Chapter 26

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Authors note

Sorry I've had writers block and couldn't think of anything. So it took me a while.

But this is it.

The last chapter.

Read till the end of chapter! Like the very end because that will tell you when I post the next book to this series.

Anyway bye guys!!!


Chapter 26

Well...School was over. Its been a week.

Today was the day Jayden was leaving. This whole week I let him spend time with his buddies. At the end of the day though we would always go to one another's houses and fall asleep in each others arms. But as of today Jayden is leaving in six in a half hours.

He packed what he needed and the rest is staying at his house for when he comes back home over the weekends or breaks. I've cried for almost hours now. Last night I let him spend the night with Aaron so he had one more night with the Gang. I cried last night and its 10 am in the morning and I'm crying now.

There was a knock at my door and I quickly cleared my face. I ran to the bathroom and looked at my face and it was pale and I had bags under my eyes.

"Coming!" I croaked.

I open the door and saw Jayden there leaning on the bedroom frame. When I saw him I fell to the ground in tears.

"Summer! Hey its okay! What's wrong?" He said holding me in his arms on the floor as I cried into his chest.

"This is going to sound really lame" I sobbed "but your leaving today and I don't want you too!" I cried harder.

"Hey princess its okay." He quieted me down, or at least tried to, as I cried. "How about we go do something, anything, that you want to do since I was with the guys this week. Does that sound good?" He asked and pulled back to see my face. He smiled and swept away my tears with the pad of his thumbs. "Come on, stop crying. You don't need to be crying, you're to beautiful" he said and I laughed a little.

"You're so cheesy" I smiled.

"There we go. Now come on Princess. Lift your head up, your tiara is falling" he said.

"Shut up" I laughed whipping my tears.

He lifted me up and we both stood.

"What do you want to do today? Anything" he said.

"C-can we go to the movies?" I hiccuped.

"Yes we can" he smiled. "Now go get ready. You look...To be honest you look horrible but since I'm a good boyfriend I'm going to say you look great" He laughed and so did I.

I went into my closet while he sat on my bed. I got out a black v-neck and some black lace matching undergarments. I got some shorts out then got dressed. I got dressed in front of Jayden because he's already seen me...none clothed.

I went into my bathroom and put little make up on and quickly brushed my teeth then curled my hair in tight curls.

Jayden was laying down on his back looking up at his phone. I straddled onto him to where I was straddling his lower region. I pushed his phone down to his stomach and he looked at me.

"Well my sexy girlfriend has arrived. You ready?" He asked smirking at me.

"Yes I am" I said and he sat up but I was still straddling him.

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