Feel like I'm drowning

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Dante stands on the patio of the room watching the busy city below as he sucks on a cigarette watching the smoke billow out over the railing. "You know those will kill you uh," a voice comes from the other patio.
His eyes slip closed and he bows his head then looks over seeing his sister with her arms crossed a cup in one hand. "So will your bitch attitude but hey who's complaining right," he snaps back at her.
She rolls her eyes at him and shakes her head smirking, "how are ya Bro," she asks as she takes a sip leaning on the railing of her patio.
"I just saw you a month ago nothings really changed," he states leaning on the rail looking at her crossing his legs at his ankles.
She raises her eyebrow at him and nods swallowing her tea, "obviously it has when did you start seeing Amber," she asks.
"A couple months ago," he shares, tossing his spent smoke butt.
"What the fuck, and you didn't think to tell me so shit like last night didn't happen, Dante," she growls waving her one hand in the air pointing at his room.
"This is exactly why I don't tell you things," he informs.
"Oh get off ya high horse, for Christ sake boy, is it serious or just a fling," she says then asks.
"You always gotta know my business, fuck you damn well smother me," he grips.
"I'm only making sure that you and Chelsea are ok Dante," she states matter of factly.
He rolls his eyes shaking his head "that all," he grumbles.
"Fuck dose she even know about Chelsea, have you told her, probably not since you didn't even tell her you have a twin sister," she snips.
"Who's Chelsea," a voice comes from the door and Dante closes his eyes turning to the railing, griping it.
"That's not my place, I'm sure he'll have the balls to tell you now," Samantha growls, walking back inside her room sliding the door closed.
Dante drops his head and leans back from the railing like he's stretching "fuck sake, god damn sisters," he grumbles.
"Dante," Amber says stepping out of the doorway.
He takes a deep breath and turns around standing up straight, breathing out,, "hooo, my Daughter."
Amber frowns and sits in the chair, "you have a daughter, h-how old is she," she asks.
His hands move up threw his hair "seventeen" he replies.
"S-seventeen" She stutters raising her eyebrows her eyes widening.
She blinks and he drops his hands, "look I'm sorry ok, I just, I was gonna tell you but not this way," he says softly.
"When Dante, when I found the need to be jealous again, hm, damn it," she says and holds her head in her hands.
"No, I, Amber, we've only been together for a short time," he try's to offer an explanation.
"You know I have kids, you've met them," she complains.
"I know," he says flopping in the chair across from her sliding his pants to lean back and sit with one foot propped on the side of the other.
"I don't, I don't understand," she says.
"What," he asks.
"This, us, what is this, what am I to you, am I just a good piece of tail once in a while, or what," she asks anger bubbling inside her.
He frowns propping his jaw on one finger, he moves it as if to say what do you want me to say. "I don't know Amber you tell me, what do you want this to be, it don't have a title and till my sister meddled it had no need for it," he seethes threw gritted teeth.
She looks him over, "I honestly don't know, it's not necessarily that it needs a title but for god sake quite hiding shit from me, stop hiding from me, quit thinking you need to, I'm not your enemy," she simpers.
"Fine, ya wanna know," he throws his hands up then slaps them down on the arms of the chair.
"Quite frankly Dante, you know a lot more about me then I do you, and it's frustrating sometimes, makes me wonder weather or not you actually want to be with me or not," she admits.
His eyebrows raise and he sits forward clapping his hands together. His eyes wander over her as she sits expecting the worst like she's his second life, that he's still actually married. "Where's her mother in all this," she asks.
Dante shakes his head bowing it, "Dante, don't do this, don't hide from me, my ex did that, he hid from me, he mentally abused me and I took it because I was so in love, please don't put me threw that again," she begs.
"So if you, have any type of feelings for me at all, please let me in," she breaths out her eyes watering.
His eyes widen, and he frowns then closes them, sucking in a deep breath. Just when she thinks she couldn't possibly hear anything that could surprise her, he lets it go and nothing could prepare her for it. All her years of being a councillor couldn't even prepare her for what was to come out of his mouth next.
"Amanda and I met when we were kids we grew up together and fell in love we had Chelsea when we were 20 years old a year after Chelsea was born Kip came back from Sicily he worked his way in and established a relationship with Amanda and then one night when she refused to take the relationship to different heights he kidnapped her I searched and searched but I was too late he had killed her and that is why I don't let people in." He starts.
Amber sits back in the chair watching him as he painfully opens the box of his past.
