off to the door, blows out the breath and opens the door. Walking out to her car, she opens her phone,

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