The Hunt

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Dante stormed angrily into the warehouse growling something in Italian, Amber had never seen so many grown men jump that fast. She followed him into a control room looking room, there were screens and screens of camera footage. A dark haired man with a beard spun on his chair to see Dante as he growled out loosing his temper, "Voglio Kips con la testa su una punta, TROVALO!"
The guy flung himself back to another set of controls typing fairly fast, Amber watched as one screen looked to be rewinding, then zeroed in on the last time anyone seen Kira or Kip. She was stumbling slightly then dropped as Kip caught her and carried her to a car. Amber covered her mouth trying to stop the sunned intake of air that caught in her throat. Tears begun welling in her eyes as she watched the car drive away, the cameras zooming in on the license plate. A light flashed over it and it was being traced, of course they knew who's it was. Dante slid his hands over Amber's hips and kissed her forehead. "Will find her Bambina," he reassured her not making her feel any better about it. Her arms slowly moved around to his back as she snuggled her face into his neck. "This is my fault," he stated softly, quietly, "I should have had more security," he says.
She shakes her head on his shoulder letting out a small sob, "You couldn't have known this would happen, and I trust you'll find her," Amber whimpers trying to think positive.
The talk about how his ex wife died coming back to her now, making her mind go crazy with thoughts. "I'm gonna kill him myself this time, I'm done with his shit, it's not fair of him to continue fucking with people like this," Dante growls.
Ambers arms wrap around his middle more, her breath coming out as an exhausted huff. "You must be tired," he asks.
"I don't want to leave until Kira is safe," she breaths out panicked.
"Naw baby, I have a bed down here in my office," Dante reassured her.
"Come on I'll lay with you a while," he says taking her hand.
"Marcelo we're gonna go lay down in my office, wake me if you find that dick," he growls.
The guy with the beard nods and waved as Dante led Amber out of the room, slipping his arm around her as they step into the cooler warehouse part. "Ima do all I can Bambina, to get your baby back with any luck, I'll be able to kill him personally," he snickers slightly.
Ambers eyes shift towards him as they reach the doorway of his office, frowning slightly before stepping in as he stops. He pulls the door closed and walks towards the back wall that has 2 pictures hung and nothing else. Pulls a book on the shelf and a bed slowly comes down out of the wall, Amber smirks at him watching it. "You like hidden things don't you," she asks.
He grins devilishly, "what can I say, hide n' seek never hurt anyone," his lips twitching.
"I'm sure it hasn't," she smirks and walks over to the bed that's already made.
"I'm sure you'd like to be outta that dress, no one will say anything if your naked," he says, lips twitching more.
Her eyebrows frown slightly again "are you flirting with me sir," she asks setting her purse down.
"Mm, you know I can't help that baby," he growls.
She giggles slightly and bites her lip then slowly undoes her dress, slowly sliding it off her. His eyes watching every second, every curve be unsheathed by the dress. A low growl comes from deep inside him his hand instinctively sliding down to his crotch. Her eyes wander over it then back up to meet with his as she drops it to the flow and lifts it with her foot into her hands. His lips twitching all the while, his other hand undoing his shirt, when a knock sounds on the door. He stops half way undoing the buttons and frowns looking at it. "Fuck," he grumbles and walks towards it as Amber quickly scrambles into the bed covering up. He steps out and she undoes her bra taking it off then slips her underwear off, and then relaxes. Waiting for him to come back she hugs the blanket a tear coming to her eyes as she try's to get comfortable. Falling asleep before Dante's back, he sighs and then smirks seeing her sleeping, then frowns seeing the tears she's cried, his heart sinking. Removing his shirt and pants leaving his boxers on as he sits taking his shoes and socks off he feels like an ass for not protecting her daughter better.
He should have known that Kip would show up and ruin something. Kira must be so scared, he thinks then thinks back to his own daughter when she was that age. He'd been drinking, so His long time friend and right hand man Antonio had to take over the situation. He was blinded with drunken angry rage, Cecile had been shot on the spot because he pulled the very same gun that killed Antonio. Cecile's son seeking revenge on him and snuck into his room while on vacation shot him 4 times point blank in the head and once in the chest killing him instantly.
Dante lay back onto the pillow beside Amber, thinking back to all the things he could have changed but was too drunk to even notice the things around him. His eyelids droop as he watches Amber's arm on her side move up and down with her calm sleeping breath. It's funny how falling in love with someone can change a person Dante thinks, it was a mere few weeks before he first saw this amazingly beautiful woman at her front door had he stopped drinking so much. Just the way she looked at him made his body scream for her but never realized what it would turn into. Thoughts of partying and drinking and doing drugs just left his thoughts all together now that she has a hold of his heart. Hell even thoughts of seeing her tied up and whipped has left. He frowns slightly at the thought that he has only ever wanted to just make love to Amber, softly, hungrily needing to hear that moan come from her sweet lips. Amanda did not even have this much of an effect on him, sure she turned him on but Amber, it was hard to keep his hunger and need for her at bay. He found himself mostly hard all the time for her and when not with her he felt empty, alone and sad.
His eyes closed as he turned towards her wrapping his arm under hers and around her back trailing his fingers up and down. So much love for one woman, how is that possible
That was his last thoughts as he drifted to sleep, pulling her against him, kissing her forehead and resting his chin on the top of her head. She sighed and snuggled even closer her hand moving over his side to rest at the top of his hip.

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