"Kip did six years in a reman centre he claimed insanity he was out in four years on good behaviour." He tells more then takes a smoke out and lights it.
"I don't let people in to my life so they don't get killed, I have never felt feelings for anyone besides Amanda, and then you blew into my world and turned it upside down, the struggles I've had with Chelsea, have been beyond anything anyone ever knows a father only wants to do what's right for his children and I raised her the only way I knew." He takes another drag letting it out and speaks again.
"She was raped at the age of 14 because she was in my world I killed that son of a bitch. My world has been crashing ever since as soon as she turned 16 I left her with the nanny and I moved out here it's been two years since I lived at home she resents me I know she does but the more she grew up the more she reminded me of Amanda" he takes another couple drags and continues.
"I just couldn't stomach that. For the longest time I blamed myself for the world she was in the reasons she was raped I didn't keep close enough eye on her and for that I didn't know how to forgive myself, and I know she blames me too. Amanda would be disgusted with me The way I've raised our daughter, the way I kept her in the world I was living."
"She would be proud of her though the strong woman she's became she goes to college next year and I can't help but wonder if the way that we lived is to blame or if it's Chelsea's way of showing me that the life that she has lived has made her stronger. She wants to become a lawyer, she can definitely talk the talk and that makes me proud of her. But something inside me can't help but wonder if she's becoming a lawyer so she can put her old man in jail."
"My life has never been easy Amber, these past few months with you have been nothing but that. You make it seem so easy, you're an amazing mother, you're always on task except for when you're with me. But even then you make it look so easy, you make me feel things that I've never known not even with Amanda. You've never been scared of me, you have taken every spanking every bit of information I have given you and you turn it into the sun."
"Sometimes it feels so bright with you that it blinds me. Then I go back to my life and it seems so cold and dark. I have never met a woman like you in my life you make me realize that I'm still a man that I still have feelings. You make my dick sit up and take notice Amber, and I haven't felt that in years. You literally make me feel so much at home, you make every bone in my body want you." He moves sitting on the coffee table in front of her taking her hands after tossing his smoke.
" You may not think that you're beautiful, but you have no idea. You hold so much with me, you make me want to be in love again. You make me want something that I never realized I still wanted. You also make me want to defend you against the world, you make me want to kill your ex-husband. You make me want to have a family, to make an honest effort in loving someone again, and that is something I thought died a long time ago."
"That is why I seemed so over protective last night, with Kip with everyone. I wanted you there at my side because you deserve the beautiful things in life. But at the same time I want to hide you, I want to keep you safe from my world. I will never forgive Kip for what he did, and it's that very reason that I did what I did. I established precedents, I established the fact that you're mine and we're not available anyone else. Bambina you had so many men looking at you last night, and that's why I did what I did. I broke kips nose to show everyone that I'm not fucking around." He cups her cheek, running his thumb back and forth across it.
"I don't swing like that often, but when I do everyone takes notice. They know that whatever I'm fighting for is something that I want, is something that is mine and only mine. Call me selfish, call me a madman, call me an asshole for all I care. This is how my world works, and I let it be known last night that if anyone dares to try and touch you. All guns will be fired, and there will be dead bodies at my feet," he growls.
Amber blinks, her lips parted, then stares at him, she doesn't know what to say. "Bambina, say somethin, you wanted in,"he swallows hard, "I let you in, now tell me, what's running threw that beautiful head a yours," he finishes.
She has no words to describe the pain she feels for him, and the absolute love she feels in her heart. He made an honest effort Amber, reward him damn it! She blinks, her hands move shaking as they travel over his. Softly she runs them over his forearms, feeling the soft hairs and skin. Slowly she slides them down and up his inner thighs. His eyebrow raises, just as he goes to say something she moves kissing him hard. His hands move out to the sides in shock as her hands massage his cock. Sucking on his lip, allowing herself to indulge in diving into his tongue hungrily tasting him as she moves her legs to straddle him. Her hands undoing his belt, button and zipper. Her one hand moves in the other sliding up his chest and over his shoulders as she strokes his hardening cock. "Uh ffffuck Bambina," he growls as her lips travel down his neck nipping and kissing. Teasing every thing inside him, not caring who's watching, or who's not. "Baby girl should we go inside," he asks.
She moves back biting her lip, smirking then lifts up and slides his cock into her entrance, his eyes slip closed. "Mmmm, ok, right here," he groans.
