Chapter 1

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-Authors note-
Hey guys so that picture is a picture of Jayden, then the cheer routine is the routine they do. Okay enjoy!!


Chapter 1


"Ugh! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I said slapping my phone which fell on the floor.

"Sis, wake up or I'm leaving." My brother Josh said.

"Fine." I said throwing the blankets off.

'School' I thought 'who the hell invented it anyways?'

I did my usual routine. You know; take a shower, make up and lastly curl my hair.

I got dressed in an off-the-shoulder t-shirt with a British flag on it. A red leather pencil skirt with black holed pantie-hoes, and some black leather ankle boots.

If you haven't guessed; My family is spoiled rich because my dad owns one of the top 5 hotels in the world.

"Sis! I'm leaving!" Josh yelled from down stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my backpack and ran down stairs. "Bye Dad! Love you!" I said grabbing an apple and kissing him on the cheek.

"Bye Sweetie! Have a great day" He said.

I hopped in my brothers 2015 red Corvette.

"When do you get your car back?" Josh asked.

"Tomorrow" I said simply.

Let's just say that a month ago I went to a party and some dumbass decided to leave, failed, and hit the back of my car. My poor car. It was a freaking 2015 Mustang.

We pulled up to the school and I got out. Since my father is very wealthy, my brother and I are, as you can imagine, very popular.

"Hey babe" I heard a familiar voice.

"What do you want? And I'm not your babe anymore" I said. This person used to be my boyfriend till he cheated on me with Nicole Cooper. Ugh I hate her so much.

"Summer I told you it was a mistake." he whined.

"Leave my sister alone, Keaton." Josh said and pushed him away from me.

"What the hell man?" Keaton said.

"I told you to leave my sister alone and to back off, do you want to end up in the hospital?" Josh said walking up to him.

"No" Keaton said.

"Then don't touch or even talk to her." Josh said. "Come on" Josh told me and we walked to the entrance of Colten Division State High. My high school.

Oh and as you can tell there's two sides of my brother. One, he can be overprotective when it comes to somebody he doesn't like and if it involves me. Two, he can be sweet and he jokes around a lot.

"I'll see ya after practice." Josh said and I nodded.

I'm the cheer captain and next Friday we have a football game. My brother is on the football team and no, if you were wondering he is not the captain. Jayden Smith is. Ugh, I hate him so much too. Speaking of him let's tell you a little about him so you know him.

Jayden Smith.
Bad Boy of our school, goes to every party, has got arrested two times, gets in trouble a lot and goes to detention like ever day but doesn't get kicked off the football team.

Player of the school, I think he's screwed almost every single girl in our school except me.

He's my neighbor too.

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