Chapter 12

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Theres the song that Summer jogs to and it's a good song you should go check it out; Voodoo doll by 5 second of summer.Enjoy!!

Chapter 12

I woke around 5:15 in the morning not being able to go back to sleep, Jayden was sound asleep right next to me. I smiled just looking at him he still looks hot.

I quietly got out of bed and quietly opened my bedroom and walked out making sure to close it quietly. I walked down stairs and saw the boys on the carpet or on the couch and Damon was asleep on the recliner.

'I should go out for a jog' I thought I quietly walked up to my room and changed into some running shorts and a sports bra and a red t-shirt with arm slits showing my torso and sports bra. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on my sneakers. I brushed my teeth and got a bottle and put my head phones in my ears and went outside. The sun was up and you could see the beautiful colors from the sunrise. I turned on my music and it went on my favorite song called Voodoo doll by 5 seconds of summer. I started jogging and was humming to the song.

When I was almost done with my jog and six or five houses down from my house, I felt like I was being followed. I looked over my shoulder and there was a black car following a couple of feet behind me. I got worried and started running and my legs were in pain. I quickly ran into the house slammed the door. Oops.

"Summer?!" I heard Josh.

I was breathing heavily not being able to calm down. I was scared. There was a black car, a BLACK car, following me.

"Hey sis, slow down the breathing. In. Out. In. Out." he said and I slowed down my breathing. "What's wrong?" He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I was jogging back here and I saw-saw a b-black car following me" I said looking at him.

"Come on, let's go tell the boys" He said and we went into the living and everyone's eyes snapped to me.

"You're back, you scared the shit out of us" Jayden said worried all over his face.

"I'm fine" I said as he hugged me.

"Tell'em what you saw" Josh said.

"What did you see?" Jayden said.

"When I was coming back from my jog like six or five houses down. I felt something watching me or following me and when I turned around I saw a black car behind me a couple of feet slowly following" I said.

"Could you see inside the car?" Jayden asked.

"How the hell am I going to see inside a black car that has tinted windows and I'm running for dear life?" I said sarcastically.

"Okay sorry" he said rolling his eyes.

"Come on sis go get ready for school and we'll head to school" Josh said patting me on the back I nodded and went up stairs.

I quickly took a shower, changed into some white shorts and put a red t-shirt on and then grabbed an under armor jacket. Cause honestly it gets freezing cold in those class rooms. I pulled my hair into a lose pony tail and then jogged down stairs to the guys having a heated conversation but it stopped right when I came into sight.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked slowly.

"Nothing" Jayden and Josh said and the same time.

I rolled my eyes and decide to let it go. A few seconds later Abby came down the stairs and we went into the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said.

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