Her arms wrap around his neck and she proceeds to ride him with everything she's got. A smack sounds threw the air as his hand comes down on her butt cheek threw her robe. "OH GOD," she screams as she takes it in, feeling an orgasm close. Her head falling back, his moving into the opening in the front of her robe to kiss her chest. "Oooh FFFUCK Bambina," his voice strained and she can tell he's close too.
Like a lion pouncing his prey he moves her to the chair setting her legs up on the arms of the chair. His lips capturing hers as he pounds into her driving her over the edge. She tightens around him and he lifts his head looking in her eyes watching her fall into orgasm. His head lifts back more and he lets outa growl from deep inside. He slams one more time into her falling deeply off the edge. Nuzzling her neck before he kisses her again, this woman is his dream, sexy, beautiful, heated. Fuck careful Dante your falling in love with her. There's a knock on the door and he lifts his head to look over at it. Her eyes slip open slowly looking at him. He raises his eyebrow and smirks pulling out of her he wipes the end of his cock on her leg making her giggle and swat at him. He chuckles and tucks it away doing his pants back up as he strides for the door. Swings the door open to find breakfast on a cart with a room attendant. He steps back as he wheels it in, Amber making a break for the bathroom. Dante takes his wallet out and freezes momentarily looking at the condoms in his side pocket. He swallows and takes a ten out passing it to the attendant. "Thanks," he gives him a small smirk as the boy leaves.
He opens his wallet again as the door closes, counting the condoms again. "Who was that," Amber asks as she comes back out.
"Food, uh, Bambina," he says.
"Ya" she says stopping by the table.
"You on birth control," he asks.
She frowns as he folds his wallet shut and puts it back in his pocket. "No why," she replies and asks.
"Um, we, uh, I, haven't, uh, I haven't been waring a condom," he stutters.
"What," she says her face draining of any colour.
She grips the back of the chair her breath deepening "like, at all," she asks.
"I put 10 in my wallet, before I picked you up yesterday," he states, raising his eyebrow, "there all still there," he runs a hand threw his hair and licks his lips closing his eyes.
"Shit, um, ok, well, I mean, I could always go get a morning after pill just to be safe, or um," she simmers out.
"Bambina," he says.
"Or I mean, I guess, there's abortion, or, Ho my god Dante," she panics.
He shakes his head walking towards her, "sweetheart, calm down, ok, if you are you are, it won't kill anything," he says cupping her cheeks.
"Won't kill anything, Dante, wh, a baby, now, this stage in my life, and we've only known each other for a few months, I, Huu," she huffs.
"Bambina," he says smirking at her.
"What," she snips in a panicked tone.
His lips part, and close again, for what feels like forever they stare into each others eyes, sapphire to steel. His hands run down to capture hers, and he moves her to slide his hands over her hips squeezing gently. He swallows "Bambina, I know that a baby right now is, a bit insane, but at the same time, would it really, I know we're not married or anything but people have babies all the time with out being married," he states.
"Dante, we don't even, have a status for our relationship, neither of us have even said we love the other, this is ridiculous," she starts panicking again, and then his finger lands on her lips.
"I know, I know this, between us, hasn't at all been traditional or ethical for that matter, and I've been, stupid to think that I could close you out, an not feel anything, facts are Bambina, I do love you, it just, it seems to come so natural with you," he informs her.
It's as if someone had kicked her in the chest as she sucks in a deep breath her eyes wide, "you, you do" she asks not believing what's coming out of his mouth.
"Ya, I do, you make me feel so safe and cared for," he nods slowly his lips twitching, "I love you Amber."
Her eyes start to water, she grips his shirt and pulls him to kiss him, tender at first then more heated, moving her arms around his neck. Tears falling down her cheeks, she moves her head to his chest sliding her arms around his waist. "I love you too Dante," she whispers a reply.
He kisses the top of her head and holds her, his heart feeling so full he can't even describe how he feels. Knowing she loves him is a whole different ball game, and if she turns out pregnant he's gonna have to step up the status of there relationship. He squeezes her tight, then moves the chair back for her to sit, "let's eat baby girl," he says.
She nods and sits her mind in a furry of thoughts, she knows Dante is a good guy, but what happens if she is pregnant. She's going to gain weight, and it hasn't always been easy for her to get it off afterwards. What happens if he thinks she's complacent too, what if's what if's, she hates them. They sit in silence while eating, and then he says time for taking her home, he has some errands to run. She assumes that it's really drop offs but he doesn't want her to worry about it. It's hard to judge a man that you've only been with for a few months, but it did feel good to tell him she is in love with him.

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