Treading on deep waters

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There they stand for what feels like forever just searching each others souls until she blinks. Amber nods as she steps out and he follows, walking her to her car. Her stomach in knots weighing the odds. She's not felt a man against her in a few years, her ex loosing all interest. Dante told her she looks good, Hu fuck, her mind is racing now. She fumbles with the keys trying to unlock the door and finally gets it. He opens the door for her and she looks at him with wide eyes. He steps back looking at her, "what," he asks.
"Bambina are you goin or not," he asks.
Her hip hits the door closing it and her heart races like her mind as she engulfs his neck in her arms standing on tip toe to reach. Her lips crash against his and his hands move to her hips as he lowers her to flat foot. Her hands run under his jacket over his pecks. Oh god he's so hard, so strong. His hands move to her butt as he walks her backwards pushing her against the car. There lips welded together in the most passion filled kiss she's ever had.
Her mind reeling body quivering, acing for his touch. His hands slide up from her hips, over her breasts making them pucker against the fabric of her bra. Then they glide up to her cheeks cupping them as he slides his tongue over her lips. She parts them allowing him access and he groans as he searches her mouth.
His ridged body pressing against her, her vocal cords betraying her as she lets out a whimper. Hands trailing back down over her breasts he massages them in his palms.
Her hands move flat against his chest, and she pushes him back. He stumbles slightly letting his hands slide off her breasts. Frowning as his eyes flutter open and hers do too. Amber lets out a moaning breath.
Her eyes trail down over his front finding him ridged and very aroused. She licks her lips and opens her car door, the look on his face one of pure disappointment. "Nite steel, now who's the object of stimulation," she says raising her eyebrow then gets in and starts her car.
He looks at her threw her window with a look of are you serious, then runs his hands up threw his hair. He crouches as she backs up and then drives away. Her heart still pounding as she turns up the radio. Here with you, by Eliza Elliot plays as she drives back to her house and parks. She closes her eyes and leans her head on the head rest. Finally getting her heart and breathing under control when her phone bings.

•••You better be glad I'm a nice guy.•••

Her lips twitch into a smirk.

•••Oh, why.•••

•••Cause I could have shot the tires on your car.•••

She smirks more, should have, then I wouldn't have had to make my own decision, she thinks.

•••You could have, but you didn't, good night Steel, sweet dreams.•••

•••I won't sleep much.•••

She grins like an idiot.

•••Oh, and why not.•••

•••Well let's see captain observant, I seem to have acquired a very painful hard on.•••

Her grin turns into a giggle.

•••Oh dear, well, don't poke anyone's eye out.•••

•••😆 your fuckin hilarious bambina.•••

She giggles more thinking of what to say next.

•••Hilarious, good looking, and a stimulation, all in a days work steel.•••

•••I'm struggling with my zipper, wanna come back now.•••

She laughs and bites her nail.

•••Sorry, have a date with my toys and this guy in my mind, he seems to take up much of my time lately, oh and, the door is locked.•••

With that she gets out of the car and locks it then walks to the house door. Unlocking it she steps in closing it and locks it then leans against it briefly. She smiles as she walks threw the house and locks the back door, then unlocks it and steps out. Grabbing her journal and his card and her wine glass. Locking the patio doors and walks to the sink. She dumps it watching the mosquitos going down the drain. She looks up from the sink remembering his lips on hers. She touches her lips and walks for the stairs climbing them. Feeling that burn deep inside her. She walks in her room, shutting the doors she locks them then sets her journal on her table and walks for her dresser.
In the top drawer she takes out a vibrator, and walks to her bed. She sets it down and undressed, flashes of his hands on her body roll threw her mind. She climbs in and takes the vibrator turning it on sliding it down her front. She closes her eyes when it reaches her sex, and sucks in a deep breath. Blowing it out in a huff of ecstasy, her legs shaking as she remembers the feel of his hardness against her. Her back arches and her legs lift shaking extremely as she pushes her head back into the pillow. "HUU UHHHH," she lets out a growl of pleasure into the back of her other hand as she orgasms.
Pulling the vibrator out she slides up and sits, then a devilish grin forms on her face. She takes her phone out and takes a picture of it, still freshly wet. Opening her texts she uploads it to Dante's texts, and looks over the bed. "Hoooo, what the hell," she growls and hits send.
She shuts her phone screen off and leans over plugging it in. Then lays back down shutting the lamp off. Pulling the blankets up around her armpits. She lays there starting at the ceiling, waiting, nothing comes. She wonders if it actually sent, frowning she rolls over and grabs her phone opening it. Bubbles appear and she holds her breath.
A picture of white slime shows up, then bubbles again.

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