Chapter 8

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(Authors note)

There's a picture of Summer outfit and then the song is just there for fun cause when I write this I like to listen to music. That and I really like this song. Enjoy reading this chapter!!!

Chapter 8

It was Tuesday morning and we didn't have school cause it was a teachers work day. Josh wasn't home, he went out of town for this race so I was home alone.

I was heading over to Jayden's just cause I was bored.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

I knocked on the door and Carrie answered.

"Hello dear" she said giving me a warm smile.

"Hey Carrie, is Jayden here?" I asked and smiled back at her.

"He is asleep on the couch right now" She said.

"Can I wake him up?" I said.

"Oh sweetie, If you do he will be super mad, trust me." She said laughing.

"Please Carrie?" I said and gave her my puppy dog face.

"Okay fine. But warning when he wakes up. Run" She said and opens the door.

"Okay...Where's Lizzy?" I asked.

"In her room" she said closing the door.

"Okay" I said.

I walked into Lizzy's room and she was playing with her dolls.

"Hey Liz" I said.

She perked up and came running to me.

"Summer!" She said.

"Hey... I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me." I asked having her on my hip.

"Yeah... Jayden's asleep by the way" she said

"I know" I said.

I told her what we were going to do and at first she said I don't know but I told her I would spend a whole day with just  her and I and she agreed.

We walked into the living room and Jayden was sleeping peacefully. Not no more.

"One. Two. Three" I whispered.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" We both screamed right by him in his ear and he bolted up breathing heavily.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled at me.

"Ears" I said hitting him in his arm.

"Summer. You better run." he said he looked pissed.

My eyes went wide and I grabbed Lizzy I put her in her room and told her to stay. When I didn't see Jayden I ran up the stairs but I heard footsteps behind me so I went up faster. I was soon grabbed and over his shoulder.

"No Jayden! Put me down" I said.

"Okay" he said and I hit the mattress or his bed very hard.

"Jayden!" I screamed.

"What?" He said laughing a little.

"I hate you, that's what" I said and got off the bed and started walking towards the balcony but was pulled back and smashed into his chest.

"I'm sorry, baby" he said and I ignored him and looked away.

He took his hand and put it on my cheek and made me look at him. His brown eyes. He looked at me then next thing I know he's kissing me, but I didn't kiss back

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